software that will recreate a identical products

OK, it seems eBay keeps track of your engagements (just like amazon), old item not selling will be ignored and at the bottom of the list.

Need a software that will recreate an all-new listing (item) to get a clean slate, (a bit like sell similar) but image and text included.


p.s. I also speak about this before: software that will keep inventory forever, so if there a software that do both...that would make me happy.

best regards Pat

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Re: software that will recreate a identical products

On eBay, the concept of old listings occurs if listings are over 16 months old .


Every year, about every 12 months,  I will go through a daily routine of ending  all listings that will turnover to the next 30 day cycle.  I do this in the morning, and relist all ended listings ... eBay calls them unsold 6:00 PM on the same day.


I started on June 1, 2018....  end and relist ..... about 140 listings each day.


Today is day 28  with 2 more days to do after today..   Finished on June 30.


This has been done every year.... On July 1, 2018 I will have about 4200 "new listings" on eBay.


Many new listings ... those never listed on eBay....will be added as well


Sales were kind of       l e t h a r g i c        ... hot and cold...after January 1, 2018


Sales have been tolerably good ....  for a summer month ..... starting at about June 15


July is going to be an interesting month... perhaps! ....  We shall see......  


New listings appear to get promoted on eBay



Old listings....  It was a few years ago...... On eBay UK  there was talk of a seller being charged a monthly  a fee for listings that were over 15 months old.....


Not too sure if this was actually done



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Re: software that will recreate a identical products

i see
So...end and relisting seems do the same effect as making a new one? no need to create a new listing to get promoted at top?
Message 3 of 5
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Re: software that will recreate a identical products

Sell similar should help visibility although I usually make a few changes on the listing in hopes that it is viewed more as a 'new' listing.  I am assuming that though...I don't think any of know exactly how search works.


Ebay may not suggest to sellers that specific listings be revamped  until they have been listed for a year+ without any sales but I'm fairly sure that visibility decreases long before that for gtc listings unless they have recent sales.

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Re: software that will recreate a identical products

When I was working I used Good Til Cancelled (GTC) for relisting to reduce the time I spent massaging my listings.

With the number of small changes eBay has been making lately (30 day domestic returns, mobile friendly listings, as well as changes to postal rates which affect Flat Rate shipping costs) I switched to 30 Day listings.

I wait two weeks to a month to upload again. Usually I use Sell Similar rather than ReList.

It's too early to be sure, but I think sales are a little stronger as a result.


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