sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.

I just sold 4 items tonight. All were 10 day auctions. Whenever I have sold an item in the past 15 years, it always went straight to my SOLD list. This is the first time I have seen this happen, all 4 are now ended and in my UNSOLD list and appear with a Bid (1) - all had one bid.

The problem: The buyers cannot pay as it does not show up for them to do so, and I cannot send an invoice. No emails were generated.

Any suggestions?

Message 1 of 16
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Accepted Solutions

Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.



If you are still having issues with your reported problem, here a "possible alternative" solution from dot com. See post 8.


Seems what helps is: 


1. go to the list of Ended items

2. Click on those miscategorized items

3. Click on Bids links to go to bids history

4. Refresh that page.


In the Action column the link "Send Invoice" will get added and now the item will be correctly listed in Awaiting payment list.



View solution in original post

Message 7 of 16
latest reply

Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.

@furtova  @ecgt 




Possibly connected to this? Final count for me was 9 MIA.  4 id numbers I can confirm.



Message 2 of 16
latest reply

Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.

This looks like the same problem that sellers were reporting yesterday on .com around the same time as the missing listings problem I wrote about. These issues may be connected or it may be a coincidence. Either way, there are some major problems happening on eBay right now.

Message 3 of 16
latest reply

Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.

If you can see the buyers IDs, send them your own invoice, adding a polite note saying that there seems to be a glitch with eBay which is not sending out the usual automatic invoices.


Take charge.

Message 4 of 16
latest reply

Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.

Thanks for the tag @lotzofuniquegoodies!


There was a tech issue yesterday that resulted in sold items not showing up in 'sold'. This was corrected this morning and items should be moving to the correct folder throughout the afternoon. 


@furtova - if you're still seeing the items in your unsold section please consider contacting customer support, who can review and take proper action. Thanks! 

Message 5 of 16
latest reply

Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.



There is still an issue from the weekend with sellers having items not roll over properly. I am back to 8 listings missing. 4 I can confirm, will not display. Sample item # 153569304105. CS was able to find but does not show up in any personal search of listings.


Screenshots for what I am seeing currently.

Listings Countdown 2     3 36 PM.JPG


Manage Active Listings.JPG


This was also being reported on dot com.



Message 6 of 16
latest reply

Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.



If you are still having issues with your reported problem, here a "possible alternative" solution from dot com. See post 8.


Seems what helps is: 


1. go to the list of Ended items

2. Click on those miscategorized items

3. Click on Bids links to go to bids history

4. Refresh that page.


In the Action column the link "Send Invoice" will get added and now the item will be correctly listed in Awaiting payment list.



Message 7 of 16
latest reply

Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.

Hi @lotzofuniquegoodies - it looks like the tech issue may have impacted listings with renewal times yesterday as well, not just auctions that ended. The issue is corrected as of this morning and should not be impacting any other listings going forward. 


I see that item 153569304105 is in your 'Ended Listings' section of Seller Hub. I would recommend looking there for any others that went missing yesterday. 

Message 8 of 16
latest reply

Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.




It may be visible in ENDED from an Ebay view(your side), but nowhere to be found when I check from my end. 


Follow up they show up if you know which item is missing(via search) under items Ended but not relisted. (I only can confirm 4). Otherwise they are invisible from a sellers view. Concern would be relisting the ones I know about and this fixing on its own and ending up with duplicates.



Message 9 of 16
latest reply

Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.

tyler@ebay @ecgt 


When you click on those items using search in Ended but not Relisted it shows they HAVE been relisted(Rolled over). Just are not searchable within eBay by Item title or listing number. They are listings that have gone to the darkside. "Ghosts in the Machine."



Message 10 of 16
latest reply

Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.



Yes, this issue appears to be fixing on its own. Gradually!!! The concern is the frustration this caused to sellers, sellers affected with bids and buyers trying to bid on items that magically disappeared and then making sure this never repeats itself.  As one seller stated on dot com it was very similar to the past photo debacle with basically no compensation for the time involved  for something that was not caused by sellers and was entirely at eBay's end.



Message 11 of 16
latest reply

Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.

@femmefan1946 wrote:

If you can see the buyers IDs, send them your own invoice, adding a polite note saying that there seems to be a glitch with eBay which is not sending out the usual automatic invoices.


Take charge.

How do I "send them your own invoice"? There is no drop down menu to select sending an invoice.

Message 12 of 16
latest reply

Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.

Thank you very much! @lotzofuniquegoodies

That procedure you posted works.

Message 13 of 16
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Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.



Happy to help. Glad you were able to figure it out one way or the other.



Message 14 of 16
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Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.




According to attached discussion a seller is no longer able to send either a replacement invoice or amended  invoice when there is only 1 item involve. It's either locked or invisible. Not sure if it's affected differently by 1 item in cart vs buy it now with 1 item. With my last attempt to send an amended invoice the option was not available.

Post 8



Message 15 of 16
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Re: sold items (10 day auction) not appearing as sold, therefore cannot get paid.

There are similar reports on dotCOM

Message 16 of 16
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