what has your experience been with the Global shipping program?

Do you think it's a good thing or bad? and why? what do you feel is right and wrong about the program?

 personally as new to all this. I Haven't made up my mind. But according to some videos I have seen on youtube. Some people like it.

Message 1 of 15
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Re: what has your experience been with the Global shipping program?

You may want to browse through the responses from the Questions about the Global Shipping Program message dated 9-26-2013 complete with 3100 + opinions and make your own judgement call. Myself, if I was given the option I would vote it off the island and nominate it for the weakest link but that's only my opinion. 



Message 2 of 15
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Re: what has your experience been with the Global shipping program?

Are you asking from from a sellers point of view?  You can’t use the gsp as a seller unles you are in the US or UK so  Canadians cannot ship to buyers through it.


if you are asking as a buyer the best way to learn about it is to order something from a seller who uses it.  

Message 3 of 15
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Re: what has your experience been with the Global shipping program?

As a Canadian seller it is nearly irrelevant to me, since I can't use it.


So many Canadian and international buyers dislike it, and its high initial cost, that since it's inception I have noticed that while my sales have been steady (given the explosions and tsunamis of 2016) the number of international buyers has increased to offset a small loss in US buyers, which I blame on Trump on general principles.

Message 4 of 15
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Re: what has your experience been with the Global shipping program?

The Global Shipping Program is a simple program addressing a situation with multiple facets which includes but is not limited to: xenophobic USA/UK sellers; a low de minimus in Canada; high brokering fees by couriers, and incompetent handling (at times) at the GSP hub mingled with self-righteous and indignant Canadian buyers who think that just because they've not been dinged for import fees by mail, they don't have a legal obligation to pay them, and a we've-given-up-trying-to-assuage-their-concerns attitude by ebay.


In short, the Global Shipping Program is neither good nor bad. Certain aspects are very good, and other aspects leave something to be desired. 


When you read the threads on it, be aware of the skew of the vocal minority: the angry mob is loud and proud but they aren't correct in their assertions, statements or theories 99 times from 100. 

Message 5 of 15
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Re: what has your experience been with the Global shipping program?




When you read the threads on it, be aware of the skew of the vocal minority: the angry mob is loud and proud but they aren't correct in their assertions, statements or theories 99 times from 100. 

Welllllllllll it depends on your perspective. if you are buying in the US from Canada - the item price with GSP is a lot more money than the same product from the same seller without GSP.


That's why I will ask the seller to remove the GSP before I purchase - I find that about 50% of them will do it.  There is a substantial difference in the shipping price.


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 6 of 15
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Re: what has your experience been with the Global shipping program?

It depends. 


Buy a 25 kg $50 item in a big box and you will save big time in shipping costs.


But a $50 stamp that should be mailed in a letter and you will not be happy.

Message 7 of 15
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Re: what has your experience been with the Global shipping program?

I'm not sure if it will show what I got, but this is the USPS rate card for a 12x10x2 parcel weighing 2lbs, from California to Ottawa.




Applicable prices (there are a couple of outliers) range from $16 to $62.
And a bulky box like that is likely to attract assessment for duty and Sales Tax. Plus the $9.95 Canada Post service fee.


The prices are not in any way related to the value of the contents.



Message 8 of 15
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Re: what has your experience been with the Global shipping program?

I was talking a 25 kg...not  2 lb. (Just a rough guess on the weight) but I have had huge savings on such items with the gsp.


I also see people trying to use it to sell a $5 stamp.

Message 9 of 15
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Re: what has your experience been with the Global shipping program?

see item 331789929914 for an example of huge shipping savings and the box is so big you would pay customs almost for sure anyway.

Message 10 of 15
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Re: what has your experience been with the Global shipping program?

Community Member


Do you think it's a good thing or bad? and why? what do you feel is right and wrong about the program?

 personally as new to all this. I Haven't made up my mind. But according to some videos I have seen on youtube. Some people like it.

I think those marketing the Global Shipping Program would have done themselves a big favour if they had framed it as a forwarding service, which is what it basically is.  It would have helped both buyers and sellers understand the program better from the get-go and manage their expectations better.

It's not a one-size-fits-all service, but then, no shipping method is.  FedEx Next Day Express may be great if you need something in a hurry, but you pay a price for it.  The GSP is great for some items, but not for most items that Canadians buy on eBay, which are small, modestly-priced ones.  While testimonials on YouTube are great, you really need to do your homework and figure out if it's the best fit for the type of items you buy.  Comparing listings is a good way to start.

If you've posted here as a seller and posing your question from a seller's perspective, however, I'd just have to echo the others who have posted here stating that as a Canadian seller, the program is not available for your use.  If you're just trying to get into the head of a typical American seller, I'd say most sellers would probably be down with the program if they hadn't done their homework and had no idea how much extra it would add to the average international buyer's costs for importing an item.

Message 11 of 15
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Re: what has your experience been with the Global shipping program?


self-righteous and indignant Canadian buyers who think that just because they've not been dinged for import fees by mail, they don't have a legal obligation to pay them

Pretty much the main issue with the GSP and why it draws ire from buyers (and often enough, flippers) from any country with a low de minimus (ie the EU). There is a pervasive attitude that anything ordered online should not be subject to tax, although tax law is slowly but gradually moving towards putting an end to that issue.


I also see it as a neutral thing, it is there to be used if you aren't aware of other alternatives.   

Message 12 of 15
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Re: what has your experience been with the Global shipping program?


I'm not sure if it will show what I got, but this is the USPS rate card for a 12x10x2 parcel weighing 2lbs, from California to Ottawa.




And a bulky box like that is likely to attract assessment for duty and Sales Tax. Plus the $9.95 Canada Post service fee.


The prices are not in any way related to the value of the contents.



 Agree but I find that Customs only seems to charge fees on about every fourth  for fifth box I receive. There does not seem to be any rhyme or reason re: which ones they pick to assess a Customs Fee on and the one I receive should qualify.


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 13 of 15
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Re: what has your experience been with the Global shipping program?

There is a pervasive attitude that anything ordered online should not be subject to tax,


I suspect this comes from the ancient meme "The Internet should be FREE!!".

Some people don't understand the difference between "libre" and "gratuit".


Message 14 of 15
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Re: what has your experience been with the Global shipping program?

That is part of it and the inconsistent treatment of tax collection on incoming parcels is part of it.


Here an example where shipping costs would be much less under gsp




Basically it iscaseby case of it is good, bad or neutral.

Message 15 of 15
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