I refuse to send my articles sold to a department called Shippo....I find it juvenile and far as Canadians go, many will turn to Kijiji...
Shippo equals Kindergarten...
Message 1 of 48
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As mentioned in another thread I Have Not & Will Not use Shippo until or unless this shipping system works as good as either PayPal directly or Canada Post Snap Ship. I will not waste my time with Shippo. Yes, it means higher shipping costs(less discount), but convenience, quick & ease of use are worth it to me.

Message 41 of 48
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now the problem im haveing with them is getting charged for 3 slips when i printed 1 Smiley Sad ... im going to be looking at diffrent ways to ship 


Shippo is charging you for 3 labels instead of 1? Have they done that more than once and have you talked to them about it?

Message 42 of 48
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@ai2.2t wrote:

now the problem im haveing with them is getting charged for 3 slips when i printed 1 😞 ... im going to be looking at diffrent ways to ship 


Do you mean created 3 labels but only used one ?


Sign into goshippo, go to Shipments sections, see what labels have been created, click on the stupidly labelled dropdown menu and ask for refunds of the unused labels.







Message 43 of 48
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I got an email from one of **bleep**PO'S supervisors advising me to watch my language, because i cussed them out calling them gangsters because i have a gun to my head, i never wanted them in my life. twice now i go to the post office and my label is rejected. and the **bleep**po rep's say that it's because the Canada post workers haven't received the proper training in how to handle their (**bleep**po's) labels. The way to do it is to scan your label as a supplier instead of commercial, but for international (including U.S.A.) They MUST call the **bleep**po help desk each time for a walk through. 

So i messaged them back telling them how displeased i am with their service that was shoved down our throats and that to tell their bosses to go **bleep** themselves since they forced themselves into my life. And until they can make this a seamless process like PayPal that they should go back and play in the sandbox and throw catpoop at each other !!!

One of them even had the stupid idea to tell me that if i'm not happy with their service that i could choose another platform to create my shipping labels. BULL**bleep** !!! Ebay Canada sold its soul to the devil (**bleep**po) there are NO OTHER OPTIONS besides going straight to the post office and paying out of pocket for shipping instead of out of your PayPal account. GRRR !!! 😞

Message 44 of 48
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@spare_head wrote:
 there are NO OTHER OPTIONS besides going straight to the post office and paying out of pocket for shipping instead of out of your PayPal account. GRRR !!! 😞

You can still use PayPal.

Message 45 of 48
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Message 46 of 48
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This very accurately sums up my feelings regarding Canada Post.  Pretty much the same for Ebay.  They now have Ebay Hong Kong which I used while living in China.  Try to imagine what that's like when they have basically no English support contacts, and Ebay U.S. can't help, won't help.  Typical Ebay....

Message 47 of 48
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Another ZOMBIE thread.


Message 48 of 48
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