Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

Hey fellow ebayers! I'm having a bit of an issue with a seller. I bought some pregnancy tests on from a seller in Florida. I msg'd her before buying them to confirm that they were in fact for urine and serum (she listed them as combo tests) and not urine only. I let her know that her title said combo but the pic she had up was urine only. She msg'd back in less than 5 mins and said they were for I trusted her and bought them. Fast forward a week and a bit, they arrive slightly beaten up in a bubble envelope, and are urine only. I immediately took pics of the boxes then took a pic of my old empty "combo" box, to show her what a combo box actually looks like. I also took a pic of my msg to her and her reply. I was very polite and asked for a refund and offered to ship it all back, at her expense. I made sure to do this through the ebay claim area (can't think of the name, sorry) so ebay could see our communications etc. She hasn't been helpful at all. She said she doesn't do returns due to the nature of the product but would allow me to return mine. She would refund half now, then the rest when she got the items back and they look like what she sent me. This took her 2 days to reply. I then let her know the cost of return and cheapest method I could use with confirmation etc etc. I told her I wouldn't ship until she agreed to the costs and shipping method, and a quick online quote with tax and cost of shipping box, would be about $56CDN. She took another day and a half to reply and wrote "I did not ship to Canada." She's not making any effort to correct HER error and it's starting to get upsetting. I did nothing wrong here. I'm just trying to calmly resolve this and she's making it very hard to stay polite. I'm not looking to come out ahead, but I also don't think I should be out almost $60 when I was just buying something that I even double checked was what I thought it was. I have a couple more days before ebay steps in to help and I'm honestly not looking forward to it. I don't know what to do. I stopped using ebay because sellers were being so dishonest, I come back to give it another shot and it's gonna cost me $60 with nothing to show for it. I feel like this buyer protection thing isn't protecting me at all. 

I haven't responded to her since she said she didn't ship to Canada. I don't even know what to say to that. She took my payment, put the labels on the pkg, and dropped it off. In my mind, whether it went through 1 carrier or 20, she was the initial shipper whom sent the items to Canada.

*after scouring forums, I should mention that she did ship through GSP, so I assume this is why she says she did not ship to Canada....but, GSP was not the one who listed and sold an incorrect item.

Someone please help. I'm trying to work with her and she just seems like she's trying to burn through my time. If it helps, the grand total of everything (product and shipping) was a little over $120USD. Not exactly pocket change, especially after it's converted to CDN funds.


Thank u for any and all advice. 
Message 1 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

If it were me, I'd use the original envelope as packaging material to illustrate the fact the an envelope is insufficient to mail a boxed item internationally. Your apple sauce box should be fine, considering it was shipped to you in an envelope. Was it at least a padded envelope? Or plain polybag?

Message 21 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

It was padded, but that didn't save it from whatever landed on it Lol! It's a shame that I'm sitting here since Friday afternoon, stressing about sending this back in the safest way possible when she only cared about squeezing it all into an envelope. It's very backwards.

I will make a mental note to hang on to the packaging. I knew I wouldn't be reusing it, but never thought to use it as a (funny) filler. Do u think I should take pics of them in the box before I seal it shut? Just so I can (kinda) prove the tests went in with seals intact. I'm probably being paranoid, but she's been unwilling to help solve an issue that really isn't mine to solve, so I can't say I fully trust her.

You've been a great help btw, thank u for taking the time! =))
Message 22 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

Definitely take photos of it all as insurance before you seal the box. One cannot be too careful.
Message 23 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

So just an update. She replied to me sending the new quote. I asked her to let me know what she wants me to do...she just replied "I will refund the $101.79. Thank you so much"
I guess that's her way of saying she's not paying for shipping. I won't reply further. EBay can read that and deal with her from now on. I tried to come to a solution and she wants nothing to do with it. Unbelievable.
Message 24 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

Does $109.79 cover your purchase price? Or price plus shipping plus import fees? It sounds as if the seller isn't interested in getting her stock back.
Message 25 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

$101.79 is the cost of the tests and whatever shipping she used to get it to GSP. My estimated refund, on whatever page it is I'm using to go back n forth with her, says $123.23. I assumed she covers the GSP cost but someone said it's separate. Idk.
She keeps mentioning the refund when she gets her product back, so she definitely wants it, she just won't agree to pay. I think she's hoping I'll just ship it so she can say she didn't agree to those terms and not have to refund the shipping. EBay says we have to agree so I won't ship til we do or ebay tells me to.
Message 26 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

Wait until eBay tells you what to do. Escalate, then call.
Message 27 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

I assumed she covers the GSP cost but someone said it's separate. Idk.


The seller cannot refund to you what she does not have. When you paid the seller received the amount that you paid for the item and the domestic portion of the shipping. That is what she can refund plus the return shipping if she wants the product back.

The international shipping cost and any taxes/duty/service charges were paid to the gst. The gsp is responsible for refunding their portion.

Message 28 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

Community Member

Howdy @dakota_gurrl - just wanted to weigh in here and state that @momcqueen gave you excellent advice, and to clarify a few things:


In a significantly not as described return, even if it was sent GSP, the seller is responsible to arrange return shipping. Please do not ship the item back until that has been arranged. Some sellers will email labels, some will send you the funds for return shipping via PayPal, but do not send it back without getting that first.


In this scenario, I agree that escalating the return to us when you are able is the best course of action. That will allow us to explain to the seller that she is responsible to provide means for you to return the item. If she's unable or unwilling to do so we will work out a solution for you.


@pjcdn2005 is correct that a refund from the seller will cover the full purchase price and any shipping the seller charged to ship the item to the GSP center. The GSP portion you paid will be refunded when the seller initiates the refund back to you, and will come in as a separate refund.


Hope that helps, and please feel free to @ me if you have other questions!

Message 29 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

Thank you so much @mjwl2006 @pjcdn2005 and @tyler@ebay (hope I did the @ thing right lol, I'm such a newb). U have all been so helpful with this. This is my first time having to return something. I had an issue a couple yrs ago and needed to return but she ended up not wanting it back after seeing costs etc.

I escalated this morning and unfortunately I think I screwed up. After I had ebay step in, I scrolled down to read all the msgs start to finish. The reason for return is marked as wrong item sent. 😟 I'm not sure how it was logged as that, so I started a (mock) return on a different item purchased so I could see the menu, and on the drop menu, wrong item sent is right below not as described. I hit the wrong one and didn't catch it before starting all this. I'm hoping they're the same thing but I really dont think so. I mean, why would wrong item be there if it's the same as NAD?! I do believe I shot myself in the foot. Ugh! I guess we wait and see now. I will update when I know more.
Thanks again!! 😀
Message 30 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

And of course I messed up the @ thing. Lol!
Message 31 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

'Sent Wrong Item' should do well enough to describe your problem, I wouldn't worry about that. 

Message 32 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

I won! Full refund issued. No mention of what to do with the items though. I'll put them aside in case she appeals or I just didn't get a msg about what to do with them.

So glad this is over... Thank you everyone, you've all answered a lot of questions and helped with a lot of my confusion.
Message 33 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

Congrats! 🙂


I'm curious...did ebay mention if it was a courtesy refund?  There is a possibility that they refunded you rather than requiring the seller to refund you in which case it was a 'courtesy refund'.

Message 34 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

Nope, not that I can see. I got an email from PayPal saying she refunded me, another PayPal email saying I cancelled the pending payment to GSP and one from ebay saying that they let the seller know the item wasn't as described and she issued a full refund and the case was closed. It all took less than 3hrs from when I escalated. I expected to wait the wknd.
Message 35 of 36
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Re: Seller won't pay return shipping on her mistake. Help!

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

Congrats! 🙂


I'm curious...did ebay mention if it was a courtesy refund?  There is a possibility that they refunded you rather than requiring the seller to refund you in which case it was a 'courtesy refund'.

My thought too: that ebay issued the refund with unknown consequences to the seller as ebay works it out with the seller so the the buyer doesn't have to wait while the seller may or may not squabble with ebay about it. 


Regardless, it's good news to the buyer.


For the buyer, it's over and done and she has a refund with which she can spend that money on the item she originally sought. 

Message 36 of 36
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