To all Community members,
There have been a number of inquiries from members on how to get Canada Post’s
FREE eBay Packs. As I have just gone through the process of ordering and receiving them, I wanted to provide you with the steps you need to take to be able to order them.
eBay Packs can only be ordered through Canada Post's Online Business Centre (OBC) Products & Supplies Store. To access the OBC Store, you will 1st need to get a Canada Post Commercial or VentureOne customer number. I suggest the latter, as signing up for the VentureOne program is FREE and easy.
To obtain a Canada Post customer number, go to
Once you have a Canada Post customer number, go to the web site address:, as you will need to complete the OBC User ID and Password Request Form (see middle right-hand side of page). If you are already an OBC registered user, you can simply log-in to the OBC.
Once you have accessed the OBC:
1. Click “Store – Order Products and Supplies”
2. Click Product Catalogue
3. Click Packaging Products, sub-category Envelopes
4. Select "eBay Pak"* (item number 533086682)
5. Click Add Selection to Cart
6. Click Order Now
* Note the eBay Paks are listed at a unit price of $0.20, but they are marked down to $0.00 at checkout. Customers can order a minimum quantity of 25 and maximum quantity of 50 at no charge.
Once ordered, your Packs should arrive shortly. I received my Packs in 2 days.
Remember, these eBay Packs are FREE and are good for shipping soft good products (like clothing), so dign up for VentureOne and start ordering.