Well isn't this nice to see! Sorry I missed the discussion. It's nice to hear from all the Pinks here and in the online safety discussion too. Way to Go everybody!! Very nice to see and hear. :-x
It might be too late but I'd like to know why .com gets more workshops then .ca does? Is there any way to either integrate or at the very least promote the .com ones on .ca? Some stuff is specific to Americans and may not apply to Canadians but much of it is for all eBayers in general. How to create better listings, effective titles, staying safe etc.
Our Workshop board is kinda dead. It'd be very beneficial for Canadians who don't venture into the .com site boards to see what goes on over there. Many of our folks can benefit from that knowledge. How about some links to the .com Workshops going on or even the .com Workshop board?
I think that would be of immense value to sellers.
Vaughan, sorry I missed you at eBay U.
😞 I was looking for you to say hi and thanks but missed you. See you at eBay Live! :^O Vegas Baby Yeah!!