The one thing, if not the only thing that frustrates me about the eBay is the feedback system. Sellers who will wait till the buyer leaves feedbacks to leave feedback themselves. If someone pays me quickly, they have every right to receive feedback from me, since after all, they completed their part of the bargain and fulfilled their obligation. I always leave positive feedbacks first, rather than waiting. Then it's my job to earn their positive feedback. I'm not sure why some sellers wait until they receive a positive first. I know it's to protect their record, but if the buyer pays fast, what's the problem?
The whole feedback system seems strange to me. Buyers can leave negative feedbacks upon winning an auction and not pay and insist they didn't realize the item was in Canada and had higher shipping to the U.S., or they don't like the shipping charge. Worse is if the buyer is at fault, and you leave them a negative, they can easily retaliate. Doesn't seem fair that feedback can be left for a seller when the buyer hasn't followed through and pay. Just wondering what your experiences have been like with feedback and if there are any tips you would suggest to manage feedback to protect yourself, but not at the expense of with-holding feedback from good buyers.