Four days into having a store and this is what I think

I have pondered having a store for a long time, the demise of the US $ on was the turning point.  I came to the boards for advice and got some excellent insight into having a store. Thank you!!!  I then got an email from ebay with an introductory offer to open a store, which I did on the evening of Aug 16.


I think the first thing that I noticed is how much calmer I am.  I am not waiting for those free listings promos any more.  I have more than enough.  I can set my listing on GTC, or renew twice, whatever I want and not have to worry about it.  That in itself pays for having a store.  I am not worrying about it or having to sell similar or relist when there is a special. 


I am able to make store categories where in the next few weeks, I will put the CD's into the correct.  So if you want to see what I have in World Music CD's and want to see what I have you can go right to them.  I can also put things I've had for a while on sale for a time.  


I really would like to see a count on how many visitors to my store if any.  Not that it would make any difference but I would like to see if anyone visits.  


Now how it will affect my sales that I have to give more time, 4 days is not enough time.  I just listed (relisted) a lot from the last listing promo. 


Just the fact, I am more relaxed and free is worth the cost of a store for me.





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Four days into having a store and this is what I think

To see you views just click on your seller ID


You will see Followers / Collections / Reviews / Views / Member Since:


Views is how many have people have viewed your ID./Store. That's as good as it gets.....


Yes, having a store is relaxing, and a lot less work... like I said before list in GTC format and forget about it and move on to the next one......

Message 2 of 8
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Four days into having a store and this is what I think

@musicyouneed wrote:



I really would like to see a count on how many visitors to my store if any.  Not that it would make any difference but I would like to see if anyone visits.  


Just the fact, I am more relaxed and free is worth the cost of a store for me.


I'm glad it's working out for you, I thought you'd like it.  


I assume you've already got (free) Selling Manager in place?  If so, you can subscribe to the free Terapeak analytics (click on "My eBay", then go to the "Applications" tab and click on "Manage Applications" to subscribe).  You'll probably need to sign in a couple of times to get through the acceptance screens.  


Although Terapeak is nowhere near as useful, in my opinion, as was Omniture (which eBay removed some time ago), it can give you some extra insight into how your store is doing in terms of visitors, sales levels, etc.  Some of what is offered on Terapeak is already available on "My eBay" in your Seller Summary, so you can compare both.  


BTW, did you know that you can stipulate which of your store categories you want to track for sales and revenue?  I find that a useful tool.  I have mine set up to track 5 or 6 categories and I find it helps to see what moves best and where I should be listing next. 


Don't forget to take some time to browse through the promotional and marketing features.  These will be different depending on whether you have the "new store" format or the old one.  I find there are actually better options in the old format, but these will likely be phased out if and when eBay makes us all switch to the new style.  


Personally I think that the best things about having a store are the branding opportunities and the ease (for buyers) of navigating through your listings (as you've already discovered with the categories).  Don't forget about sub-categories too -- these can really help buyers pinpoint what they're looking for, and encourage browsing.  Also be sure that you have the "Store Search" box activated.  


Best of luck!  I think you'll find having a store is much better in many ways than what you were doing previously. 



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Four days into having a store and this is what I think

Thanks, I just signed up for Terapeak analytics and it is just loading the data in from ebay. 


How do you get people to look in your store for more items?  I have seen some sellers have their templates show the store categories on the side of each listing.  Others right up on top of their listing, referring them to the store.  There are millions of sellers and you just want to get more buyers to look at your listings.  Once they find me they have come back a few times to buy, it is just finding me.  I am sure that is the question for most sellers.   


I prefer the new store format, so I will have to check into the marketing aspect.  At this moment, I am just trying to get all my listings relisted from .com that I closed down in June pending the strike.  


If you have any other suggestions or tidbits of info, I appreciate you sharing them with me.  I am a newbie as far as a store is concerned.  


I just can't believe how much calmer I am now that I am not at the mercy of free listing promos.  I can now focus on building my business and more sales.  

Message 4 of 8
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Four days into having a store and this is what I think

@musicyouneed wrote:

I have pondered having a store for a long time, the demise of the US $ on was the turning point.  I came to the boards for advice and got some excellent insight into having a store. Thank you!!!  I then got an email from ebay with an introductory offer to open a store, which I did on the evening of Aug 16.


I think the first thing that I noticed is how much calmer I am.  I am not waiting for those free listings promos any more.  I have more than enough.  I can set my listing on GTC, or renew twice, whatever I want and not have to worry about it.  That in itself pays for having a store.  I am not worrying about it or having to sell similar or relist when there is a special. 


I am able to make store categories where in the next few weeks, I will put the CD's into the correct.  So if you want to see what I have in World Music CD's and want to see what I have you can go right to them.  I can also put things I've had for a while on sale for a time.  


I really would like to see a count on how many visitors to my store if any.  Not that it would make any difference but I would like to see if anyone visits.  


Now how it will affect my sales that I have to give more time, 4 days is not enough time.  I just listed (relisted) a lot from the last listing promo. 


Just the fact, I am more relaxed and free is worth the cost of a store for me.





Pretty much what I have always said. Having a store pays you back in time management. Hours and hours of less work. Way less effort in managing your listings. LIFI, list it forget it, instead of worrying week to week and month to month.
Good for you.
Message 5 of 8
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Four days into having a store and this is what I think

I am able to customize my view of Active listings under Selling Manager Pro.  I have an Anchor Store


From left to right my columns are


(1) Actions

(2) Picture

(3) Title

(4) Item ID

(5) Current Price

(6) Shipping Cost

(I7) Views

(8) Watchers

(9) Start Date

(10) Time left


I am not too sure if Views and Watchers can be added to a customized view for Active listings with all stores...  or even those sellers without a store.


About 135 listings end each day....  The viewer count can be seen for this series of listings  that ends on a specific day....Watchers also.


It is possible to order the listings from highest to lowest for Watchers, but not with Views


For me this is enough

Message 6 of 8
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Four days into having a store and this is what I think

How do you get people to look in your store for more items?


I have this on my listings as part of my Terms of Sale:


<a href=""><img src="" border="0" height="90" width="210"></a></p> <p style="font-family: verdana; font-weight: bold; font-size: 13px; color: rgb(0, 0, 152);" align="justify"> Behind the BlueDoor you'll find hundreds of items never found in regular searches. Click on the logo above to visit my Store </p> </td></tr></tbody></table><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><b><font face="Textile" size="+1"><i> </i></font></b></font></p></center>


There's probably a lot of garbage code in there, but if you think it's useful, it's yours. Obviously, you'd want to put in your own store URL .

Message 7 of 8
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Four days into having a store and this is what I think

Hi rose-dee, how do I get to look at Terapeak analytics after I have it.  Is there a place that has a link?

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