12-15-2013 02:28 PM - edited 12-15-2013 02:30 PM
While I appreciate that there have been loads of threads started about Global Shipping Program purchases and it can get a bit tiresome wading through all of them, I'm not sure that it's doing the community a service by consolidating them into the "Comments About the Global Shipping Program" thread.
Many of these threads are concerns about specific purchases made through the GSP, rather than general observations, comments or rants, It's actually easier for community members to assist the member with such concerns on a smaller thread, rather than in a thread with a lot more traffic that's likely going to see the concerns from that member get lost in the shuffle.
In other words, requests for help from the community are getting shuffled into a larger, more general thread. I don't think this is right. It may well be adding to the frustration being experienced by these users needing assistance.
12-17-2013 09:50 AM
That is, regular posters have to have something to hold their interest here or they'll stop visiting and responding.
With the constant moving of threads and censoring every little thing selectively, the board is fading quickly.
Regular posters have to some reason to visit here, and when the board is beyond boring what is the point?
Good point. A little banter passes the time. A few jokes lighten the mood. But the .com mods are even more hair trigger, if that's any consolation.
What's not bland is banned.
12-17-2013 12:20 PM
@pierrelebel wrote:But, once again: their boards, their rules. This is not and was never meant to be "democracy".
Anyone wanting "freedom of expression" should write a letter to the editor of their local newspaper.
This works with many smaller mom and pop shops (including small agencies), but not an organization as large as ebay. When an organization grows beyond a certain size, they have a responsibility to the national, and often the international community to cede some of the rights they'd have as a smaller organization of being able to tell people to "take their business elsewhere" if they don't like something that's going on.
The problem here is that stuffing all of these threads into the aforementioned threads effectively reduces the numbers of overall GSP complaints and negative feedback. If eBay sellers could partake in what eBay themselves are doing, an eBay seller could take all of their negative feedback under a specific category and effectively have it only as one demerit. eBay is great at looking at feedback scores of sellers, but not of their own programmes. If these forums were a feedback score sheet of a seller, that seller would be suspended.
Regardless of the facts, at the moment eBay should be evaluating the numbers of threads regarding the GSP and determine that Canada isn't a market where the GSP works, full stop. No more "oh but...", no more trying to correct people who are wanting to air their grievances, no more trying to "get to the bottom" of this bottomless hole, no more trying to find answers to things that pragmatically have already been answered.
Most Canadian buyers likely don't even know eBay has forums and themselves don't have a voice here to which end the numbers are likely much higher.
eBay's operation of these forums with merging threads effectively stymy search engine searches where GSP complaints are instead of 100-300 results from these forums, it's 2-3 results thus making the impact dramatically seem less, making it seem to the wider public that the GSP problem isn't that big of a thing when in fact it is.
If eBay was a corner store, I'd give it a hand-wave on these issues as a small organization needs to be able to have a foothold and safety. However, as a large organization, they already have power and authority — it is the individuals ("customers","users") that need that foothold and it is eBay's responsibility not to trample, or otherwise limit that.
12-17-2013 01:40 PM
Can't disagree with any of that really ...........
BUT....... the bottom line is that if the cost ever outweighs the benefit to eBay this board will vanish with the touch of a button.
12-17-2013 02:08 PM
"merging threads effectively stymy search engine searches where GSP complaints are instead of 100-300 results from these forums, it's 2-3 results thus making the impact dramatically seem less, making it seem to the wider public that the GSP problem isn't that big of a thing when in fact it is."
That is quite correct and there is no question in my mind that is the goal: minimize the visual negative impact.
However, it is their site. Whether members like it or not they can do as they see fit with these boards. They have no legal or moral obligation to listen to any of our comments. And I do know from experience they seldom listen to mine.
12-17-2013 06:38 PM
I used to be more active on this board, but moderators became too obnoxious and vigorous. I come here once in every few days to check what's up, but quality of the board is at all time low. They killed it.
I also frequent several other technology boards, but I don't have any e-commerce hangout to follow, if you have one, PM me. But no facebook please.
12-17-2013 07:09 PM
I agree.
I've become bored with this board too.
It's kaput all right.
12-17-2013 11:02 PM
12-18-2013 08:07 AM
We should have a tread started somewhere else off this site where there will be zero censorship, but where?
12-18-2013 08:08 AM
12-18-2013 08:20 AM
"zero censorship, but where?'
Check with prior-of-verity*shake-hands-with-your-devil on the Town Square. He used to run "the deck" site.
12-18-2013 08:44 AM
Have you ever noticed that when someone consistently responds to GSP posts that the person "helping" is branded as someone supporting the GSP?
That's because when you consistently try to "help" these buyers you are in effect supporting the GSP program and helping eBay make it run more smoothly.
If those buyers want help let them call Customer Service!
EBay dropped that bomb on us so they should be the ones directly dealing with the rubble.
Think about what you're doing when you help buyers cope with the program.
When you consistently prompt buyers about how to deal with GSP issues, you are in fact helping eBay run the program more smoothly.
12-18-2013 09:30 AM - edited 12-18-2013 09:33 AM
"When you consistently prompt buyers about how to deal with GSP issues, you are in fact helping eBay run the program more smoothly."
Frankly, I am not sure why this message is posted on this thread (irrelevant to the subject of the thread) or addressed to me (I have been highly critical of the GSP as it currently applies to Canadian buyers).
If you are suggesting experienced and knowledgeable eBay users should not help less experienced eBay users because you do not like a specific program or policy, then you are wrong. Period.
I may not like the DSR program as it exists but that is no reason not to help members needing assistance to make them aware of some aspects of the program unknown to them. Helping is not endorsing.
The same applies to the FVF being charged on shipping charges. It does not matter if I like or do not like the policy. It would be wrong not to assist members asking questions on the policy. Helping is not endorsing.
The same comment would apply to many aspects of buying and selling on eBay. My like or dislike of a specific program or policy should never govern how I want to help members who may not be aware of some aspects of these programs or policies. Helping is not endorsing.
I see way too much time and efforts spent by some members criticizing or questioning the motives of other members instead of trying to focus on the questions, inquiries and problems raised on the boards and addressing those instead of bullying the messengers.
"EBay dropped that bomb on us so they should be the ones directly dealing with the rubble."
In a perfect world eBay would address questions raised on any new program or policy. However, we all know that eBay does not work that way. What are the options? Remain silent when so many posts contain factual errors? Will that really help eBay correct the problems of a new program or policy?
In summary, although I may disagree (publicly and/or privately) with eBay on many programs and policies. I am here to help other members, regardless if I like or dislike a program or policy. I am sorry you do not see it that way.
12-18-2013 09:36 AM
Think about what you're doing when you help buyers cope with the program.
When you consistently prompt buyers about how to deal with GSP issues, you are in fact helping eBay run the program more smoothly.
The 'help' usually amounts to an explanation of what is happening. What do you think the chances are of getting any understandable explanation from ebay CS?
The value of a sensible explanation to that single buyer and possibly a few lurkers far outweighs any subtle sabotage that leaving the posters floundering would do the GSP.
Starting and maintaining a thread directing Canadians to post their gripes on the US ebay Seller Central board (where there is at least a small chance a US seller might see the gripes, and get to thinking) would be a more useful and effective project than merely denigrating those posters who are not rabidly anti GSP but take a more measured approach.
12-18-2013 10:09 AM
Pierre, my comment was not directed at you personally.. You were simply the last poster to the thread.
However, the fact that you think it was directed at you proves my point.
You too have been viewed as supporting the program because of the way you have responded to posters.
That is my point.
If you consistently "help" buyers deal with the program, then you are in effect viewed as supporting it, as you well know.
In addition, my comment was posted in this thread because eBay is hiding the GSP posts by lumping them into one thread (the topic of this thread) and in effect making it more difficult for posters to "help."
Yet they persist.
In other words., some work very hard at responding to all the anger GSP posts and the question is: Who are you really helping?
12-18-2013 10:40 AM
Who are you really helping?
The people who post the questions.
Your argument that this supports the program is too recondite to be credible.
12-18-2013 10:45 AM - edited 12-18-2013 10:45 AM
"Pierre, my comment was not directed at you personally.."
The top of your message reads "in reply to pierrelebel"
The rest of your post is not worth answering. From my perspective those comments once again fall under "Hostile comments and interpersonal disputes" prohibited by the Board Usage Policy:
I honestly do not understand why you keep doing it.
12-18-2013 11:00 AM
Hi everyone,
As pierrelebel has pointed out, the conversation here is straying into interpersonal dispute territory. Please avoid getting into disputes as they are, as noted, prohibited by the Usage Policy of the boards. Thank you for your help 🙂
12-18-2013 11:07 AM
Just trying to break your eye open a little bit.
Trust Me: I was not about you.
12-18-2013 11:10 AM
OOops......... just realized you might think I mean that I really want to break your eye open but it's just a saying.
I'm just showing you another way to look at things.
What you do is your business.
12-18-2013 11:12 AM
If someone posts to the last post in a thread, doesn't it always read "In reply to thepreviouspostersid?"
I thought it did.