I recently had a buyer/seller who I suspected was giving me very low DSR's. When I suspected it the 2nd month I blocked her. She retaliated and gave me 30 neutrals plus low dsr's. She contacted me and apologized and said she gave me all 5's except for my shipping fee which she gave me 4's. She also stated she would contact Ebay and have the neutrals removed. She didn't really do much but added a note stating she left them in error. I'm still trying to figure out how you do that 30 times...lol. Plus I had also mentioned in here I was going to get a store front for my store. I haven't made up my mind yet. But guess who got new storefront's for her stores...and the biggest joke is that they are fairies...lol. I also find it so funny on Sept 10/08 a month and a day after she left her dirty thirty my shipping dsr went from 4.32 to 4.64
Another seller in here believes she had probably been doing it all along. I'll soon see if my dsr's go up more. I have no idea why she did this. We both live in the same city and she has a very succesful store.
I received an email the other day because I still had her blocked and she seemed surprised by this, but said she was sorry that my feelings got so hurt. My feelings aren't hurt anymore and we've all had a good laugh...lol.
It is an unfair system, but it's unfair for all of us and most of us have received unfair feedback. But educated buyers see through this and will still continue to buy. I used to never look at a seller lower than 98% feedback and even then I researched their feed back. I certainly look at the sellers with feed back lower than 98% now to see why it is lower.
When the dsr's came in my shipping time was low, around 4.3 or close to that. I educated my buyers at every opportunity and they came back up within a month and I got my discount the last 2 months. My communication dsr also went higher even though it was fairly high already. Now my scores are 5, 4.92, 4.63, 4.80. It only takes a few seconds of my time. I have my email preferences set up and they automatically go to the buyer at the appropriate times and I add a leaflet with every order. It really helped me. I also provide Canada Post's website so they can check the info. Only thing is you need a University degree to find the info 🙂 I state in my listings and email to the US & International mailing suggested standards and reasons why they might be delayed-Customs/Homeland Security, holidays, no shipping in Canada on weekends.
Unbelievable today I got feedback from a buyer from the UK and she received her parcel in 5 days. Quicker than some get in the US or Canada for that matter.
The other thing you might look at until you can get your dsr's back up is to get a premium store, you pay around $50.00 a mth, but it includes Selling Manager Pro, no listing designer fees and Increased Exposure as well as a few more features. It costs me about $18.00 more a month than what I was paying before.
I hope things go better for you cocinellarosa 🙂