Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

I dont know whats going on, but I recent just purchased a bunch of comic books from a few sellers, and the sellers must be lazy on shipping/handling.

From 3 different sellers, all the books arrived in a envelope, they look like they just threw them in there and dropped them off at the post office.

Well in all 3 cases, all the books arrived damaged, 2 of them said say I never paid for insurence, but on the invoice its states I did pay for insurence, one of the seller was nice enough to take them back and refund me no problems.

I swear the sellers must be getting lazy. It kind of makes me feel good about myself thou, as I take the time to make sure the packaging on my books is perfect and arrives perfect, as who can really trust Canadapost.

Well I think the 3 sellers just lost $400 in sales, because they look like they will end up refunding it all back to me.

Any of you have any stories like mine...and what did you do ?


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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

Hi. I have had this happen to me more times than I can mention. I rarely buy raw(non CGC'd)comics anymore through ebay. For some reason NM/M has turned into VF/NM. I have a theory that a lot of sellers realize they are overgrading their books just to get the sale at a higher price. When they get called on it, they offer to refund money if you ship the book back. On occasion I have been given a partial refund, on others there have been promises to send out a better copy(which never comes). Most of the time, I end up trying to recoup a loss by selling these books in my brick and mortar store. I had to open up a buying ID and have tried to take a harder stance with some sellers.
I have also had many, many books come in damaged because of very poor packaging... These poor sellers then try to blame the post office. You can't send a raw comic in an envelope without having it properly secured with rigid cardboard. Sounds simple enough.
I have had a lot more success at the comicons/conventions buying high grade books and getting what you pay for.
Thanks for the opportunity to vent.
By the way, your ID is vary similar to my ebay store name.
All the best.
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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

Community Member
Andrews right, I very rarely sell ungraded books now. I'm spot on with the grading but theres always that chance of an argument.
I NEVER buy ungraded books, and have sent books back that are clearly grade wrong.

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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

Tell me about it guys, its not hard to ship a book between 2 pieces of cardboard.

It makes me mad when I see comic sellers just get lazy, because I take my time on making sure the shipping is secure and the best it can be for my customers.

I think I may just have to stick to CGC books from Ebay.

Buckingham, its close 🙂 maybe I can get some of your hits on my page lol. Do you just get all your books graded directly from CGC ?


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Message 4 of 27
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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

Do you just get all your books graded directly from CGC ?
Over 95%. I snag the odd CGC'd one from ebay.

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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

Community Member
I send all mine to CGC directly. im not about selling them. This is just a hobby and I don't make any money. Just enough to replace the comic.

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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

All my comics are for sale. I loosely call this business our vacation fund..... First of all, I sell and collect most payments through Paypal. When I need to restock inventory, I look for comicons.... In florida! I am able to write off a good portion of the trip, buy the needed merchandise, enjoy the sunshine and empty my paypal account.
Its been working well so far... About 3 trips a year!
I do still miss my Hulk 181 though:_|.
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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

I just send mines to CGC directly maybe 50 books at a time, most of them are for me and the rest are for me.

I acutally have a Hulk #181 CGC 9.8, how you could part with yours I dont know.

Is it me or did you guys notice there is no more 20% off, are you guys getting a discount or how do you guys go about it.



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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

That happened the past summer. I tried to become a direct submitter or dealer and still get the 20%. I was told to re-apply when I get a Diamond account. Until then, I will only be getting 10%.

I acutally have a Hulk #181 CGC 9.8

You know that this book is worth over $18,000.....WOW
Mine was a CGC 9.2.... I got $1500 for it a couple of years ago.

I just send mines to CGC directly maybe 50 books at a time

I normally send in 30 or 60(2 full orders). I have sent in 50 for pre grade purposes before(25 each of 2 titles).
All the best

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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

Community Member
...i have an r2d2 #90 cgke 5.6 worth 36,000.00
Message 10 of 27
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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

LOL. Kat, you're still hot!!!!

Message 11 of 27
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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

I acutally have a Hulk #181 CGC 9.8

I'm still blown away by this. You have one of only 10 in the world... Although there is one 9.9.

For you non-comic people, this is the first full appearance of the marvel character Wolverine. He is the most popular character in the marvel universe next to Spider-Man.

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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

haha buckingham,

Trust me your not the firstt to have the reaction, a buddy of mine at school one day at the pub I told him...he just had to see it with his own eyes, I had to bring him to my house at 3am, or else he would not leave the bar.

The cenus must have not been updated recently, because I got mine graded about 2 - 3 months ago.

My buddy wants to buy it, I wont part with it. I have the entire collection of Wolverine graded as it is, I have Amazing Spider-Man all graded but missing issues #2 - #22 to complete the series collection. I have one of the rare #300 copies that is graded 9.9 but also have a 9.8 as well for that issue. Too me years of work thou.

I should get the direct submitter account then, I have a Diamond account. Thanks.

(Dream About Comics)

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Message 13 of 27
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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

Community Member
note to self...start picking up those old comics you see at garage sales.


Message 14 of 27
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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

Community Member
you comic boys are so cute with all yer excitment:-p
Message 15 of 27
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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

Haha, thanks Kati

We try, my girlfriend calls me the ultimate nerd :) Thanks.

(Dream About Comics)

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Message 16 of 27
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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

Community Member
sukh-call me katia...don't worry-buck probably takes the cake for comic nerd...right bucky??:^O
Message 17 of 27
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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

Kat(ia), seriously... I am so anti-nerd(I hope)....
I'm a guitar playin, long blond haired, Zeppelin lovin, beer drinkin SOB..... Who also loves money(and scotch)!!!!! And you of course!;-)

What was the flip side to the 1971 Led Zeppelin single "The Imigrant Song". It was "Hey Hey what can I do"..... Crap, I'm a nerd! But a Zeppelin nerd!

Sukh..... Sounds like you are sitting on a goldmine. I hope they are stored somewhere VERY safe...

Message 18 of 27
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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

Community Member
Andrew, we're all nerds....dosen't matter what else you do, your a nerd if you collect comics! I'm a cop, have been for a few years now. Ex British special forces as well!!! Over 10 % of my shift in Hamilton are collectors. We hook up when its quiet, and log on the net on the laptop in the cruisers and look at all the old 12c issues we used to have. Sad eh?
Talking of 181, went around to one of the guys house last night duty and he has five long boxes, nothing of note apart for the 181, but the condition of some of his early X-Men stuff is amazing.
How do we get the Diamond account? I've stopped buying the newer comic...can't afford at the moment. Would love the discount.
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Sellers Getting Lazy During Christmas

I've decided to stay away from the new moderns myself, so I really don't see the need to have a Diamond account.
Oh the books I had as well....and destroyed!:_|

I never considered myself a nerd.... until I got into computers.
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