Hello everyone:
As requested I have started a new thread on this topic.
Before the questions start pouring in I want to make it clear that I am not an utmost authority on this topic. We have been mailing our parcels from the States for over a year now and have had no major problems. We usually make the trip twice a week, sometimes 3 times during a busy season.
I will do my best to field your questions and concerns. If I can't come up with an answer it is very likely that I will be able to direct you to a site (or another seller) that might be able to help you.
First of all DO NOT BE AFRAID. I realize that many of you considering making the shipping trip feel that it will not be worth the hassle, even if the savings are significant. In the entire time that we have been mailing from the USA we have never had any major hassle. Occasionally we get pulled over and have to go into the inspection office but nothing has ever resulted in that. The most you have to loose is a few minutes of time and perhaps a $5 fee (that will be explained later)
Your main source of info on this topic should be usps.com Though, of course this does not deal with getting over the border in the first place
This is just a "first post" to get the topic started. I will respond as the questions come in.