Hi Vaughan!
I agree with Brad; he makes the same point I would. MANY of my customers are American, and I use SMALL PACKET AIR because it gets there MUCH FASTER than EXPEDITED PARCEL.
The IRONY is that with EXPEDITED PARCEL (through Canada Post) I CAN get a tracking number, BUT the service is GROUND SERVICE and often VERY slow, but with SMALL PACKET AIR, I get FAST service, but NO tracking number, so I am in the SAME boat that Brad is, if I have a customer who claims they haven't received the parcel (ie: I have provided FAST service for my customer, but have NO tracking number to satisfy Pay Pal's system, and so I will be out of pocket 😞
Pay Pal will ONLY accept a tracking number, but if I use the OTHER Canada Post service (EXPREDITED PARCEL), then my customers have to WAIT way too long, and this is not the best for their sense of customer service from me, even though I am trying my best for them, but am just at the mercy of Canada Post 😞
Also, Brad, you're doing much better than I am in actually GETTING a Pay Pal debit card! I have tried to get one FOR FOUR MONTHS, and have STILL NOT received one! Any advice? Its driving me nuts, and is making my cash flow system VERY held up (ie: waiting 5 days each time for a money transfer from my Pay Pal account into my Bank Account).
I list in US Dollars (as per your previous comments in this thread, Vaughn), and am a CANADIAN seller, BUT when I do this, I get SERIOUSLY RIPPED OFF by Payl Pal when I take the $ out of my Pay Pal account!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, as they have a REALLY HORRIBLE exchange rate back into Canadian. I need some other options, as I am losing quite a bit of money by doing things this way.
Also, Vaughn, I think that if we (Canadian Powersellers) could get the SAME deal as US Powersellers ie: co-branded boxes for shipping, AND INTEGRATED SHIPPING LABEL PRINTING STRAIGHT FROM OUR PAY PAL ACCOUNTS, this would be SO MUCH more helpful then things are now.
I'd appreciate your input!
Thanks so much, and Happy Holidays! 🙂