Oh my...
The words "Harper" and "principles" in the same sentence. Hades has frozen over...
Why is it that Conservative supporters want to paint Stronach as having been bribed? In fact, by all accounts, including hers, she made the overtures that she wanted out of the Concservative party. She was unhappy with the way the party was going under Harper's leadership. She is not alone in that respect.
Is Martin any less opportunistic than Harper for seizing on the opportunity to steal away the Conservatives "golden girl". Until she left, the party had considered her a historical rival to Madame Currie and Mother Teresa. Now she is a "ditzy blonde" that no one trusted or liked. Yikes, another "dither" by the Conservatives. The business community generally considers her to be a very capable business person. Maybe what our government needs is more business people and fewer carrer politicians. We have complained for years about politicians that follow the party line rather than their constituents or conscience. Now when a politician stands up and says "I can't agree with the direction the party is going or with the leader" we feel the need to crucufy her.
Why is it that the Conservatives need to paint her now as less than capable? They can't stand the idea that someone would actually walk away from them on the eve of an opportunity to bring down the government. Her rebuff has cost Harper and his new best buddies (the Bloc) dearly.
Will Harper now make overtures to Duceppe that their two parties should come together to form a single party? Why not - both parties seem to have Canadian divisiveness at the top of their agendas.
By the way, the Conservatives are the last that should comment on patronage appointments. In Mulroney's immortal words to Turner "You had a choice sir... you could have said 'NO' (sic)...". Then Mulroney turned around and stacked the Senate with patronage appointments to long time Conservative cronies.
The existing Conservative party is a very uneasy mix of small "C" Conservatives and western Reformers with a smattering of the religious right, racists and the intolerant thrown in to keep the brew bubbling. When they get their house in order I would happily consider them as a party that I could support as an alternative.
The Liberals are far from the best choice to govern our country but I prefer the devil I know to the one I don't.
All Martin has asked for is an opportunity to let the Gomery Commission reach it's findings. Martin has promised to call an election within thirty days of the released report. Those sound like the words of a man who feels pretty convinced that the commission will absolve him of wrong and pointthe finger squarely at others.
I'm prepared to allow him that. If the commission points at him or he fails to live up to his promise to call an election then (I've said it before) I'll bring the rope and lead the mob.
I can understand the impatience of the Conservative party and their supporters. When you have spent this many years in the political wilderness without credible leadership it only stands to reason that they will grasp at any straw to try to regain power. But keep in mind that a man drowning is a dangerous thing - he is very likely to pull you down with him.
I have another scenario:
6. Harper gets his way and brings down the Liberals. An election is run. The conservatives are voted in to a minority government. The Gomery inquiry concludes. The world sees the true agenda of Harper and the Bloc and the Liberals and NDP bring down the Minority government. Another 12 months and we are at the polls again.
I would just as soon wait until I have facts before I condemn.