eBay for Business Podcast
Your weekly download of everything you need to know to grow your business.
Hi eBay Members, eBay has decided to restrict the use of outdated Internet Security Protocol, SSL 3.0, because we have determined that it does not meet our standards. As such, some Turbo Lister users could see some connectivity issues. For more infor...
Hi Turbo Lister Users, The option to apply Holiday Returns in Turbo Lister is now available in the Beta version of the program. When deciding whether or not to be a Beta user, please keep in mind that the beta versions aren't free of bugs, nor are th...
Hi Turbo Lister Users, A recent Windows update has caused some programs, including Turbo Lister, to crash. To sign-in to Turbo Lister before the improved Windows update is released, please follow these steps: Open Internet Explorer Open the Tools men...
http://www.alconemarketing.com/ebay_ps_link.asp You'll probably have to get stuff shipped to a US address, though.
Just saw it today at Y**oo! Does anyone list there? How is business over there? Also it makes me wonder how they survive with no revenue coming from the seller. Thanks.
Topic: eBay & Canada Post Workshop Date: Wednesday, September 28, from 1:00 PM -2:00 PM ET Where: Right here on Canada Town Square Description: Please join us on Wednesday, September 28, from 1:00-2:00 PM ET for a workshop with Canada Post. Kim from ...
why does ebay put stop this. It cant be that hard to find out about sellers selling off ebay when there links are on the same page. Oh wonder people are having problems making money. Has anybody see these links
Morning all, Just a quick question. I went to ebay to pay my ebay fees today as I do every month for the last 6 years and when I inputted the same information as I have the last 6 years it says the card was declined. Now I use my paypal mastercard to...
I just got a package returned to me today for what I think is a very stupid reason. I shipped a parcel to the US by expedited parcel back in JULY. I recieved it back today with the following reason. This is a quote "The United States Customs service ...
Topic: eBay & PayPal Workshop on Spoof & Phishing Emails Date: Thursday, September 20, from 1:00 PM -2:00 PM ET Where: Right here on Canada Town Square Description: Join eBay and PayPal Trust & Safety teams for a workshop on how to protect yourself f...
I received a Notice of an Instant Payment for an Auction that doesn't end for another 2 days! The amount was the starting bid amount and there is no shipping and handling included. The Item is still listed. No bids. Same Item number. How is this poss...
Why is always a fight just to collect what they promise a $100 worth insurance. I been fight a case from months ago. They had all the info but need to send another stating they needed more. They asked for the same stuff. So send them and contact the ...
I am truely sorry, i feel ebay has let many people down. You havent seen it yet but if you did alittle reasearch you may find that person selling off site and avoiding ebay fees and other things. I made some states i apologized for them For someone y...
Hi all, not sure how many of you use a border brokerage service BUT I have been informed as of Nov 1, 2004 all my packages to residential addresses in the USA will have to have the customer social security number. I was just wondering if anyone else ...
I just realized that CELEBRATE coupons giving away 10% off your purchase say: "US residents only"? Since when have Canadians become second rate ebayers? What a disgrace]:) Check it out http://pages.ebay.com/celebrate/
I got 40 or more emails like this. About 80% of the canadian customers complain about the shipping price. 10% refuse to complete the transaction because of that. I think, our lovely Canada Post will prepare another nice surprise shortly; any informat...
New PowerSeller here. After reading that this forum was the only real benefit of being a Canadian PS, I figured that I would give it a whirl. I do a lot of shipping to both Canada and the US. The majority of my shipments are envelopes by Xpresspost, ...
any comment? any impact to our business?
According to Goldhawk who spoke to Canada Post this week, he was told that they will not be implementing the changes to Lettermail. They are planning on letting sleeping dogs lie!! Formal announcement to come shortly! Congrats to all those who mailed...
Today my dad was going to the main central post office in the capital city of the western province where we live so I gave him an online EST-labelled Expedited Parcel package to drop off and told him to just give it to them because everything was pre...
Well i got stuck with whack a flower stuff dont know if selling cheap enough any advice. This dam keyboards got go for some reason it types more than i do. I got 1000's of these plastic plants ferns and dusty millers does anybody know anything about ...
Well, I just recently tried to open an RBC Centura account, as that was suggested as a good method of transfering funds from PP to a bank account, and getting a reasonable exchange rate. Unfortunately, Centura denied my account - apparently the accou...
I had a complaint from another powerseller via PayPal for not recieving his items. He paid for standard delivery and with CP that is what you get. Again I stress PAY FOR SHIPPING THAT WILL GET YOU A TRACKING NUMBER! I.E. Xpresspost! I offered it to h...
Today I got a package sent back to me that I shipped via small packets on Sept 3. I shipped it to someone in the US, and used EST, dropped it AT THE POST OFFICE, and instead of sending it to my buyer, they shipped it to ME!! I mean, the package weigh...
Hello. I have just made it to powerseller level. My sales were going great until two new sellers began selling the same product as I sell, but at prices below wholesale cost. There is only one supplier for this item, so I know what they pay. One eBay...
Hi Everyone; This is our first ever post. We are New Power Sellers & to be honest We are really disappointed with the lack of advantages of the PS program. We become PS in May. Only 3 months after joining ebay & the PS page info has yet to change. Th...
Topic: How to Buy & Sell your Vehicle on eBay When: Thursday, September 15 from 4:00-5:00 PM Who: Join eBay Pink Fred to learn all the tips and tricks on how to buy and sell a vehicle on eBay. Fred will demystify the process of importing a vehicle in...
i have two 1st class mail shipments that were lost in the last 2 months. Anyone has similiar experiences. i have faster shipment to Europe than to the US, i'll have to charge more and start shipping them small packet:(
Topic: How to Buy & Sell your Vehicle on eBay When: Thursday, September 15 from 4:00-5:00 PM Who: Join eBay Pink Fred to learn all the tips and tricks on how to buy and sell a vehicle on eBay. Fred will demystify the process of importing a vehicle in...
7 days ago today, a relatively new buyer buys something from my store. Immediately emails me asking for shipping price (in the listing, but OK, the listing was wrong and I saved her a couple $) I email her back, then go send her an invoice. Send a 2n...
There is a new ( to me ) Paypal payment letter scam that started last week. A Payment letter from a non existant customer arrives with a handy link for me to check the details fo the transaction. I never go from a link in an email to my Paypal accoun...
Hi all- I have been looking at a few recommended insurance companies (UPIC and DSI) Now, small packet comes with insurance, and DSI and UPIC do not insure these anyway. As far as I can tell, they insure Expedited and Xprasspost only. How is this bene...