eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

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Topic: eBay & Canada Post Workshop

Date: Wednesday, September 28, from 1:00 PM -2:00 PM ET

Where: Right here on Canada Town Square

Description: Please join us on Wednesday, September 28, from 1:00-2:00 PM ET for a workshop with Canada Post. Kim from Canada Post will be here to answer all of your questions about Canada Post and how you use the various services with your eBay business.

If you are not able to attend, you can leave your questions here one week in advance of the workshop and they will be answered during the workshop, and you can come back in and check the answers.

Hope you can join us!

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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member

1. Is Canada Post going to offer the free eBay poly shipping bags again this holiday season (for Power Sellers)?

2. I order all my supplies online, very convienant and efficient. My only complaint is that I can't order the white US customs forms for small packets online. Can or will this be added at some point?

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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
In a previous workshop you indicated that Canada Post was working on adding the ability to print out lettermail/letterpost postage with EST (like they can do in the U.S.). Do you have a time frame when this will be ready?

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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Kim, why is it that it costs more to send parcels within Canada than it does to send them to the US? I am a new seller and quite honestly, if I was in my buyers' shoes, I wouldn't buy from me because of the high shipping costs. I mostly buy from the US because shipping is much more reasonable. How am I supposed to establish myself as a reasonable seller when I ask people to pay more for shipping than they do for the item itself?? What do you think can be done to reduce shipping costs? Thanks. Stephanie
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Your rates have a serious detrimental effect on shipping from Ca, to the USA.
when are you going to get on board or get obsolete ?

when are you going to get a rate calculator we can insert into our auctions.

I know you know where the problems lie...so why have you not fixed it.
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Three Points:

1. To the person stating that they had to re-due the EST on an item delivered to the FROM and not the TO; I have had this happen over 3 times in the last 6 months. I don't pay twice, I just stick it back in the mail or take it back to the outlet, no problem it then goes to the TO address.

2. I agree with the complaints about the price to ship within Canada being much higher than going to the US. Also I have found that its cheaper to send heavier items then lighter things in certain areas of canada, whats up with that?

3. It would be nice to be able to print lettermail postage using EST?
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi Kim, please take this suggestion back to the office and see what you can do. I am not the only seller who thinks that Canada Post rates within Canada are much higher than shipping to the US. I understand that US Rates from Canada are based on delivery to the border only, then USPS handles the rest.

I have just returned from living in Australia and being an Ebay Seller there too. The Australians have it made!! For small parcels, they have Post Satchels that are flat rates for delivery nationally. i.e. up to 500g and fitting in the given satchel, the rate is $4.75Aus. Up to 3 kg and fitting in a larger satchel, the rate is $8.40Aus whether it's shipped to your neighbour, to the outback or Tazmania. (see http://www.auspost.com.au/BCP/0,1080,CH2096%257EMO19,00.html for more detail...)

Canada Post needs to do more to ensure than Canada is as competitive as the US in the Web/Mail Order department. Anything you can do to help is appreciated!

Thank you!
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Please explain why I can ship a package to England Air mail for $6.95 or the same package to Florida for $5.60. BUT the same package from B.C. to Ontario is $10.90. THAT is insane. I have started too wright to my member of Parliament about this. And now the rates are going up again in January.
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Strange how it costs me $5.60 Cdn to send the same size package to the USA they can send me for $1.35 US (okay, add 15% exchange) - same distance, same postal workers on both sides of the border. Sounds like a typical Government rip-off to me. Let's get some equality here!
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
I am just starting my eBay sales and need to know so much. Am already concerned about Canada Post services, knowledge of staff and cost. Am selling in small town Canada and already worried about cost of shipping. Can you recommend where to learn what really matters and works? TIA.
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Is canada post aware of the MUCH lower costs that our US competinion is enjoing?
For example a small parcel by air,weight just over one kilo from Canada to Australia cost me over $40
From the US to australia the cost is $23 or less than $30 canadian, how are we supposed to compeate.
One more a small package about 10X10X10 centimiters from the US to here (Weightabout 75 grams)$1.85 !!!!, you figure MY cost if I had the same pakage going to the US...
We all du respect Canada Post stinks
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Dear Sir, May I ask you one question. Can I send the tiny item to CA/US/INT by letter mail or letter post today???
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member

I was under the impression that the changes to letter mail had nothing to do with Canada Post, it was a policy by other countries. However... now Canada Post has the power to control other Countries policies? It seems like Canada Post got caught with their pants down in a big lie.

Is it not true that this never had anything to do with other Countries but merely the greed of Canada Post, and when you realized that Canadians would not stand for this and we were all going to take our shipping south of the border that Canada Post then decided not to pursue this ridiculous change that would loose them millions, perhaps billions of dollars?

Instead of looking for ways to gouge Canadian businesses, why does Canada post not focus on added services which we would be happy to pay for such as tracking and reliability?

I personally find it very disturbing that a Government owned service can be caught in such a lie and not be held accountable for it.

I personally believe that if all Canadian businesses stick together, as we have on this issue, that we can influence Government ignorance to not pull this kind of stunt in the future.

We personally will not stand for any future "further notice" if Canada Post tries to pull this again, we will not be giving them a second chance. We are close to the border and will enjoy the better service and lower prices of the US Postal Service and will not be switching back to Canada Post.

Just for the record... we can ship our software from the US First Class Mail (1-3 days delivery) for 37 cents for the first oz + 23 cents for each additional oz + 13 cents for tracking. This comes to only 73 cents US for faster service with tracking! This is a far cry from the shabby service Canada Post offers of 7-10 days for $1.70 with no tracking!
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
I agree with the other postings. Why is there such a difference to ship within Canada...$5.60 small packet USA...$6.95 small packet worldwide....$10.00 (on average) shipping a small packet to Eastern Canada?? Also, why can't Canada Post offer delivery proof service (for a fee) on small packet (USA/Worldwide) items? Thank you.
Message 33 of 146
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi Kim,

It's great that Canada Post is now acting on it's customers concerns. Let's hope it will continue.

My concern is that there is no equivalent service within Canada as there is for the USA and International services such as Small Packet Surface and Airmail.

I ship packages of this size and weight all the time domestically and internationally and the price of Canadian shipments cost close to 2X as much as USA and elsewhere. Will Canada be getting its own Small Packet Service in the future?... hopefully sooner than later.

Other than that, I have no complaints!

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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
I have a few questions, as many ebayers our montly shipping prices are horendous. I too would like to know why it is more expensive to ship within Canada than the US, where is the logic in that?

Also I was wondering why Canada Post Expediated Parcel or Express Post doesn't supply supplies ex. boxes,packing peanuts bubble wrap for Canadians like Priority Post does for Americans. This too would allow us to reduce our prices of shipping, which inturn would create more sales which would provide Canada Post with more business and great way to advertise.

When it comes to making a claim for lost parcel, we always get a big run around. They usually but up a fight saying they will only pay out what you paid for it not the customer. What then is the purpose of insurance?.

I get very frustrated with Canada Post & I am sure I am not the only one who encounters these problems.

I have often said if another company would surface that would keep their prices competitive, I would switch in a heartbeat. I think that we pay far to much for the service that we recieve.

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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hello Kim,

Could you tell me the minimum volume requirements for a contract with Canada Post?

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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
trulybid - Yes, you can send the small items by letterpost. Just make sure they fit the size and weight requirements.

Why do we have SO many of the same questions every single time Kim comes here? She is attacked over and over with the question of why it costs more to send items within Canada. This question has been answered many times and just takes time and space for new questions, or ones not previously answered. I believe the reason is to do with the size of our country and the population spread out far and wide, as opposed to the smaller USA and thei huge population concentrations.
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
I agree with post #33; I was told that it was USPS that changed the rules about letterpost, now Canada Post is making changes? Come on! The USPS aren't going to listen to good old Canada's advise! It has to be a money grab by Canada Post.

As for post#34, I agree, Why can't we get tracking on the small packets to the US (even for a small fee - I'm sure many of my US customers wouldn't mind paying a small fee for tracking!).
Message 38 of 146
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi Everyone.
I had it explained to me by a 30yr postal worker about the pricing system at Canada Post. He said there are International rules and caps on pricing.(To encourage the use of the postal system). But Canada Post can and do what they want about the pricing within Canada. Hope this helps. I realize it is likely more detailed but that is what i understood from him. Should be an interesting Hour coming up! I feel for Kim! So mmany questions! Have a great day!
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eBay & Canada Post Workshop: Wednesday, September 28, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hello Kim.

We are an ebay platinum powerseller who ships 100 to 200 parcels each day. Many of these are small packet to the US and International.

On average, we have 2% of small packets that go missing. Although these packages are insured, Canada Post refuses to pay the claim because we are such a large volume customer. We normally have about 5 to 10 claims a week, based on 500 packages.

What is your view on this?
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