eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Please join us on Thursday, August 25, from 1-2 PM ET for a workshop with Canada Post. Kim from Canada Post will be here to answer all of your questions about Canada Post letterpost service and what the regulations are for using this type of service.

If you are not able to attend, you can leave your questions here in advance of the workshop and they will be answered during the workshop, and you can come back in and check the answers.

Hope you can join us!

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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
I have only one suggestion.. please get Canada Post to put a tracking scan bar on the small packet labels. When we send stuff small packet to the states and overseas we have no way to protect ourselves from Paypal chargebacks if the item is not traceable.. so please add scanable tracking numbers to your small packet international customs tickets so us Canadian sellers have some recourse should we send something out small packet and it gets lost.. heck i would pay an extra dollar to have that feature.. it protects us sellers!!
Message 81 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

TRACKABLE SMALL PACKAGES to US & international. YES YES YES please. I have decided to start taking Paypal when I begin listing again after Labour Day and just hate being forced to accept the risk of chargebacks if I offer small parcel rates. Alternative is making customer pay for expedited - which often 86's the sale.
Message 82 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

I have read that the issue here is that US Homeland security has an issue with the free flow of packets. OK, fine - paranoid as it may sound, I'll buy in to that argument.
However, turning the coin over US sellers ship CD's up here at a great rate (mentioned elsewhere in this thread) and most of them use the good old fashioned green customs declaration sticker, signing a confirmation as to what is inside. Of course Canada Customs randomly inspects these....again....fine.

Now back to Canada - isn't it interesting that our new "white" declaration form is a precurser to this "enforcement" of policy. Why, other than an very obvious cash grab, is Canada Post, jacking the rate at this point? Why not carry on as is, and if there truthfully is an issue with US Customs/Homeland Security - bring back the "green" shortform customs sticker and let packets under 500 grams go with a declaration, and over 500 go under the white form. I totally agree with my counterpart PJ at KMD - the service level of a small packet as opposed to letterpost is unchanged. The "risk" element for claims remains unchanged, if something is super valuable it should be insured anyways.

Look, Canada Post is grossly overpriced when you look at the various postal services on the planet. Reliability and service levels are poor to say the least when compared with , say the other G7 nations.

Many eBay sellers thrive on selling to the USA. I have completed an analysis of sales over the past number of years and over 87% of my sales are to Americans, (Canadian bidders representing a miniscule sales value.) Doing a quick shipping and handling evaluation for a single CD - $5.60 Cdn postage, .25 for envelope, eBay fees (incl.paypal/buy it now and FVF on a small $6 item) averages 94 cents Cdn - That totals $6.79 Cdn (around $5.60 US appx) - oh yeah, that pays me zip for my time and effort - who wins here? Canada Post and EBay, Who loses? Me and My Customer!!!

From a competitive standpoint CP has in effect priced many of us out of the market !! Kinda irks me since I declare all my eBay income and expense and have built my business to a full time income.

Will I walk away? Not likely. Will I find alternate sales avenues? Absolutely! Has Canada Post consulted with the federal gov't to determine how many business folks would be wise to set up a USA branch of operations? Makes sense to me! Think about it for a moment - how difficult is it to still sell online, change your base of operations to a US address, and ship from the US ..... Not hard at all, and let's again look at winners and losers here - Who wins: Sellers!! (being US based means WAY MORE bid volume/much higher final values/way less daily unsold numbers! Not to mention actually getting paid to work) Buyers: Lower /Unchanged shipping handling costs. EBay - heck this sounds so good I'll need to increase my listings!!
LOSER: Canada Post! Get with the program you guys. The rest of the world stays reasonably priced for small items sent by mail.

If the issue truly is US Customs/Homeland Sec - the green sticker is a quickfix that should satisfy everyone.

Not taking shots here, but you folks are civil servants and may not comprehend how to effectively run a business, but please for the sake of thousands (tens of thousands?) of small businesspeople across this great country, you need to think like your customer for once.

Thanks in advnace
Message 83 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member

Superbly stated! 🙂 Great point regarding relocating/moving branches to the USA. I must say- the Arizona sun certainly has beaten the Canadian winters over the past few years for KMD and Tokyo continues to treat us well. Winner? Our business- our clients & come income tax time- our government. Loser? Canada Post. Nuff said.

KMD.ca Tokyo Division
Message 84 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
I get angery emails and some bad feedback because small packets take 25 days or more to arrive in the USA.

Plus all tracking info. is useless once the parcel goes into the USA..it`s no fedex tracking system..thats forsure..

CP should have small and larger prepaied boxes so small items could be shipped for cheaper rates..
that would be trackable even if they are shipped to the USA.

I`m getting tired of making appoligies for Canana post`s shipping delays.

lets get some better prices..
Message 85 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
I like many sellers on this board is a small operator and find it increasingly impossible to compete with sellers from Asia and the States that sell similar product. If they impose the small packet shipping for small items, then I will not survive. My margin is usually $2 to $3. Shipping will cost more than my product. No buyer will buy from me if I charge outrages shipping for products that are only a few dollars.

Also I do not buy the explanation that This policy has forever been with Canada Post, but was never reinforced and the corporation was very lenient in regards to the matter. Just recently has it been discovered that there is a problem with allowing this to happen. Customers have been sending CD’s and other smaller item that fit within the standards of regular mail. Then when the item would go missing, customers would try to claim the value of the item. To avoid this, Canada Post is now enforcing the rule so that items that go abroad are going to be insured in case of loss or damage.

Letter post are not insured by CP so if the mail is lost no claims can be filed but if my customers wanted insurance, I would give them the option of shipping by small packet.

I worked hard to build my business and finally I am making some profit, so when I heard this news I was ready to close the business.

However there is some hope thanks to the sellers on this board. I may be able to take my shipping needs across the border and perhaps get cheap gas at the same time.

Even though I am small time seller, last year alone my shipping cost using Canada Post was over $6000 and likely to increase to $8000 this year. If Canada Post insists on destroying the small business guys then I will consider mailing in the US.

Please Kim, tell Canada Post to reconsider this policy or at least give sellers some options so their business can survive. Thank you

Message 86 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Hi Kim,
3 requests:
1) Bring back the eBay/CP flexipacks for shipping or at least offer the same type of flexipack for purchase on CP's website. I love them, they're strong as heck.
2) **** Please modify CP's online business center to send an e-mail to ALL recipients whose e-mail addresses are filled in down below, including USA Small Packet. While there is no tracking number to send them, at least the e-mail could be sent saying "you will be receiving a package from [seller]" blah blah. It would save me an extra step, and people LOVE getting an e-mail from Canada Post saying their item's on the way.
3) See about tracking for small packet USA service.

Message 87 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

CANADIAN LAW :SECTION C34 The purpose of this Act is to maintain and encourage competition in Canada in order to promote the efficiency and adaptability of the Canadian economy, in order to expand opportunities for Canadian participation in world markets while at the same time recognizing the role of foreign competition in Canada, in order to ensure that small and medium-sized enterprises have an equitable opportunity to participate in the Canadian economy and in order to provide consumers with competitive prices and product choices.

CANADA POST must strictly adhere the Laws of the Land.

Letter post to Canada from the USA on letter size but including goods is a simple fee of $0.60. If there is an odd shaped object inside the letter that makes the letter non machineable it is levied an extra $0.15 machine cost.

Now. The same item going from Canada to the USA is going to be $3.95 to send.

I am a business person that is a competing seller along with US sellers that market small items on a global platform. According to the laws set out for Canada Post it is and will go against Canadian Law according to C-34. I am not complaining about the fees, I am complaining about the unlevel playing field that the USA has over CANADA. I am going to file a report with the ombudsman and would suggest others to do so also. His name is Michel Tremble 1 800 204 4198
Message 88 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi again

I forgot to mention that I ship a lot of tow ropes that we make here in Canora.

shipping to the USA costs me $14.00 and the tow ropes ussually run around $30.00
they only weigh from 1.4 to 2kg
and shipping is half the cost of what the product is.

plus it takes up to 25 days to get delivered..

CP needs to give powersellers better shipping rates..and faster delivery..

I just lost 2 different sales

one because the buyer needed the items delivered fast..but wouldnt pay the $518.00 shipping cost when the item was worth $560.00
so it would of costed him $1078.00 Canadian
Message 89 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Thanks for posting the phone number to the ombudsman at Canada Post. I have made my call and left a 10 minute message to voice my displeasure on the small packet money grab. Other sellers please do the same, the survival of our businesses depend on shipping cost that are fair, reasonable and competitive.
Message 90 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
For those who did not read the previous thread, the phone number to voice your displeasure is Michel Tremble 1 800 204 4198
Message 91 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
For those that ship from the US: I too live fairly close to the US border and was wondering how I go about shipping my packages from the US? Do I have to set up something with US Customs first? I certainly cannot charge my US customers small packet rates for an item that might cost them $4.00 or less. I'd lose a lot of business as almost 50% of my customers are from the US. Canada Post is getting ridiculous and I plan on calling Michel Tremble at 1-800-204-4198 to complain! Is CP trying to put small businesses out of business?
Message 92 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
I was reading some of the posts and it seems a few same topics keep coming up, costs and reliability.
Why are Canada Post rates so much higher then USPS. If I ship from the US it costs me half and generally the service is a lot quicker.In Canada I am paying more for a slower service.
As a seller, if I ship product with Post, say air parcell, what coverage do I have to cover myself if the package never reaches it's destination. Because at the moment I have two people in California wanting their money back for goods not received. So I am going to be out the money and the product in the end.
Even if I send Express post with a tracking number,the tracking service is terrible.

Thank you
Doug Blades
Tri-Cycling Multisport.
Message 93 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
The ombudsmon will just reply its not his mandate to deal with setting rates and policies(expalined on his website I belvie). Complaints need to be directed at the president, politicians and media for those so inclined
Message 94 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Over the past month we've had a few cost and service issues with Canada Post. Up until last month they were our preferred carrier. Good service at the local level and good handling so our stuff generally arrives intact. Last week I called the Venture customer service people with a couple of questions (mostly related to expedited to the US) and was promised a call back that afternoon because the rep, who was very pleasant, had to check with some people to get answers. No call back yet.
CP has a new policy where CP won't look at tracing an expedited parcel for 30 days notwithstanding the factthat the advertising for that service talks about a maximum 14 days. ANd no one seems to be able to tell me when they'll declare a package lost. Another issue-some parcels don't get scanned in to the system.
A workshop like this kind of strikes me as a bumper sticker. And I think if eBay is going to build a relationship with a supplier, dialogues like this are important because CP should perhaps be aware that at least one merchant was compromised by service or policy at CP. I'd welcome the opportunity to discuss and resolve this offline but someone's got to return my call to start the process.
Message 95 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi, I would like to ask Kim or her Director of International Mail, or even the Director of Marketing...
Does the enforcement of small package vs letter mail now give us sellers the right to use someone else to handle these small items? I know Canada Post has the only legal right to handle letter mail, but for small packets and parcels they don't have any legal right to how we have these items delivered. I'm thinking maybe groups of us can get together and cross the border for mailing of these small items and save a huge amount of money.
PS, Say Hi to John for me 🙂
Message 96 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

2003 cost for 500g to the usa 4.25 1kg 7.40
2004 cost for 500g to the usa 5.10 1kg 8.50
2005 cost for 500g to the usa 5.75 1kg 8.95
and oh yes lets not forget the fuel tax that they added on twice in the last year and a half
as Canada Post spends i dont know how much on those silly television ads now thats a waste of money and lets not forget that out Canadian post people dont EVEN work on the weekends no wonder why we have bad service
The reason Canadian post doesnt what us to have a books rate is because then Canadas might leaner what this country is really like
Sent a book to Finland and cost just over 5.00 sent the same size of book to Newfoundland cost yes this is right 9.50
When i did my complaining with Canada Post loved one of there answers ohhhhhhh lets not forget the money exchange
Now this small envolope issue says paper products right so i guess books are ok they are paper right
Then i hear postal rates are going UP AGAIN that makes 6 time in the last two and half years SURE WISH I COULD RAISE MY PRICES LIKE THAT i would BE RICH
ANOTHER WAY FOR CANADA POST TO WASTE OUR MONEY their mail trucks here were i live were all white all of a sudden they are all RED wonder how much that cost you THE EBAYER
and yes you are right never phone Canada post is nothing but a waste of time NO ANSWERS
Message 97 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Comment was correct about the ombudsman - he's just a rubber stamp. To get results Canadian small business interests need to be PROACTIVE, en masse. A few individuals making noise will not net the desired result. Start by sending a friendly, concise and well-thought letter to the editor of your favorite local, regional and national newspapers - broadcast media will follow up if the giant is stirred from slumber. Be direct in relating how this seeming Monopolistic government leviathan.... am I being opaque? Forgive me; ...government leviathan is wringing the life blood from Canadian small business interests, which by nature are the life blood of Canada itself. Back up your position with facts. Newspaper men love facts. Throw some statistics in relating how Canada Post charges and services compare internationally and, perhaps more importantly, relates to our southern neighbor. Tell them how much postal costs have risen over the last three years and how Canada post has its foot resting comfortably on the throat of the Canadian Consumer to the detriment of the countries ability to compete in the international marketplace... I know; enough, enough. We get it.

Anyway. Here are some web address to help you along:

http://www3.gov.ab.ca/gs/services/consumer/ (Alberta Government services - How To File a Complaint)

http://postcom.org/ (Postcom - Association for Postal Commerce and Reform)

http://www.broadcast-live.com/newspapers/canadian.html (reasonably thorough list of National Canadian Newspaper Websites - contact the editor with your complaint or letter )

http://newslink.org/nonusn.html (thorough list of regional newspapers )

....more to come.
Message 98 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Once Again This smells of When the Federal Goverment is involved in a Company Everyone involved with their forced monopoly loses.
Like our only Federal Airline which costs three times the amount to fly on as our neighbouring Countries Airlines. Just Like our Goverment Mail Service. So Sorry Kim that you have to try to defend these people! By the way KIM is your last name Chretien?? or are you a relative of his or a friends daughter ??
Message 99 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Can Canada post ever compete with the US media rate and its low confirmation price and its way low European fees?I am somewhat annoyed that I have to travel to the USA to get savings on shipping....Will CP ever attempt to make ebay sellers competitive with US sellers selling TO the USA the largest market in the world.Our expedited rate with a confirm number is usually around $CDN 12 whereby the US media rate with a number is about $US2.50 .Oh yes sorry you do offer bigger sellers a 5% discount...woohoo
Message 100 of 614
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