global shipping rip off

Stay clear of anyone using Global Shipping. HUGE additional charges are added that Canadians wouldn't normally pay. AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL. I won't go near a seller using this program again!

Message 1 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

@Appropriable wrote:


I agree with that.  However, I have a credibility problem with statements claiming over 1,000 imports without ever paying tax.  Now, in some instances, it is possible to check a poster's buying history and see that all purchases were below $20 therefore tax exempt.


A few posters use a posting ID and it is impossible to verify credibility.

Pierre..............  ditto.............. I did think about it prior to posting.


My post was in response to yours, and had you not posted as above there would have been no comment from me about the way they collect taxes in Belleville.


Please don't drag this out into something it doesn't deserve to be.  




Message 21 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

"about the way they collect taxes in Belleville."




Once again, assuming things.


I can only refer to my own experiences. I have no idea what my neighbour across the street buys nor how much tax he pays on imports.  My own imports are all declared with full value clearly stated and GST/HST collected a large percentage of the time. 

It never really mattered to me as, as you are, I am registered with GST/HST and all tax collected are fully recovered from the government.


Prior to moving to Belleville over twenty years ago, I lived in Toronto and parcels from the USA were also taxed at time of importation. It was a regular battle with Canada Customs as they often charged Ontario 8% PST on stamps purchased below face value although such purchases were not taxable at the time (they are now with HST).


Individuals having to pay the tax (GST/PST/HST) from their own pockets may have a slightly different perspective.

Message 22 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

Let me repeat:


Buyer after buyer is posting that they upset over the GSP.

Perhaps it makes more sense to listen to what they're saying than continuously pointing out that our government has the right to collect taxes on all items over $20..............


Either they've never had to pay before and then it gives them even greater cause to be upset with the GSP, or they already know.


Message 23 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

"Buyer after buyer is posting that they upset over the GSP."


And most posters, myself included, have clearly stated GSP is NOT a good thing for most Canadian buyers. Even the staff at agrees.

Message 24 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

Lets keep in mind everyone has had different experiences in relation to cross border charges.


I seem to recall the two items i was charged tax on were the last two items i bought online.


Again, i just got lucky. Is it a Manitoba thing, who knows.


I could be charged on every online purchase from here on in.


No big deal.



Message 25 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

@i*m-still-here wrote:

Let me repeat:


Buyer after buyer is posting that they upset over the GSP.

Perhaps it makes more sense to listen to what they're saying than continuously pointing out that our government has the right to collect taxes on all items over $20..............


Either they've never had to pay before and then it gives them even greater cause to be upset with the GSP, or they already know.


I'm "listening" to what these buyers are typing and I'm also reading them.  Perhaps we're "hearing" and reading different things.  To me, when buyers use terms like "scam," "bogus," "rip-off," "money grab" or "phoney" to describe the GSP's "import charges," it tells me that they're likely unaware of the official line on taxing personal imports sent by mail or commercial carrier.  I think that if more people were aware of the letter of the law, they'd be looking at these charges a bit differently and simply complaining that they have to pay them in the first place without resorting to all the hyperbole.

Maybe you can provide a bit of insight here, though, from what you've been reading into these buyer complaints about the GSP.  If buyers think that the GSP is so awful, why do some of them buy from GSP listings in the first place when there are links to information on the program on the listing page and that they should generally have a good idea of the charges involved before committing to purchase the item?


In other words, why do they buy first and vent later?


Message 26 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

@marnotom! wrote:

Maybe you can provide a bit of insight here, ..................................

 Probably not.  

Message 27 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

Let me put it this way................. if an item is valued under $100 it's very unlikely that they will collect.  if it's valued over $100 the odds increase but it's not much more likely that they'll collect on a $1,000 item than they will on a $100 item.


I'm fairly sure that I've had to pay gst and a service charge (and sometimes duty) on more than 95% of the packages that I have received that were valued at  $200+. I'm referring only to packages sent through the mail.



Message 28 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

Let me put it this way................. if an item is valued under $100 it's very unlikely that they will collect.  if it's valued over $100 the odds increase but it's not much more likely that they'll collect on a $1,000 item than they will on a $100 item.


I'm fairly sure that I've had to pay gst and a service charge (and sometimes duty) on more than 95% of the packages that I have received that were valued at  $200+. I'm referring only to packages sent through the mail.




Thank you for sharing that PJ. and I'm sure that's true for you.


Obviously I'm describing my own experience and I have no way of knowing how well that generalizes to others.

Pierre has described his.

BB has posted his as well, and many buyers have come and gone with one-shot posts describing theirs as well.


Now you've joined in too.


I would never  have posted my personal experience in such detail had bb not got the ball rolling quite some time ago.


Even now, I still feel the less said on a public forum the better............... but I guess that ship has sailed.

Message 29 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

 I can understand that people would rather take their chances on paying taxes and why they dislike 'having' to pay taxes and a service charge upfront.  I feel the same way. It really is frustrating that ebay has gone this route and don't seem to care what the buyers feel about it but the fact is that many many other U.S. businesses pre-collect taxes. I'm sure that some of them do it to prevent the buyer from refusing a package when they find out that they owe taxes. Some may do it  to make a small percentage on the service charges and some probably do it for other reasons but the fact is that many do collect taxes so the fact that PB/ebay is doing the same thing is not unusual.


Some of the other companies that do pre collect tax include Neimen Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, Macy's, Blommindales,,  I find that in most cases, the total shipping and import fees add on an extra 18-25% to the total. In many cases, if you spend more, the percentage goes down because many of these companies charge a flat rate for shipping to Canada. I find that the same is often true on ebay. If I bought a $30 item, the shipping charges and import charges might be more than 50% but if I purchase a $300 item, they might be 20%.


As I said, I wish ebay had not gone this route but I think that it might have been a little easier to accept (but not really welcomed) had they implemented it differently, had all the kinks worked out, had not opted sellers in without those sellers being aware of it and properly educated sellers on how to decide whether or not they should use it.


Message 30 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

Even now, I still feel the less said on a public forum the better............... but I guess that ship has sailed.


You're's not something that I would have talked about it here in the pre GSP days. I only mentioned it as some have said they never have to pay taxes on imports and I do find that difficult to believe. Perhaps they are right, but it isn't the norm based on my experience.


Message 31 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

PJ............. You can believe what I post or not.

Just as I can believe that Pierre pays on half of his items over $20 .................... or not.


With all of these posts I keep thinking that someone might clue in and start billing me the way they bill Pierre.



Message 32 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

"With all of these posts I keep thinking that someone might clue in and start billing me the way they bill Pierre."


Personally, I wish the federal government would do its job and charge the appropriate amount of tax on ALL taxable postal shipments valued at $20 and more as required by law. 


Why should Canadian retailers be forced to collect and remit GST/HST when American sellers can ship tax free into Canada?  Not charging the appropriate amount of tax at time of Customs clearance does NOTHING for Canada, does it?  It simply gives a tax break to some Canadian buyers buying from foreign lands while taxing Canadians buying locally and supporting Canadian jobs.

Message 33 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

@pierrelebel wrote:



Personally, I wish the federal government would do its job and charge the appropriate amount of tax on ALL taxable postal shipments valued at $20 and more as required by law. 




WAY too risky.  It would have little effect on Canadian retailers (if any) other than eBay sellers.


However, if the powers that be decided to do that I would be very interested to see the outcome.


I'm pretty sure that Canadians would all but stop buying eBay (for example) items from the States.


What that would do to the CPO and for my sales personally?  I don't know but I sure would not want to put it to the test.


Canadian buyers could leave eBay altogether, or they might start buying from Canadians.  My guess is the former but it's just a guess.

Listen to what posters are saying about the GSP and that's a good indication of what will happen.

Aren't they saying that they're done with eBay altogether?


Personally I think that upsetting the balance wouldn't be good for anyone.

There are reasons they don't collect and I can think of quite a few.

Message 34 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

"I'm pretty sure that Canadians would all but stop buying eBay (for example) items from the States."


Are you suggesting that Canadians buy from American sellers only as a way to save the tax (GST/HST/PST 5% to 15%)?  That does not make much sense to me.


I honestly think Canadians have stronger values than buying on eBay for the sole purpose of cheating the Canadian taxman.  After all, Canada needs those taxes to pay for our health system, education system, support to seniors, etc...

Message 35 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

@pierrelebel wrote:


Are you suggesting that Canadians buy from American sellers only as a way to save the tax (GST/HST/PST 5% to 15%)?  That does not make much sense to me.


That's an interesting twist on it.


I'm saying that if Canadians had to an extra $10 handling fee plus 5-15% per item, that most would not shop on eBay or eBay-like venues.


On the one hand you're saying that if all items over $20 were taxed when bought by mail that it would help Canadian retailers.......... but on the other hand you're suggesting that Canadians would not stop buying on line if all items over $20 were taxed.


You can't have it both ways.

Message 36 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

Except GSP is being used in many many of these 'low priced' items. Why are you hiding your ebay history?
Message 37 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

PJ............. You can believe what I post or not.


What did I not believe?  I was referring to those that have stated they NEVER have to pay gst on imported items. I don't remember you ever saying that.


Unlike Pierre, I don't wish that the Canadian government would start collecting tax on all imported items over $20. But I don't think that most people would dislike it as much as they dislike the GSP because the assessment would be directly from the government and there would be more transparency.  The way it is done now, people don't really know what are who they are paying.



Message 38 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

"I'm pretty sure that Canadians would all but stop buying eBay (for example) items from the States."


ALL ???


That is where I have a problem with many of those types of statements.  ALL?


Everything is not black and white, it is not always ALL or NOTHING.


"Listen to what posters are saying about the GSP and that's a good indication of what will happen.

Aren't they saying that they're done with eBay altogether?"


A few perhaps but certainly not a majority.


A large number of purchases from the USA by Canadians are valued under $20.  Taxing all parcels containing taxable goods over $20 would have no effect on those transactions.  Many purchases on eBay are made by GST/HST registered Canadians.  Once again these transactions would not be affected as these individuals and businesses get 100% of the GST/HST refunded.  Some individuals would resist buying if taxes are collected but I expect most would continue as so many Canadians already do when purchasing goods from American sellers registered to collect GST/HST.  Tax avoidance may be a factor in mail order from the USA but certainly not an overwhelming one as you imply.


The way I see it, whatever money is not spent by those Canadians refusing to buy from the USA if purchases are taxed will be spent in Canada helping Canadian retailers.  It is no rocket science. Canadians have money to spend: if they do not spend it there, they will spend it here.


I am also reminded of the numbers of sellers who would "quit eBay" when fees went up very substantially (to 8%) many years ago. Many predicted that would be the end of eBay.  Nobody could afford to pay 8% FVF (at that time).  Take a look what has happened in the years since then.... fees have continued to increase and the number and value of transactions on eBay keeps on increasing.


Things are seldom black and white.

Message 39 of 67
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Re: global shipping rip off

By the way, I should add that I do not expect the federal government to implement a system where all parcels would be taxed as required by law.  It would raise millions of tax dollars for the federal and provincial governments but that would be political suicide for the governing party.


It is much easier to waste mliions of dollars of taxpayers money than risk losing votes.


And yes, I am cynical.

Message 40 of 67
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