Another Intelcom Express Compaint

Community Member

eBay, please reconsider the use of Intelcom Express as a 3rd party delivery company.


After waiting a month for an item I purchased to be delivered, today I received an email from Intelcom express letting me know that they had successfully delivered my item.


They did not.


I have been home all day and there have been other items delivered without issue. Attached to the email from Intelcom was "proof" of signature which was a scribble of "N/A".  I called Intelcom and spent over an hour on hold only to give up in frustration. I sent Intelcom a message indicating my displeasure and reviewing other complaints involving Intelcom, it appears that my experience wasn't an isolated event. Even the signature of "N/A" (see attached image of the actual "signature" proof I received) was reported by several people. I've had to resort to filling out a refund request which I also take exception towards as it was not the vendors fault that the item has disappeared. 


I have not had another issue with the delivery of items purchased through eBay. 


Please, eBay, stop using Intelcom Express as a delivery company. Any search for "Intelcom complaints" yields hundreds of complaints similar to mine. I would have thought that you would have the power to make changes to 3rd party companies that you use that cause so much frustration, irritation, disappointment and outirght theft.

Message 1 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

Community Member

Technically speaking, eBay doesn't contract out the delivery services used in the Global Shipping Program as it's run by Pitney Bowes, the company that made its name back in the day with postage meters.  tyler@ebay, the liason between the eBay Canada community and the eBay Canada and eBay US offices can certainly forward your concerns to the relevant party/parties concerned, though.


Sorry you've been having issues with Intelcom.  You've probably seen that "the big A" uses them as well and they've also had their share of complaints.  The service quality may depend on the Intelcom agent and its employees, though.  After a rough start in our neighbourhood, the agent Intelcom is using here has been serving us quite well.

Message 2 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

Community Member

Thanks for the tag @marnotom! 


Hi @fatfairy - I'm so sorry to hear about the complete headache this delivery has been for you. I will make sure this is shared with the shipping team.

Message 3 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

Community Member

Thank you for looking into this and both of your replies @marnotom! and tyler@ebay . I received an email from Intelcom with the standard rubbish about maybe the driver delivered it to the wrong address but that they claim that the driver handed the box to a 'homeowner'. What I've just discovered certainly brings the wrong address claim into view, but handing it to a 'homeowner' is a complete lie.


My neighbour contacted me to let me know that the box was discovered in her backyard. The box had been either thrown or dropped over a 7-foot high LOCKED gate. It remained outside and, due to the fact that we received snow last night, the box was soggy and damaged where it had landed. The item in the box, despite the vendor's best efforts in packaging the item, was completely destroyed. I have been in contact with both the delivery company, Intelcom Express, and the vendor to let them know. The delivery company is insisting that their driver handed the package to a homeowner and I am calling this out as a COMPLETE lie. My neighbour's property is on a different street and has a completely different address, let alone the fact that the driver didn't even deliver the package to a front door. My neighbour's property is in the 7500-block of one street, whereas I'm in the 1500-block of the cross street. I am attaching photos of where the box was discovered, the difference in our addresses, the condition of the box and packaging, and the condition of the destroyed item.


I have informed eBay customer help and the vendor. I don't know what recourse I have at this stage. Clearly the vendor should not be punished as they did everything they needed to do with diligence. The fault lies squarely on the delivery company's shoulders. The item was purchased knowing that there were no returns accepted, so returning the item is out of the question. As it stands, I am out the cost of the item and the item itself. To say that I'm angry about this doesn't begin to cover it. The item was one-of-a-kind as well, which makes my anger even worse that the negligence of a delivery person has caused all of this.


It's certainly a <sarcasm> fantastic way to start the holidays <sarcasm>.

Message 4 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

As I understand it shipping was through the GSP?

If so the seller's responsibility for damage, including damage to the packaging which led to damage to the purchase, ended with the delivery to the GSP plant in Kentucky.

Therefore @fatfairy  should open a Not As Described dispute with eBay specifically saying that this is a GSP shipment.


If the seller used eBay's International Shipping Program, however, the responsibility stays with the seller. This program manages to combine the worst facets of both courier shipping and the GSP.


I have informed eBay customer help and the vendor.

The phones?

Did you get a report number?

The phone reps are undertrained sub-contractors with no authority.

It is good that tyler@ebay  has been informed, but you may want to continue your complaints with either the eBay employees at Chat or FaceBook.

who are well trained and have some authority to help.

Message 5 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

Intelcom Express- they just stink. I have recently had 4 packages delivered to Alberta. All took approximatly 45 days from date of send me a tracking number, which for the most part does not work.


45 days is not just slow - it's nuts. I regularly send restored radios to the US in 8 days. 12 is the max with Covid.


Aside from even menetioning those robbers: "Pitney Bowes" who  shoud be getting rid of Intelcom Express;


Four deliveries and no knock on door and no ringing of doorbell - I was home every day and watched the guy dump and I mean dump, the package at the door then take a picture and leave.


After each delivery they asked me to do a survey - I gave them a lot of negative feed back and a 1 out of five stars and would have given them a zero if I could have.


Old enough to know better. Young enough to do it again. Crazy enough to try
Message 6 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

@fatfairy wrote:

eBay, please reconsider the use of Intelcom Express as a 3rd party delivery company.


After waiting a month for an item I purchased to be delivered, today I received an email from Intelcom express letting me know that they had successfully delivered my item.


They did not.


I have been home all day and there have been other items delivered without issue. Attached to the email from Intelcom was "proof" of signature which was a scribble of "N/A".  I called Intelcom and spent over an hour on hold only to give up in frustration. I sent Intelcom a message indicating my displeasure and reviewing other complaints involving Intelcom, it appears that my experience wasn't an isolated event. Even the signature of "N/A" (see attached image of the actual "signature" proof I received) was reported by several people. I've had to resort to filling out a refund request which I also take exception towards as it was not the vendors fault that the item has disappeared. 


I have not had another issue with the delivery of items purchased through eBay. 


Please, eBay, stop using Intelcom Express as a delivery company. Any search for "Intelcom complaints" yields hundreds of complaints similar to mine. I would have thought that you would have the power to make changes to 3rd party companies that you use that cause so much frustration, irritation, disappointment and outirght theft.

The scribble you received as a signature may be N/H for not home. That was chosen by the driver and is a the new routine method vs actually ringing the bell. If I am expecting a parcel from Intelcom (AZ), I make sure to mark my door, ring bell for delivery. The majority of Intelcom drivers/etc do not seem to read any custom notes included with parcels from my past experience.


Originally the idea was if there was the belief no one was home with any courier deliveries, the drivers were permitted to drop and mark  as delivered BUT only if it was safe to do so. Options being between doors or in a mailbox for examples. Hello porch pirates.  With Covid, volume and size of packages they are currently handling that has gone out the window. Otherwise the altenrative would be to attempt re-delivery the next day or tag for pickup.  You can complain to their(couriers) customer service til you are blue in the face. It really depends on how conscientious your driver is for secure delivery  to now happen.




Intelcom Faq - Re Delivery concerns

Message 7 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

@rosscd57 wrote:

Intelcom Express- they just stink. I have recently had 4 packages delivered to Alberta. All took approximatly 45 days from date of send me a tracking number, which for the most part does not work.


45 days is not just slow - it's nuts. I regularly send restored radios to the US in 8 days. 12 is the max with Covid.

I've been looking at a few tracking histories for items where Intelcom is the "last mile" delivery agent as well as the Intelcom website, and I'm now starting to think that Intelcom doesn't do the interprovincial leg of a GSP-forwarded item's transit.  The delay may be due to a lack of freight delivery trucks in the fleet assigned to get GSP items out of Mississauga, or it might be that the trucks are too big for the job and they're waiting around an inordinate length of time to get filled up.


@rosscd57 wrote:


Four deliveries and no knock on door and no ringing of doorbell - I was home every day and watched the guy dump and I mean dump, the package at the door then take a picture and leave.

I've had other carriers who have "guys"  who don't knock, either, most notably Canpar, FedEx and Canada Post.  I'm not sure why this is an issue.

Message 8 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

@marnotom! wrote:

@rosscd57 wrote:

Intelcom Express- they just stink. I have recently had 4 packages delivered to Alberta. All took approximatly 45 days from date of send me a tracking number, which for the most part does not work.


45 days is not just slow - it's nuts. I regularly send restored radios to the US in 8 days. 12 is the max with Covid.

I've been looking at a few tracking histories for items where Intelcom is the "last mile" delivery agent as well as the Intelcom website, and I'm now starting to think that Intelcom doesn't do the interprovincial leg of a GSP-forwarded item's transit.  The delay may be due to a lack of freight delivery trucks in the fleet assigned to get GSP items out of Mississauga, or it might be that the trucks are too big for the job and they're waiting around an inordinate length of time to get filled up.


@rosscd57 wrote:


Four deliveries and no knock on door and no ringing of doorbell - I was home every day and watched the guy dump and I mean dump, the package at the door then take a picture and leave.

I've had other carriers who have "guys"  who don't knock, either, most notably Canpar, FedEx and Canada Post.  I'm not sure why this is an issue.

2 words for why this is an issue.


Porch Pirates.



Message 9 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

I saw those photos of your package tossed in the neighbours yard which is awful. I see you already have received great advice (as is usual here) for getting reimbursed. I hope it goes well!

I just wanted to tell my own experience with Intel Express deliveries. I have had several (maybe 10?) with no problems, they've arrived safe and undamaged but I agree it is aggravating that the driver(s) can't bother to press the doorbell. Most couriers (DHL, CanPar, even Canada Post) I find ring the bell and leave the packaged (which is fine with me) but Intel sends the email....with what looks like the exact N A (or N H?) as you had shown here. I thought first time it was Not Home but it is the same even if I'm home.  The only plus side with them is getting the "Your package has been delivered" email...not everyone sends that, so at least we can go look!

I'm fortunate that we have the "Ring" doorbell system with video so perhaps the drivers are more careful when then see it?? In any event, I do feel they should at least ring the door hard can that be!

Message 10 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

@msau4301 wrote:

I saw those photos of your package tossed in the neighbours yard which is awful. I see you already have received great advice (as is usual here) for getting reimbursed. I hope it goes well!

I just wanted to tell my own experience with Intel Express deliveries. I have had several (maybe 10?) with no problems, they've arrived safe and undamaged but I agree it is aggravating that the driver(s) can't bother to press the doorbell. Most couriers (DHL, CanPar, even Canada Post) I find ring the bell and leave the packaged (which is fine with me) but Intel sends the email....with what looks like the exact N A (or N H?) as you had shown here. I thought first time it was Not Home but it is the same even if I'm home.  The only plus side with them is getting the "Your package has been delivered" email...not everyone sends that, so at least we can go look!

I'm fortunate that we have the "Ring" doorbell system with video so perhaps the drivers are more careful when then see it?? In any event, I do feel they should at least ring the door hard can that be!

Deep thought for the day.


If you order a doorbell cam and you get a message saying it has been delivered, when it wasn't, is that the same as a tree falling in the forest...does it make a sound? Hmmm!!



Message 11 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

Lol...I don't think we would hear it! I got it for Christmas a couple of years ago so not sure how it was delivered!

Message 12 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:

@marnotom! wrote:

I've had other carriers who have "guys"  who don't knock, either, most notably Canpar, FedEx and Canada Post.  I'm not sure why this is an issue.

2 words for why this is an issue.


Porch Pirates.

My point is that this isn't an issue specific to Intelcom.

Message 13 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

@marnotom! wrote:

@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:

@marnotom! wrote:

I've had other carriers who have "guys"  who don't knock, either, most notably Canpar, FedEx and Canada Post.  I'm not sure why this is an issue.

2 words for why this is an issue.


Porch Pirates.

My point is that this isn't an issue specific to Intelcom.

Problem being the majority of parcels shipped with GSP end up with Intelcom. When parcels were routed in the past from the USA, they started with USPS and got handed off to CP. With the majority of Canadians utilizing CP they have access to either home delivery(mail box or tagged for pick up), community mail boxes or Flex Delivery so not such a nightmare.  GSP, on the otherhand ends up in Intelcom's hands and as widely reported routinely drops on front steps and dashes. Also Intelcom appears to be  unable to deliver to PO boxes or Apartments/secure buildings.  This is making things very difficult for majority of Canadian buyers to purchase items on eBay from US sellers with reliablel delivery. 


I'm not sure what % of US sellers are utilizing GSP or Intl Standard(DHL) vs run of the mill USPS, but from my observations it is becoming the norm vs the exception.



Message 14 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

WHY WHY WHY does eBay use this unethical courier service????

My parcel was received at Intelcom warehouse on 2021-12-10. 5:28PM and remained there until 2021-12-27 (Intelcom website says parcels go out next day & delivery is within 2-4 days of receiving items at warehouse, 7 days a week, 8am-9pm).   I emailed 3 times to inquire what the delay was, and despite what the automated response says, no one called me back within 24-48 hrs. No one called back period. Chat does not work. I tried to call Customer Service at regular intervals but the wait time is 45+ minutes. Its like a black hole


Finally, 17 days later, tracking updates. Parcel out for delivery.  To get into my building, which has door cameras, a person dials the suite number on the intercom. The door is connected directly to my cell.  My cell shows no record of any “missed calls” so imagine my horror when I check the tracking the next day and see this: 

Delivery attempt / We attempted to deliver your package. It will automatically be rescheduled for delivery on the next business day.   2021-12-27, 6:12 PM    


How can that be?  I was home all day.  I even went downstairs to see if parcel had been abandoned outside building.  I do not understand how Intelcom can claim they attempted delivery when I was here all day.   Beyond bad service.  Simply the worst

Message 15 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

I urge you to share all of these Intelcom many many complaints about fake delivery and theft with your shipping team.  As a consumer, I really dont want or need this stress and hassle.  I just want my parcel.  Is something going to be done about getting a more secure delivery service?  Check out BBB (Canada), Yelp and to see more complaints for the same problems with Intelcom.  

Message 16 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

@zebrakat13 wrote:


How can that be?  I was home all day.  I even went downstairs to see if parcel had been abandoned outside building.  I do not understand how Intelcom can claim they attempted delivery when I was here all day. 

Just out of curiosity, does a picture of your building come up when you do a Google search for it?


I had a few people trying to find my house (delivery people, others) complain that they couldn't get through a locked gate.  I found this odd because I don't have a gate in front of my house!  Then one day I was just idly Googling and I decided to enter my house address for some reason.  The photo that came up was of the house two doors down, which does have a locked gate in front of it.


So I'm thinking that a delivery attempt may have been made for your item, but the delivery attempt may have been made at a different building.

Message 17 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

This company is the absolute worst. They basically steal your packages. I won't be using the Global Shipping Services anymore and I hope Ebay ( or whoever is in charge) really reconsiders things. I have had nothing but bad experiences with this service. (located in BC)

Message 18 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

I really don't think eBay cares, as long as they get their $. If they did care, there would be no gouging GSP, and the associated collective insult to everyone's intelligence, of their trying to convince us the GSP is the greatest thing since the Internet. Amazon used to use Intelcom, and Intelcom actually improved quite a bit. Now, Amazon's shipping totally rocks. As a Prime member, I get free shipping, often ordering an item in the late evening, and it will appear at my door in Edmonton, from Toronto, the next morning.


Before, I used to game their shipping, not then a Prime member, I'd always order using the very fastest shipping option, knowing it wouldn't arrive in the 2 day they promised. Then, I'd get the shipping refunded when it didn't. So I'd get 3 day shipping for free. Not any more. Their shipping is fantastic.


I looked at the attached pics, and I don't blame you for being irate. Looks very similar to what we get from Canada Post. Same improbable low grade lies too. Maybe one of the CP guys is moonlighting. A GPS, or decent nav app on a cell phone costs so little, and would make it impossible to accidentaly misdeliver. Certainly makes the pizza delivery guys look accomplished. 

Message 19 of 46
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Re: Another Intelcom Express Compaint

I just received 4 notices, on the 4 packages I sat at my window all day waiting for, advising they “attempted delivery “ which obviously is not true. This has been happening approximately 50% of the time with Intelcom. Every time, it is still within the 9pm delivery timeframe so just come deliver!
Message 20 of 46
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