Item rejected at border, seller tells me it's on Ebay, not them.

So I'm Canadian and I bought an item off eBay from an American seller. They ship to Canada and following the shipping tracking, I see the item was rejected at the border. I now have no idea what happens next, so I contact the seller to ask why it could be rejected and how will I be refunded.


The seller replies: "Thanks for reaching out! Unfortunately I cannot view any details on your order since it was placed through the eBay International Order program. For further assistance, please contact eBay directly."


So now I have no idea where the item is, why it was rejected, or how to get my money back. What do I do?

Message 1 of 8
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Re: Item rejected at border, seller tells me it's on Ebay, not them.

perhaps if you enighten the community to what exactly the item was that you were purchasing, suggestions as to why the item was rejected by customs could be discussed- otherwise this is a matter between you, the seller and eBay...

Message 2 of 8
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Re: Item rejected at border, seller tells me it's on Ebay, not them.

When was it supposed to arrive?

After the last estimated delivery date you can open a dispute for item did not arrive.


Go to your orders:

Next to the order in question click on Resolve a Problem link (if not showing click on "More actions")



Message 3 of 8
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Re: Item rejected at border, seller tells me it's on Ebay, not them.

FWIW - There are a lot of things that cannot be imported, and not all because they are necessarily dangerous.

We all know about the US ban on the importation of Kinder Eggs.

And the whole lithium battery thing.


And it is the responsibility of the importer to know what can and cannot be imported into his own country.


You probably should be opening a Not Received dispute, but note in the Dispute that shipping was with the eBay International Order program.


The older GSP was despised by Canadians for charging import fees up front making shipping seem very expensive.

But they were also handling customs brokerage and had a policy of refunding buyers from their own deep pockets . Pitney Bowes must have terrific insurance .


The EIO seems cheaper, but those import fees will be charged on delivery. And since they are not dealing with customs , the buyer is getting hit with decisions by border officials.


But again--

It is the responsibility of the importer to know what can and cannot be imported into his own country.


Message 4 of 8
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Re: Item rejected at border, seller tells me it's on Ebay, not them.

I’m thinking the “eBay International Order Program” is the Global Shipping Program. The seller simply isn’t conversant enough with the GSP to refer to it by its proper name.

Message 5 of 8
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Re: Item rejected at border, seller tells me it's on Ebay, not them.

I certainly hope so, since the GSP is actually pretty good about damaged and not received shipments.

But there is another program that offers cheaper shipping to the seller, while GSP has the same seller cost, but more Seller Protection.

@pjcdn2005   is usually the one who knows the numbers.

Message 6 of 8
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Re: Item rejected at border, seller tells me it's on Ebay, not them.

The seller must have shipped either through the global shipping program or the eBay international standard program.  If the program used doesn't ship that item to Canada it is usually declined at the US shipping Center, it doesnt make it to the border.  Whsybspecifically dies tracking say? 

What letters does the tracking number start with as that will tell us which program it was sent with and may determine how it will be handled. 


Message 7 of 8
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Re: Item rejected at border, seller tells me it's on Ebay, not them.

FWIW, I’ve read of an instance on this board where an item (more likely items) forwarded by the Global Shipping Program were stopped at the border because the manifest/paperwork associated with the shipment wasn’t filled out properly.
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