Hi everyone
What is ebay's policy when a seller over bills you on shipping?
Right now I'm dealing with 2 sellers that over billed me.
I contacted both. One told me a week ago he/she said would reinburst me the difference but still havnt. I did PM the seller again. But so far wont PM me back. Seems like just ignoring me.
Another seller over billed me for about $20.00 (give or take). Now wants to bill me even more money even though the shipping was never even close to what he is asking.
Seller operates out of Florida but is claiming to be an attorney in Canada??
(Its only up until now I let the issue of being over shipped go. I admit I found it stressful dealing with the whole thing.)
I guess in the future I wont try to resolve overshipping with the seller?? I gave them some courtesy. Bad ideal or good ideal?
Any helpful and kind advices would be welcome.