09-04-2020 12:43 AM
I purchased some sandals and had them sent to my address in the US knowing that I probably will not be able to pick them up until next year. That is OK as I have a couple of these and I think that the fit will be right and I won't need them until next summer.
This person left feedback for me asking for feedback. She shipped them right away and they have arrived, would you leave feedback? I don't want to say they are perfect when I don't know, I am assuming they will be by the pictures. What would you do?
09-04-2020 01:17 AM
09-04-2020 01:38 AM
In this case, had she not asked me, I wouldn't have left feedback.
09-04-2020 02:01 AM - edited 09-04-2020 02:02 AM
09-04-2020 10:48 PM
If overall you think the transaction went well, you could leave just some sort of generic feedback. It's kinda 50/50 you'll get it right. Otherwise in truth you probably won't be able to leave feedback by the time you are able to pick up. Leaving something inaccurate might be considered ummmm, stepping on toes. Sorry. Couldn't resist. 🙂