a few words about eBay's unbearable hypocrisy

It happened again that eBay took a few of our products down regardless we offer open-source and open-hardware products under our own band, and saying "compatible with XYZ" in the product title. We know the rules, we know the law, we do this for 8 year on many platforms worldwide. eBay is not correct by taking our listings down.

On the other hand, I searched for the same protected brand name on eBay, and found 16000 results, of which 2/3 use the same trademark in a violating way by just calling an unrelated or counterfeit product "XYZ" without to mention that it is only (if even) a compatible product.


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Re: a few words about eBay's unbearable hypocrisy

IF an intellectual property rights owner reports eBay listings that infringe on their copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights, eBay is obliged to remove those listings.


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Re: a few words about eBay's unbearable hypocrisy

As the brand owner of your products, you should have the ability to find out who issued the illegal takedown notice. It should be included in the vero email, but you can contact eBay if it isn't. Then contact that company and make them notify eBay that they took it down in error. If they refuse, there's legal options you can pursue. 


Before you do that though, are you absolutely sure the products don't break any patents? Even though someone has released designs as open souce / open hardware, it doesn't mean they haven't inadvertently broken some patent.

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