A nice surprise!

Today I received a beautiful and large calendar of native from Australia. When I looked up the name, it was a new buyer who purchased a low cost knitting book from me in August. This was a heavy package, I can't imagine how much it cost her to mail, and she also sent a lovely message. I hope she didn't think that this was the way to send feedback, but I certainly appreciated her kindness and I found the transaction and sent her a message.


It is so encouraging to have situations like this.

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A nice surprise!

Oh wow, such a beautiful gesture. It must have cost a lot to ship indeed.

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A nice surprise!

Oh wow, such a beautiful gesture. It must have cost a lot to ship indeed.

Message 2 of 10
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A nice surprise!

I once had a very nice fellow from Saudi Arabia send me a very nice tie! He also invited us to their monster fig farm (I never knew there were a LOT of different types of figs before) whenever I happened to be in Saudi Arabia! (Remember I sell stamps)

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A nice surprise!

Love to hear a happy story like this once in a while! Like a breath of fresh air! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Message 4 of 10
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A nice surprise!

That is so nice, Triber! While I have never had a buyer send me anything, I do get some lovely messages from my buyers and they make me feel that selling here is so worthwhile (not in a monetary way).

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A nice surprise!

It's good to know that there is still kindness out there.


I had purchased some hockey schedules from a gentleman in Manitoba.  When my parcel arrived he had included some extra ones that I did not have which was very kind.  He also put a note with the parcel that he also collected schedules and included a pre stamped and addressed envelope and if I was interested in trading or if I had extras that I could spare if I could mail them to him.   I thought this was a good idea so I put some extra Blue Jays schedules that I had and in the envelope and mailed them to him.  He was very appreciative.


Let's keep the positivity rolling.

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A nice surprise!

Over the years selling offline I have had some customers approach me and give me items they thought I would like to have  and could use  with no intenton of selling them to me, just wanted me to have them.  Some have been items with little value but at times they have been significant


Always appreciative someone would do this,  have offered to buy them but they wanted no part of that  they just wanted me to have them.  They told me "we like dealing with you and thought of you for this piece" 

Always nice to have happen shows me I must be doing something right for them to think of me this way


The one time that stands out was not an item but monetary.  Gave me it as a form of a apology which in no way he needed to


Was doing a show out of the area my customer saw a item he wanted and told me he was buying. Asked me if he could have it put behind the table and he would be back to pay for it  before he left for the day. Not a problem at all. About 3 hours later I remembered the item and thought what happened to _________"?

He had left the show. Not a big deal on my end had dealt with him a lot and knew I would see him again soon.  Got home and took a few hours to come up with his phone #. Called and he started apologizing for not getting back to me at the show he had forgot.  Asked for my mailing address said he was sending me the money and would get it the next time he saw me.  Told him he did not need to do that was going to be at a another show in 3 weeks in his area  and would see him there.  Nah Ah! not good enough he wanted to pay and was adament about it so gave it to him


A few days later got payment.  His payment was significantly more than what was owed.  Actually was about the same amount as what he paid for the item. Called him told him thinking it had been a mistake he said no he wanted me to have the extra amount. Told me it was his fault for not coming back that day and did not want me to be out anything.  Thanked him thinking I would just give him the extra back at the next show.  That was a no go he would not accept it back. 


I honestly did not feel right about it,  appreciated how he felt but while I like making money no way I wanted it that way.  So over the next few deals he got more of a discount than he usually would have. He was not silly knew what I was doing .  Finally said "I know what you are doing" thanked me and we continued dealing with each other for years after


A great person to deal with really showed me the type of person he was.  A major collector he never played games about items.  If he liked it he bought it.  Pure and simple









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A nice surprise!

The kindest thing that happened to me was several years ago. My much loved Ragdoll cat had just died and I mailed a couple of craft books.  Then a couple of weeks later I got an email from one of the buyers saying she has got 2 packages from me, one she didn't order. She kindly offered to mail it on to the correct address and I paid her for the postage.


I then sent an email to the  other buyer and explained the mistake I had made and the package would be arriving later as it was being sent on. I explained about being upset about the death of my cat. She replied that she understood completely, she had recently lost her dog and told me it was no problem. She asked if I would email her a picture of my cat, which I did.


Imagine my surprise when a couple of months later a long cylindrical package arrive in the mail containing a beautiful hand painted picture of my cat!!


I thanked her profusely and told her how much it meant to me. This lovely lady told me that she was a professional artist, and that for 2 years after 9/11 she advertised that she would paint a picture of lost loved one for anyone who would contact her for free. She said she worked all day for 6 days a week doing the portraits.


That framed picture on my wall still gives me great joy for the extreme kindness of this lady, and I know that there are many people out there even more overwhelmed by her kindness as they have the pictures of their lost loved ones.

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A nice surprise!

I have mentioned this before here


About 30 years ago I went to a couples home I knew and they showed me a 1920' Clockwork Elephant toy made in France  they had.  Very realistic it is stationary but when wound up the ears flap and the tail spins.  

A beautiful item they collected Elephants and was the key piece in their collection. These do not show up often.


They told me it was not for Sale but if they ever decided to part with it they would call me


Flash forward 28 years received a call from her asking me to come to her place she needed to see me. Had not been there since the original visit but saw them often.  Used to joke with them about my Elephant and asked if it needed a new home yet. All in fun never pushed but of all the Vintage Toys I have owned over the years this one stuck with me


When I arrived she had the Elephant in her hand handed it to me and said It's Time. Her husband was in a  Long Term Facility and she was moving


Told me I did not have to buy it. WRONG!  I DID!


Negotiated a Price and it now stands on a Table in My Living Room. We call her Emily not to go anywhere until we move along.  


She told me that after I left that afternoon 28 years before they both agreed when it was time I was the only person they would consider  passing it on to.  Others had tried to purchase it but they told them it was spoken for


 Blew me away when she told me that would have never expected that to happen and was very honored and appreciative 


In 37 years of dealing in Vintage Toys this is the only one I really wanted . Have had some great ones over the years but could part with them, this one was not one of them.  Did try to sell it at first but Nearly had a breakdown when I did  so stopped that train of thought


My one regret was I was not able to thank him in person for this act of kindness and thinking of me.  She did pass my thanks along. During Covid restrictions the facility did not allow one to have visitors  besides family and he was not able to receive calls  just not up to it.  He passed away last March.


 Good memories of him he was quite the person and am always thankful I did get to know him out and about. Always thought we got along but I  did not realize the extent of it.  Some thought we were going at each other when we saw each other we always had a lot of bantering going on but it was always  in fun. Others did not know though and thought we must really not like each other that much


She told me that day  "You do know he really likes you and always has"  Told me he only acted that way with people he really liked and I was one of the few he did this with


I miss our exchanges with each other always interesting and fun to have happen. Plus it was always fun to watch others reactions when they saw us going at each other



Message 9 of 10
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A nice surprise!

That makes is even more special because of the story behind it, I feel the same way about my picture.

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