American claiming refund - Once again

I made a post like 2-3 months ago about starting to notice a tendency from americans to claim INR refunds. Always the $40-60 packages range. Funny it's never cheap orders. Well it's still actuality. It starts to be a problem. Today i got a claim on a $50 order, once again an american. Always the same pattern. They open a case without contacting. They claim a refund and not their order. Same similar wording asking for tracking number everytime. Like they know exactly what they are doing. Then ghost after refund. Never had a single payback. It's always, always, always the same pattern. I started noticing a clear false claims issue from americans past months. At least from what i experience. 


I start to have a ratio of around 9 claims US for each 1 claim CAN. It's not normal. I'm about to add a few bucks of shipping to US as a 'scam tax' to cover this new tendency i'm facing. I wonder if anyone shipping lettermail/letterpost with a good pace of sales notice this tendency too?



Message 1 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

Americans expect tracking.

And I agree, I get  a higher percentage of claims from US buyers than any others- including Europeans.

We may have to move to spending $10 for Tracked Packet USA just to break even on US sales.

Has anyone tried the new Expedited Lite service?

I don't even know what it costs for a 50gr. shipment at this point.

Message 2 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

I moved last August to charging a flat rate to the USA with a higher charge to get a label with customs forms. I did that  when I got a few of the letterpost items sent back to me headed to the USA  with the "needs customs form".


I have had 2 people open INR saying they never received since August 2022 but the UR code from the small packet showed delivered and the cases were both closed in my favor. I have not had to refund any Americans since August 2022. When I did use letterpost It was 85-90% of my INR claim issue to USA folks. I would say I have had a VERY small number of INR cases since August 2022.


People have inquired about a "cheaper" shipping option and I tell them sorry customs requires a declaration. Either they buy or they don't. Some buy multiples to take advantage of the flat rate shipping I offer or just buy 1 item. People will buy if they want something and you have it.

Message 3 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

@femmefan1946 wrote:

Americans expect tracking.

And I agree, I get  a higher percentage of claims from US buyers than any others- including Europeans.

We may have to move to spending $10 for Tracked Packet USA just to break even on US sales.

Has anyone tried the new Expedited Lite service?

I don't even know what it costs for a 50gr. shipment at this point.

Unfortunately Expedited Lite is only for shipping within Canada, I've used it several times and am happy with it for cross country light shipping. It would be great if they incorporated US into these shipments. The launch of the service was targetting things like trading cards so it would be perfect.

Message 4 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

It seems like a return to the old Light Packet service.

Message 5 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

@femmefan1946  Expedited lite is fabulous! Love it. I've been converting my reg exp over via business policies. No problem so far!

@rocketscollectibles  In order to understand where your coming from I looked up your listed items for sale on the link here.  It shows you have none at my end. It also shows you have only 1 feedback in the past year. What's up with that or is it a gliche at my end? Thanks






Message 6 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

@intimewithmusic This is rockets posting ID, their selling id is a different id.

Message 7 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

Add tracking.
Message 8 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

If you're sending whatever it is letterpost, they probably really aren't getting them. We haven't been technically allowed to send goods letterpost for some time now. I would suspect some of them are getting caught at the border.

Message 9 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again



Thank you very much for the input.


I noticed this before .  I thought then the seller might be on vacation or something. I had no idea you could have a posting ID and a selling ID. 

What is the point of a having a dead link  connected to a "posting ID" if it leads to nothing that can assist someone with a reply? 

Is the seller ID the same as the posting ID?


There's also the issue this is a public forum  for buyers too.  Many buyers  look in "Seller Central" for information.  When they click on the link and see zero listings with no feedback in a year it seems to me it would deter them away from the seller. 


The whole thing seems counter productive to me. 

Thank again.

Message 10 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

unfortunately sending stuff untracked to the US or anywhere for that matter is an invitation for abuse by a very small percentage of customers.  I stopped sending anything to the US untracked just before pandemic and have not had an INR claim from a US customer since.  Take away the invitation for abuse by a small subset of customers and it will stop happening to you.


It helps I have a low cost shipping provider (chit chats) in town so I can do this affordably, I feel for those stuck with CP who are essentially hooped by their high rates.   

Message 11 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

I had no idea you could have a posting ID and a selling ID. 


It's just 2 separated accounts. I started selling on ebay for the first time in 2021 with this account. I posted a lot on the community boards and sometimes it escalate. I just wanted to dissociate my posting activity from my selling account simply.  And they do not allow to delete your posting history. So at some point in 2022 i made a new account and decided to make it my selling one. And keep this one to post. You never know when a crazy one will dislike something you write or get triggered and want to cause your business trouble. Everything is public and forever archived. Even your buyers could read a case you're exposing or that you ask help for. To me the seller central should be a private space, or at least allow to delete posts.


Add tracking.


It's a mathematical business decision. You do more by taking a $Y INR loss at X% than paying tracking 100%. It's not as simple as just saying 'add tracking' 


If you're sending whatever it is letterpost, they probably really aren't getting them. We haven't been technically allowed to send goods letterpost for some time now. I would suspect some of them are getting caught at the border.


Canada post are the ones approving packages. If it's not, they send back to sender with a sticker. It returned to me only once in hundreds shipments. I'm shipping trading cards, theorically it's paper like material and it's allowed. They just can't know it's goods. 


The way buyers do not contact and just open cases to force refunds, claim refund and not order, ghost after refund. It's obvious by the buyers attitude that most are false claims. 

Message 12 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

Ok then don’t sell those items to the US
Message 13 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again



Thank you for your explanation. What I'm hearing is you removed your active selling acount from the community forum so you could gain privacy and anonymity. We all have our objectives. 


My objective is to sell and learn to sell products. My view is what makes Seller Central  great is you can get direct instant feedback from sellers with more experience with an eBay issue, a shipping question  or a product they may be more familiar with.


For a seller to provide quality assistance it helps if they can look at your current listings.  It's also educational for other sellers selling similar items to be able to see your sales performance. I'd be surprised if you don't occasionally look at what others in the forum sell. 


When anyone including buyers click on your dead end link it takes them to a seller who has no listings and only 1 positive feedback in the last year.  I thought your shop was closed, on vacation, or suspended. There is no message of explanation you can leave for your visitors.   This is the price of "privacy and anonymity". 


 In the 1980's one night I closed my music store at the end of the day. While  in my office cashing out a guy started knocking on the front door. I didn't feel like  letting him in. He probably just wanted some picks or strings.  I wanted my privacy. Eventually I let him in. The guy bought all of the equipment he needed to outfit an entire 4 piece band from Viet Namm. Drum set, guitars, amps, pa system, keyboards.. etc etc . The works. It was the biggest sale I ever made in 30 years of brick and mortar. 


This is just my point of view.  I mean no disrespect. Privacy and anonymity in a community forum requires the kind of "blocking" you have done to other sellers and buyers.   It amounts to the about same thing as wandering around on a nude beach fully dressed .  Not that I've ever done that, or that I've ever been to a nude beach or, well... you know what I mean.  ;>}





Message 14 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

I rather protect my business to be honest. It's not worth exposing. No ones really need to know how much i sell or what i'm selling. If the info is needed i can share it by myself. Regular users know what i'm selling anyway. I really rather dissociate my personal activities from my business activities. There will always be people with bad intentions using the information against you so it's not worth.



Message 15 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

Add tracking.

Ok then don’t sell those items to the US


Thank you for those advanced tips. My business just grown up by 200% with those precious advices. 


Message 16 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again


Here's a suggestion.

Go to the posting ID, and use Contact Member.

Ask your question.

If the postingID feels comfortable, they can guide you personally to their sellingID and show you their methods.

If they don't , they don't.

I'm comfortable posting with my selling IDs, and I get the occasional personal contact that way. But I also sell in very safe categories.
Sportscards can be volatile.

Message 17 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

@rocketscollectibles wrote:


If you're sending whatever it is letterpost, they probably really aren't getting them. We haven't been technically allowed to send goods letterpost for some time now. I would suspect some of them are getting caught at the border.


Canada post are the ones approving packages. If it's not, they send back to sender with a sticker. It returned to me only once in hundreds shipments. I'm shipping trading cards, theorically it's paper like material and it's allowed. They just can't know it's goods. 


The way buyers do not contact and just open cases to force refunds, claim refund and not order, ghost after refund. It's obvious by the buyers attitude that most are false claims. 

I don't know this for certain, but I would guess that the CBSA spot scans some outgoing mail and probably picks some off there. Those would be the ones you would get back with the stickers. The US Border agency would do their own scans, and I doubt those ones get sent back. I would assume they probably end up in those undeliverable mail pallets or something similar. I could be wrong though.


That doesn't mean some of your cases aren't scams. They probably are. If you have high enough volume or are located near the border, maybe you could use a cross-border shipper along with the eBay standard envelope or something?

Message 18 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

At the moment really i don't think i'll change the way i pack and ship, really because i'm too convinced they are false claims and not undelivered. A lot of my US shipments are also delivered, i would have a higher rate of undelivered if it was a cross border issue. 


The buyer opened the case asking for information, i answered and asked if he could give additional time, twice, and he just ghost. I can see he's active because he received additional feedbacks, he just ignore me. I can already predict he won't reply to any further messages. When a buyer force a INR refund and do not show any interest in receiving their order, it's very easy to assume it's because they already have it. 

Message 19 of 29
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Re: American claiming refund - Once again

"They just can't know it's goods"????

"Goods" have value..."Goods" being shipped outside of Canada must be declared on customs forms." Any ole printed matter DOES NOT qualify as "lettermail" to the USA & International destinations. "Lettermail" is letters /documents, not items/not "goods/not merchandise that have a sales value.

Message 20 of 29
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