Canada Post Possible Stike

What happens now that orders are in the mail with a possible expected delivery date of September 30 and early October, what happens if not received there is no way of knowing whether these items will be received after strike is over.  Will eBay delay delivery date?

Message 1 of 601
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600 REPLIES 600

Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

@momcqueen wrote:

Oh GREAT! The comments section on that video made my spit my coffee across my keyboard in astonished, unexpected laughter. Thanks for that. Ick. Hahhaha.  

If you want some more giggles and insight into why the union members are getting free trips to the likes of Palestine, read here.

Message 561 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

“As the Cold War fades to the background, the trade unions need to acknowledge that the post war era of labor relations has ended and as trade unionists gain confidence (and leave petty nationalism behind) they will be formidable allies in the quest for global justice.”

Global justice.

They should get right on that.
Message 562 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

@momcqueen wrote:
Global justice.

They should get right on that.

And here I was thinking the frontlines of the struggle were the rural communities that dot our beloved country. Little did I know it was a on the sandy beaches of sunny Cuba. thinking

Message 563 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

@e8group2007a wrote:

The big Mississauga facility is affected today:

Just wait until Team Che starts doing their Antifa routine.

Message 566 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

Initially it was not my decision to go out today....


However, it was my final choice to visit the Human Rights Museum in downtown Winnipeg.


Got there about `12.30 PM.  There was a small group there.... quiet... not noisy ...


There were two posters, both not too large ... One was quite interesting...had to drive by twice to read it correctly as...


We did not elect ebay to govern


ebay was presented in four different colors.... could not see if the colors were correct


This was a quiet recognition that eBay had contributed in getting the Government to pass back-to-work legislation

Message 567 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

Well, I had to go downtown today and one route would have taken me straight past that demonstration. I opted not to take that route, as I don’t know if I could have trusted myself to not engage. And I don’t ever engage. Still....
Message 568 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

i would like to put in my two cents as i order a lot from ebay.


processing going through TORONTO/MISSISSAUGA is fairly fast. on par with normal canada post delivery times.


processing going through RICHMOND/MONTREAL is SLOW. With Richmond BC being the slowest of ALL. I don't know if it's due to all the parcels coming in from Asia or what, but some of my EXPRESS shipments coming from California have been "processing" for like 2 weeks. With another leaving USA Nov 17 and still not even entered the country through customs (guaranteed to be going through BC)


I heard the protests in BC were pretty bad with blocking trailers 😕


Another thing, one of my duty pre-paid parcels from the states that normally processes through Toronto went through Quebec and they charged duty tax twice. The seller refunded me of course, but ummm ok CP?! 


Anyone had experience with items coming in from the states with CP tracking stating "International item has left originating country and is en route to Canada" and kinda staying at that for 2+ weeks? Does this mean the parcel has not gone through customs yet? I would assume that there is no way it would have bypassed customs, processing and my hometown delivery without additional scans. 

Message 569 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

You can claim through PayPal up to 180 days for item not received if I am reading it correctly. I had a parcel arrive from Germany yesterday that was only about a week late, so things are starting to move through the system.
I have Amazon UK packages that I have had to claim not received, almost a month after the stated delivery time, but of course they did not have the PayPal gurantee, but Amazon did refund me. That was a week ago, and still nothing arriving from the UK.

Message 570 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

The struggle against capitalism, colonialism, and imperialism continued today. Looks more like they were struggling against the bloody weather, but that is just me.

Message 571 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

With friends like these, who needs enemies?
Message 572 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

And after they succeed in "striking down Capitalism" I wonder who will pay their salaries?
Message 573 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

@forester_studios wrote:
And after they succeed in "striking down Capitalism" I wonder who will pay their salaries?

We'll have to check with the Bernie Bros on that one. When there is nothing left to protest it is kind of difficult to pickup those paycheques from interest groups. As a side note more police forces seem willing to arrest the paid protesters so we are seeing some encouraging developments continue there. Still little in the way of signs of actual international movement outside of US inbound.

Message 574 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

Not applicable

Don't you think it is time to remove it or put it way down not staying on the first page all the time.  It is OVER!!

Message 575 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

@Anonymous wrote:

Don't you think it is time to remove it or put it way down not staying on the first page all the time.  It is OVER!!

You must be seeing a different version of the forums.

My default view is Latest Discussions -- and the only reason this thread popped to the top for me was because of your post.


Labour problems at Canada Post are NOT over.

However this thread is overly long, with some out of date material.

I'm nominating it for ZOMBIE thread status.

Message 576 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

Not applicable

Whatever at Canada Post does not affect us as sellers right now since the strike is over.  So remove them!  It is OVER!!

Message 577 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike



Slowdowns are still effecting mail delivery in some areas.


For example: ebay sale mailed November 27 arrived today December 27, well past ebay's delivery time estimate.


Message 578 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

The strike is not over ....


(1) Until the postal union ... CUPW ...  court case is over 


(2 Until the government recognizes this must never happen again


(3) Until CUPW acknowledges the negative effect of the strike on online sellers, whether eBay sellers or elsewhere..... and all Canadians 


We must continue  to address the negative effect of the strike on all Canadians  who use Canada Post,  and who buy or sell online.


We must start a new discussion in January 2019.....  and focus on the future of Canada Post  and our use of Canada Post as an .......


essential service





Message 579 of 601
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Re: Canada Post St*R*ike

The effect of this strike will always be with us.....  memories  that will always be with us.


Many online sellers that use Canada Post have lost revenue that will never be recovered.


The value of that loss  was estimated by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business at a minimum of a total of about $240,000, 000.  Add to that minimum, add other online sellers, and then add  those with their own website......  and that total could very quickly become $500,000,000.... and maybe even more.  


Then the loss in revenue by Canada Post.... the revenue that pays the salaries of postal workers


Where would CUPW be if they had to compensate everyone for this loss??


CUPW argues for the postal workers and ignores everything else.....

Message 580 of 601
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