Coin price difference for same coin in the hundreds.Wassup with that

Community Member
Do ppl buy a $30 silver coin for $300+ thinking it's special.Are some sellers hoping for the one big payoff usually happens
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Re: Coin price difference for same coin in the hundreds.Wassup with that

Coins, like any collectible, have value as far as rarity, condition and also buyers interest.


Quite a few variables. So, your statement, without knowing the specifics of said coin, is hard to evaluate.

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Re: Coin price difference for same coin in the hundreds.Wassup with that

You often see stuff overpriced on Amazon, like a book or cd that is listed at hundreds of $, while you know it's not that rare. It's some sort of marketing strategy to either drive prices up or let people think it's worth a lot. So don't be surprised to see the same on eBay... Moreover, such ads can get more traction as more people click on it to see what's the fuss!

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Re: Coin price difference for same coin in the hundreds.Wassup with that

some of those hiegh value  listings are money laundry scemes , people are selling items inflated in price 20x50x 100x the value  so the dirty money is clean when it comes back if you notice alot of them are foreign  accounts  and even some of them are canadian based --but really sell only to over sea markets -- when a  50 dollar at best item is sold for 750  dollars or even more you know something is fishy-  if you look at how many sales they have there are two kinds -- large number and then  ones with only one item sold either or another tip off

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Re: Coin price difference for same coin in the hundreds.Wassup with that

And what about this..? 😀



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Re: Coin price difference for same coin in the hundreds.Wassup with that

Thats nothing- do a search for a 1986 Canadian $2 bill-  This is the last year that Canada made $2 in paper money- there are some- with specific prefixes that can be worth up to 20k- Simple newspaper articles are saying this, so some people  just find  a $2 bill, any $2 bill and list it for $2k and up- and most of them are circulated-  It ticks me off when people are either too lazy to do their homework before listing or are purposely trying to rip people off.  😠

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Re: Coin price difference for same coin in the hundreds.Wassup with that

And there is a weird suggestion that sellers who are out of stock keep their listing alive, but raise the price to a ridiculous level.

To my mind that just tells the buyer that the seller is living in Cloudcuckooland and should   be avoided. Fine for the unavailable item, but I get a lot of sales from Viewers who come for the Bluenose and stay for the Small Queens.

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