I have 1,468 listings on both .ca and .com. Guess what is selling?

I list on both .ca in CDN pesos and on .com in US $.  


I have about 900 on .ca and about 560 on .com.  and what I have sold in the last few days is:

10 sales off .com and 2 off .ca.  


So it is pretty obvious that even though I have almost double the listings on .ca, it is the .com ones that are selling.  


US $ listings.jpg

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Re: I have 1,468 listings on both .ca and .com. Guess what is selling?

@recped wrote:



"Why on earth would anyone want to replicate the OP's situation given that from a statistical analysis aspect it's completely faulty."


Sorry, this makes no sense, either linguistically or from a practical standpoint.  It's backwards reasoning, nullifying reported facts through a foregone conclusion of irrelevance.  The OP's situation consists of observations, which are simply that, neither faulty nor flawed.  No meaningful analysis can be made until the same parameters are replicated and produce either similar or different results.  You're concluding there is a statistical analysis that is faulty before there is even any analysis.  How is this not biased?


I'm curious to know what caused the phenomenon the OP reported, or whether it is even a repeatable phenomenon.  It might be important to know.  In any case, we'll never know if we were all to assume there is absolutely nothing worth investigating in the first place. 



"This whole thread is one giant example of investigator bias.......




It seems the universal expert source for all things is apparently Wikipedia.  There is probably a term for that belief too.  Please, I give up. 





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Re: I have 1,468 listings on both .ca and .com. Guess what is selling?

5 of ops last 6 that show as sold (dont know if there are multi quantity that wouldn't show) were CAN$.   But it would be as meaningless to conclude CAN$ is far better from that as it is to take a few sales on another day that were in US$

Message 42 of 45
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Re: I have 1,468 listings on both .ca and .com. Guess what is selling?

So you have concluded the OP's observations and my proposition are irrelevant before they're even investigated further. With this viewpoint, no one would ever be alerted to anything new or unusual that happens on eBay. I would point out for example that a group of us sellers only managed to discover and parse out the problems around the dysfunctional .com cart (a very important issue) through precisely this process -- a couple of sellers reported an anomaly and concluded there might be a problem, and others experimented to test it.


Are you referring to the .com cart not working with .ca listings? There was no mystery or discovery needed for that unless you simply didn't believe those of us who knew and told others that the .com cart had never been set up for items listed on other sites. 


Im not referring to anyone or any posts in particular or even any one subject but I've seen many sellers here drawing conclusions based on limited 'experiments' or from making assumptions based on opinions.  That's why some of us are skeptical when people make public pronouncements of their conclusions.  That and the fact that it is so easy to skew results even if it isn't done intentionally.. 

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Re: I have 1,468 listings on both .ca and .com. Guess what is selling?

I'm of the belief that it would be impossible for us with limited resources, $$$ and time to create a mathematically/scientifically accurate test because there are far far far too many variables at work.


I'm sort of like my departed grandfathers and repeating myself, but the advantage of people sharing their observations of any kind add value by making us think about what we are doing and prompting review and experimentation.


I mentioned that I'd been pondering whether I should be listing items on .CA that would cater to Canadian buyers. This "worry" has been increasing as my sales to Canadians is very strong in the last month, probably higher than to the US.


I got the idea to look at my items from .CA (normally the only time I'm ever on .CA is here on these boards).


Well they show in $C and would be the same price as if I listed them in $C anyway (they're free shipping too) so I can't see any reason why it would make sense to specially list them on .CA as I do think that would diminish the possibility of US folks buying them, and it would make my life more complicated which I don't really need.


I did a number of experiments in 2016, and as you saw in other threads, for the first time in years, my sales are higher. Sadly I have no idea why. I don't know what things, or combination of things I did that caused that, I am just hopeful that it continues.... and I'll throw extra experiments in from time to time in 2017 as I think of them and am able. Some of them may come from ideas, thoughts people post here as has happened in the past.....

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Re: I have 1,468 listings on both .ca and .com. Guess what is selling?

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