Listing same item on .com and .ca

If one has single items that are not something that is a fast seller is there any pitfalls with selling the same item listed on both .com and .ca, other than the obvious of two buyers buying the same item from both .com and .ca. Then facing ebays wrath for not being able to honour a sale to two buyers with one item.  


I can see the items receiving more views on the .com site and the shipping does not vary considerably through the continental US so easier to post a shipping price. Issue with Canada is the shipping can vary widely by region so thus the reluctance to ballpark a Canadian shipping quote if listing solely on .com.

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Re: Listing same item on .com and .ca

I believe selling the same item on multiple sites counts as a duplicate listing which will immediately or eventually catch up to you when the bots catch on.

As a note, I sell on both sites, I put stuff that is likely to be purchased by Canadians on .CA and by US or international on .COM (buyers can see your item from US or Canada when it is on either site....
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Re: Listing same item on .com and .ca

The buyer on dotCOM will see items listed on dotCA if you have shipping to the USA enabled.

You can use either Flat Rate or Calculated for this.


And the dotCOM buyer will see the listing in both US and Canadian currency.


You will be paid in loonies, but your buyer will be charged in U$ by Paypal.


If you have multiples of the same item, you could sell them on both sites with small changes in title to clarify that they are different items to the bots.


But if it's a one off, don't.

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Re: Listing same item on .com and .ca

On shipping.

I've made it a practice to list with Flat Rate Shipping on dotCOM, when shipping to the USA and Canada can be done by LetterMail*, which is based on weight and dimensions, not destination.


If the item is over 2cm thick and 500 grams, I usually list on dotCA where I can use Calculated Shipping for both USA and Canada.






*And I usually make shipping part of the asking price : so Free Shipping. DON'T PANIC!  Free shipping is paid by the buyer as part of the selling price. Which is cheaper?  A $10 item with $5 shipping or a $15 item with Free Shipping?

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Re: Listing same item on .com and .ca

Thanks everyone, doesn't appear to be worth it. Too much work for little gain, probably just easier to put on for awhile. Because it would have to ship by parcel, would need to exclude Canada from shipping as it varies too much, or not put a shipping price and a buyer can ask for a quote.

Message 5 of 9
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Re: Listing same item on .com and .ca

Hey, femm, thanks for all your great input.

Newbie here, so forgive me when I ask, "So, based on your comment about listing on .ca so you can use Calculated Shipping, why wouldn't you be able to do the same thing on .com"?

Thanks for any feedback, kiddo!

Message 6 of 9
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Re: Listing same item on .com and .ca

Calculated shipping on .COM is based on shipping FROM the USA using USA based shipping methods.

Message 7 of 9
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Re: Listing same item on .com and .ca

I'm really curious, for example, about the differences between THESE two of your listings...from a pricing and shipping standpoint.


Not trying to be nosy; just (as I mentioned previously) an newbie struggling to find my way.


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Re: Listing same item on .com and .ca

I'm not femmefam but my guess is that I socks are probably being shipped lettermail within Canada as the package would be less than 2cm deep.  The book is too thick and too heavy so it would have to go as a parcel.  Lettermail can't be more than 2 cm deep and has to weigh 500gr or less.

The price of the item has nothing to do with what it will cost to ship. 

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