Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

I've been an Ebay seller for 22 years and i've seen them go from bad to worse over the last 10 years especially but this new Managed Payments system is 100% garbage and just another money grab by ebay... 

I sold a couple small items 6 days ago and the money is still in Ebay's grubby little hands and has NOT been transfered to my bank account at all! I contacted them and they said my account is set up perfectly for managed payments... SO WHERE IS MY MONEY Ebay!?1? 

Paypal was soooooooooooo much better because we had control of the money we work hard to early and payments were INSTANT! Their fee's were excellent compared to the crazy high Ebay fee's for sellers as well. Another advantage with using Paypal is that we could use our funds from sales to make purchases directly but not with Ebay.

Now Ebay wants complete control over our money and they aren't being shy about it at all so i cancelled the last 96 items i had on Ebay and i'm done doing any buisness with them!

Ebay has lost thousands of sellers every year for the last few years and now they went too far! Many of us now sell on Facebook Marketplace and groups ect... with zero fee's.


Message 1 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Community Member

You posted a link to a .com thread about Managed Payments without any sort of explanation or comment.  I responded to the your post, noting that the thread's original poster had not left eBay and was using Managed Payments to handle their eBay transactions and that you seem to be doing a lot of homework on this subject.  Do you have a response to my comments or are you going to continue in this vein with me and other posters you feel are somehow working in opposition to you?


I'm no more defending eBay than someone who gives a little perspective on the causes of the Second World War is defending Hitler.  I could say a lot about your posts and how you present yourself on eBay, but I feel that would be stating the obvious.  Good day.


P.S.  Thanks for marking my post as a "solution."

Message 41 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Well its now the 23rd of june and my listings are continuiing to auto-renew.

Message 42 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

For God's Sake would you take a hike!!!!!! I've seen you harassing others on the message boards as well so GET A LIFE and move on!😖

Message 43 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Not applicable
I agree with what you’re saying My fees have absolutely gone up period After almost 20 years I’m thinking it’s time to going back to why I ended up in eBay to purchase forget the selling Greed always rears it’s ugly head eventually in all business and eBay is no different
Message 44 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

He actually invoked hitler as part of his argument. Just like the lack of the ability to leave problem buyers negative feedback, we also cannot leave negative marks for discussion board posters.

Message 45 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

I used to spend the $20,000 I made on ebay sales to buy things I need on ebay.... NOW I AM BUYING ZERO ON EBAY as I have no money in my Paypal account...


Message 46 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

I used to spend the $20,000 I made on ebay sales to things I needed on ebay... NOW I AM BUYING ZERO ON EBAY because I have no money in paypal...


Message 47 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

I have no issues with the payments. I take the daily payouts eBay sends a payout in the AM it's in my bank account no later than 6PM EST including large paymouts.


The issue might be your choice of bank.


I will agree at this time I dislike Managed Payments, I was forced into it almost a year ago.  Mostly I just miss being able to use PayPal as my 'business bank account' and PayPal seller protection for charge backs.  The only other big issue I have is that eBay hides the buyers information.  Even though we don't have PayPal protection (ship to the buyers address) I feel we should still be able to see the billing address so as a seller we can decide what $ amount we're comfortable shipping when the buyer/reciever are not the same person.  For me that would be $120 maximum.


Also keep in mind selling on eBay is a choice you make, even though I dislike MP I'm still choosing to sell.  We also need to give MP more time, it's impossible to roll out something on such a big platform have it work flawlessy and nearly everyone happy.     



Message 48 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Yeah I’m going on 40 days not a single payment is showing up in my bank account I’m almost thinking about calling a lawyer and suing them definitely not doing any more business or selling anything with Ebay until they get this sorted out
Message 49 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Community Member
There’s all these sellers saying they should sue eBay over something to do with Managed Payments glitches, but none of them ever say what grounds they have for legal action.

Funny, that. 🤷
Message 50 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

when i joined ebay 24 years ago there was no i liked having my payments go to paypal and i could either spend the usd on ebay or exchange and send to my bank. zero problems.  then 3 months ago i was told to sign up for manged payments as i could no longer sell without it. i added a usd account to my bmo accounts and tried to sign  up but it wouldnt go thru. so i tried with my canadian bank account same as paypal uses. same problem. after contacting them they sent me a link to sign up for managed payments on however when i started there it went to a blank page lol. i sent them screenshots of both issues on both sites and ive been in a runaround for 3 months with no access to my 866 feedback to sell on either site so i'm blocked out basically. i must have talked ot 20 people since this mess started and no end in sight. zero appreciation for my 24years of loyalty. im really disgusted by ebay and the poor way the company runs now.

Message 51 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

well I am one of those who chose not to sign up for MP and no longer sell here, although at some point in the future I may re-consider- that is, IF  ALL the glitches are worked out - I chose not be one of eBay's guinea pigs and get involved with all this mess. In the meantime I shall watch & learn from hubby as the process of working through this  MP **bleep**, is a challenge when one has not been an active seller for nearly a year -that has made things's a nightmare that's for sure!

Message 52 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Why do you list on and not on is it so you can get paid in USD?

Always thought the American clients can see all the listing on eBay Canada


Message 53 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

It's called GST in Canada


Message 54 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

PayPal was really bad during the early years. 

I've not had any isses with MP so far

Message 55 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

How do you manage 7 accounts?   and your buyer Feedback inumbers are spread out.

Are you directing the MP  funds to one bank account? 


Message 56 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Yes, the GSP is a type of Value-Added Tax (VAT).
Message 57 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

@marnotom! wrote:

PayPal was pretty rough and ready when eBay acquired it in 2002.  A lot of what makes PayPal invaluable to eBay sellers are the tweaks and additions that were made to it when it was under eBay's umbrella.  eBay's transition to PayPal wasn't smooth sailing, either, but things improved.


I think it's helpful to take a historical, long view of this, as painful as things may be at the moment.  At least this changeover isn't happening in November-December when many sellers' business levels are at their peak for the year.  Adyen is likely having to build MP up from scratch.  I doubt that PayPal is sharing any secrets of its functionality or the differences between IT or banking systems from country to country.


Usually when a system change is made it's either because there were major problems with the old system or it's to something that is a dramatic improvement to what was already there. Neither, in many eyes, these apply when it comes to MP and Ayden. Customer sevice/help has been a nightmare for anyone that has had problems.  Kinda like offering 100 dollar giftcards(AB) to the folks that have holding back on getting covid shots or promotional deals for signing up for MP. Given to some but not all.


It was advertised (poorly) as simpler with cost savings in some situations. Does it work better for eBay? Probably!! Does it work better for than 100's upon 100's that have had issues at the beginning or since. No. Does it include features,  that may have taken time to arrive with PayPal. Holding a balance? Easy control of personal funds?  Making purchases? Moving funds to multiple accounts? I'm thinking no. These are features sellers and sellers that buy have relied on. Will they ever arrive? Most likely not. Did we have concerns from the get go? Definitely. How many have been satisfactorily resolved? Probably very few!! If there were issues with PayPal over the time it was around, did we push for change. Most likely. It should be important to do the same with/to MP instead of saying it is what is and just dealing with it.


So improvement , simpler or any cost savings? Probably not for the majority of eBay sellers and/or sellers that buy. The switch has even made it much more difficult for sellers to complete transactions. Like what they have to go through to pay for postage going forward. That was never a major concern in the past. 




PS. Ayden has been around for awhile(15 years). By now they should know what works or doesn't.

Message 58 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Ebays new payment system is criminal for the lack of a better term....I have lost thousands of dollars with no response from them


If you are having a issue like I am please let me know


What is happening ....if I cancel a order and Ebay charges me back to my bank account yet doesnt credit me for the original purchase amount from the customer and the funds just seem to go missing


So far to date it is close to 5k

Message 59 of 77
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Re: Managed Payments MP for Sellers is HORRIBLE

Community Member

Under their new managed payment plan they are charging me 16% final value fee where before it was only about 9%.  Bunch of thieves!

Message 60 of 77
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