OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT.

I was contacted by a buyer today who purchased something from me on Feb 7, it was sent on Feb 8.  Vancouver to Ontario oversize letter mail.   It was listed on .com using economy shipping.  There is no specific date to be received by the buyer on the order.  The buyer stated where is his CD as ebay said he would receive it on the 14th.  


I responded to the buyer that I was sorry he had not received it but it was sent oversize letter mail which in my experience takes 10 days from Vancouver to Ontario as it goes by truck.  I asked him to send him me a screen shot as that was totally wrong and he responded something like this.  

Don't ask me to send shots of any kind.   The truth is in front of you on Ebay.   If you don't know how Ebay works that's not my problem.  If I don't receive the order by tomorrow Feb 15 I will escalate an ITEM NOT RECEIVED claim.


What do I do now?  

Message 1 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

You might want to try a pre-emptive strike with PP.  Call them and ask if the guy can open an INR so soon.

I had a buyer in FL just like this guy who threatened to do a chargeback shortly after I sent it.   I called PP to find out how soon a buyer could do a chargeback. I must have gotten the right CSR because I was surprised when they offered to allow the chargeback, plus let me keep the full payment.

In my case, the scammer stuck to his story for weeks after that the item never showed up.  It was a sale not on Ebay, so I was able to drag his name through the mud on his feedback.

Message 21 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

If you press the dot for the ‘unreasonable demands’ option, it should open a sub-menu that says he’s ‘asking for additional services’ and may also give you a blank field to expand on your problem. Yours would be that the buyer is demanding Tracked Express Service when he knowingly and willingly paid for untracked economy shipping. Please bear in mind that I’m going from memory as I’m still on a mobile device and won’t be sitting at a proper desktop until later in the day.
Message 22 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

Another possibility is he has the wrong seller (possible when buying a similar item from different sellers).



Message 23 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

I thought that too, but I don't think it is .  He said that the date of Feb 14 is posted on his Ebay beside the item of purchase.  He said when you link on to CONTACT SELLER, item not received.   He kept saying the expected delivery date will be posted in your Ebay Purchases site.  I asked him to send me a screenshot and of course he wouldn't. 


It just worries me that I selected economy international shipping with no date and for him it gave him a date with a really tight timeline.  Because that will affect all my 1500 listings. 


I thought about asking him to file an INR right now so that I can push this up the chain as that is ridiculous, plus if he is trying to scam me, this is where, he will be unable to prove his case.  But that might antagonize him.  


Either way, I think he will just wait the 10 working days and then claim that he didn't receive the item.   I wish I could post his ID so that others do not fall into the same trap.  I believe in Karma, just hope he gets it back 10 fold. 



Message 24 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

Also, what do your Order Details say? That page is often very clear for Estimated Dates of Delivery. Not Sales Record, but Order Details. It will certainly have an EDD in black and white.

Items that we list on .com using standard or economy int'l shipping never have an estimated delivery date showing on the listing or on the order details page  In those situations ebay allows a claim to be opened 7 days from payment if item was shipped from the same country so that doesn't seem to even take handling time into consideration.


When we have no estimated delivery information, we consider the latest estimated delivery date to be 7 days from payment date for transactions between a buyer and seller in the same country, and 30 days from the payment date for buyers and sellers in different countries.



Message 25 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

It's up to you but I doubt that I would report the buyer as they aren't actually doing anything that is against ebay policy. Ebay allows them to open a claim after 7 days. Imo they are not being reasonable by doing that but they are within policy.   But if the report gives you a choice of buyer is being a..... (pick a word) then go for it! 🙂

Message 26 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

I thought about asking him to file an INR right now so that I can push this up the chain as that is ridiculous, plus if he is trying to scam me, this is where, he will be unable to prove his case.  But that might antagonize him.  


Either way, I think he will just wait the 10 working days and then claim that he didn't receive the item.   I wish I could post his ID so that others do not fall into the same trap.  I believe in Karma, just hope he gets it back 10 fold. 


According to the mbg he has to wait 7 days after payment so he should be able to open it today but if they mean 7 business days then you're right, he can't open it yet.  I don't think that it is business days but I'm not positive about that. They also don't mention anything about handling time so that makes the rule even worse.

Message 27 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

Very interesting. And ridiculous. Thank you for clarifying that, I think eBay needs to change it.
Message 28 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

ALso, I’d wait for this buyer to open an INR as opposed to pre-emptively refund so that if this is his proclivity, it adds another nail to his coffin.
Message 29 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

I absolutely agree with that. Apparently ebay does keep track of how many mbg claims a buyer opens so I do think it is best to refund through a case.  I've read lately about them sending a warning to a buyer about too many cases being opened but I don't know at what point they do that.

Message 30 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

Another thing to take into consideration regarding delivery time is  Canadapost does not include weekends/holidays in their transit times. I'm not sure if USPS does or not. If an item is dropped off after normal pickup times on a Friday, it may not actually start to move until some time Monday. Is it really fair to penalize a seller because of something the post office is doing and for a buyer to expect their item any sooner? For shipments between countries there can always be customs delays which can affect deliveries. In the past I've mentioned to buyers if they need quicker delivery an extra $1000 and I will personally hand deliver their item. Sadly no one yet has taken me up on the offer.  😞



Message 31 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

Would you believe that I got an email from him asking why I blocked him as he wanted to put a few of my CD's on his watch list.  He said if all goes well he might buy them from me.


How would you respond?


Message 32 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

Ebay you have got to be kidding.  


So this is where the buyer got the date from.


Latest estimated delivery date

When we have no information about the actual delivery date, we use the latest estimated delivery date. When we have no estimated delivery information, we consider the latest estimated delivery date to be 7 days from payment date for transactions between a buyer and seller in the same country, and 30 days from the payment date for buyers and sellers in different countries.


This is bad, why do we show economy shipping when they are only giving 7 days, that is where the buyer got the date from.  Purchased on the 7th and as we are in the same country, there is 7 calendar days and ebay posted he should receive it by Feb 14/18.   So the buyer was not wrong with the date only allowing 4 business days between Vancouver and ONT.

Message 33 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

I would reply 3rd party wording, something like:

Your normal policy in delivery issue situations is that you block the buyer from making further purchases until you are sure you can deliver items in a safe and timely matter.

Once this one arrives and everything is ok you will revisit the blocking.

something like that is what I would suggest...
Message 34 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

Thanks ricarmic, again to the rescue with the wording which I used.

Message 35 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

I was just checking ebay listings from other Cdn sellers who list on .com not only CD's but everything.    Every one of them chose either standard or economy shipping with no date to be received which means every single one of them will have ebay post the expected date of delivery as 7 calendar days from payment.  


This is a way bigger issue than mine, it was just mine that bought it to light.  Thanks PJ for getting the link.


Now what do we do about it?  

Message 36 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

In another post you said...  He said that the date of Feb 14 is posted on his Ebay beside the item of purchase.  He said when you link on to CONTACT SELLER, item not received.   


We don't see a 7 day delivery in our order details so I don't think that he actually see that unless he clicks on contact seller, item not received. If I'm right, that means that most Canadian buyers purchasing an item listed on .com won't see a 7 day arrival time unless they try to file an item not received claim. But I do agree that it is a problem, especially considering that it is not taking business days or handling time into account.  There is absolutely no reason that they shouldn't have a time estimate for Canadian buyers when we use the generic shipping options on .com. They do have estimates for many other countries. On .ca the generic standard shipping within Canada shows 3-12 business days and economy is 4-18 so they could easily use those numbers on Standard and Economy International on .com.


Hmm...I wonder in this situation if they ask in feedback if the item arrived by Feb 14? 


As far as what to do about it...complain and point it out to Tyler etc.  Of course it is unlikely to be on anyone's priority list.  I agree that it is a problem but it doesn't seem to be a huge one because it has been like that for quite a while.  I recently had a Canadian open an inr claim after about 8 days but I explained that it normally takes a bit longer from AB to ON. I didn't hear back from them but they didn't escalate so I assume they received shortly after that. But it is rare for me to have a Canadian buyer complain that an item hasn't reached them yet.

Message 37 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

I am just going to remove shipping to Canada from all my listings on .com.   Problem solved. 

Message 38 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

Pretty much useless at this point...but just feel like throwing this out there...


I've attached a photo from a listing of yours from the .com AND .ca website and I am curious to know what other people see when they look at the shipping details when they check out your listings.  The time frame in orange text is from the .com website, and I've been given dates...


What is even more confusing is that upon viewing the same listing on my phone, I am being logged as a US buyer...(no idea what happened and why - I'm from I'm getting info on international shipping) I get a "Canada Post Small Packets - USA - Air" with a delivery estimate between Mon. Feb. 26 and Tue. Mar. 6...again with a (more lenient) time frame...oh, but this here is probably irrelevant haha


I also went random on the .com website looking at other Canadian sellers...I still get a time frame...but upon closer inspection...for example...if I were to make a purchase now (Feb 15) for this item...I get a delivery estimate of Feb. 20 and Feb. 26...where the 26th is the 7th day from payment...and that's business days if my calculations are correct.  But this seller's economy shipping estimate is 2-6 business days with one day head hurts - too many regardless, I mean...I do get dates...


Not only curious...I am also really tempted now to make a purchase...just to see if I will get a delivery estimate (4-18 business days) as I see on the listing, under my order details...or the seven day from payment within country thing...and to see if you get any estimated dates at all...just to feed my curiosity...I know it's not gonna help anything


Please do keep us updated.  I mean considering how he's a seller himself, you'd think if anyone, he'd be more understanding when it comes to transit times...

Message 39 of 78
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Re: OMG a buyer is asking about where his CD is and it has only been 4 working days Vancouver to ONT

If you have time, can you post a random listing# from a Canadian seller from the .com site that you see "no date to be received" under Delivery, please and thank you.

I'm asking for a specific one from you that you saw because all the random ones I picked from the .com site, I see info like "Delivery: Estimated between Wed. Feb. 21 and Tue. Mar. 13" and this seller here is from the same province as me, using economy shipping. A stretch in delivery estimate way into March...

I've also clicked on random listings of yours from the .ca and .com website and I get estimates. On .ca, 4-18 for economy shipping...and on .com, I get specific between dates...oh...this one is the same as the seller I just mentioned..."Estimated between Wed. Feb. 21 and Tue. Mar. 13"...

I'm just curious...up to you...
Message 40 of 78
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