Paying store fees in US or Cdn dollars?

I am in Canada and list mainly on .com but my store was registered on .com so I pay my store fees in US dollars, $24.95 US which is then converted to Cdn $. I receive money in both US and Cdn dollars in Paypal. I guess I should have changed my store to .ca but never got around to doing so. Now with MP looming I’m not sure what is best to do.

A few years ago l did ask Tyler about this but he said it didn’t make any difference but things are changing now. 

Should I be changing my store from .com over to .ca?

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Re: Paying store fees in US or Cdn dollars?

Store fees.


If your store costs $24.95 US dollars per month on .....


then the same store will cost $24.95 per month , but in Canadian dollars on eBay Canada

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Re: Paying store fees in US or Cdn dollars?

The thing to be careful about is if you have grandfathered items for things like item specifics and how many of them you have.


I have the same problem, except I'm paying for an Anchor store so it is $299.99 US$ instead of $299.99 $C if it were a .CA store.


My problem is that I still have 2,127 grandfathered items missing item specifics (down from just under 3,000 about 8 months ago). To fix the missing specifics is a lot of work (and the item specifics are immaterial to the kind of stuff I sell) and the jury is out whether they would move over safely or not if I switch from a .COM to a .CA store


My renewal is in June so I'm going to have to figure out what to do by then.


I also have to figure out what store level to stay at. The dedicated support staff for Anchor are awesome, but I have to figure out how much they are worth to me.


So many decisions to make.... and the looming MP conversion is amongst all this too....

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Re: Paying store fees in US or Cdn dollars?

Having a .ca or .com store has absolutely no effect on individual listings.


As far as Item Specifics, there are two kinds, "recommended" and "required", the first you can ignore forever, the second you need to take care of and your Store level or location won't affect this.



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
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Re: Paying store fees in US or Cdn dollars?

The loonie is rising (or the US dollar is falling depending on how you look at it) which also makes a difference in how much you are losing each month by having a dotCOM store.


And during this period of huge Free Listing promotions, there is also the question of what level of Store we need to have a subsidized listing price.

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Re: Paying store fees in US or Cdn dollars?

They are required specifics.


Based on other things that don't work, I'm suspicous that just closing the US store and reopening as a .CA store won't work for those missing required specifics, and if that happens there's at lot of work required to add them for just over 2,000 listings. (For what I sell the required specifis are generally inapplicable, things like certification and grading aren't meant for groups of items which is the majority of what I sell).


I've noticed that some items that have been running for 8 to 10 years still have 14 day return windows instead of the required 30 - a couple of them have sold in the last couple weeks, I didn't think I had any 14 day returns but alas there must be a few still....

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