08-02-2013 01:04 AM
I sell a product for 40.00 and after the sale ebay has charged me 21.00 how is this fair ?
They are making more money off me then I am making on the sale of the product . and ebay charing me a percentage of what the shipping costs are ! , whats with this its not fair at all , becasue in most cases the shipping costs for what I sell are more then what I am selling the product for .
If ebay dosent stop over charging sellers no one will be selling here anymore , because no one can affrod it , then they will have buyers but no sellers .
51% is more then I am willing to pay and I am removing all my listing until Ebay lowers their fee's for sellers , I suggest other sellers to do the same .
I can see ebay charging me maybe 5 or 10 total in fees for an item that sells for 40.00 as 21.00 is over half what I am selling the products for , there is no money in it for me any more .
And I supose there is no way I can contest these fees and get my money back is there ?
09-09-2013 03:43 PM
I sure will not be buying from you
09-09-2013 03:53 PM
09-09-2013 04:09 PM
I can recall the days when we didn't have to work very hard.
Auctions starting at ten, selling for sixty.
Man have times changed, in my category anyway.
09-09-2013 04:26 PM
BB, my category has changed as well. American sellers who used to charge widget plus shipping are now charging the same widget price but with free shipping. They don't add it in. Totally changed my pricing dynamics. However? Some things that I have been sitting on because they "had" no value, now do. I am making it up on the back side.
03-20-2025 08:55 PM
03-20-2025 08:55 PM
03-20-2025 10:11 PM
You have responded to a thread from 2013 for which information, advice,etc may no longer be useful or relevant. It would have been best to start your own thread if you felt the need to draw attention to something occurring at present day times for which you could receive relevant current information.
03-20-2025 10:13 PM
03-21-2025 09:46 AM
Hello Everyone,
Due to the age of the thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread if you wish to continue discussing this topic.
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