finding promo listings section?

its been about a year since i had promo listing available to me since i went over 1.99% defect rate but finally i am now back in ebay 's good graces -- so i want to use promo istings again -- but its been so long i can't find where its located- i beening a an old guy forget easily these days -- i looked and looked and i just find where i can put  lets say with  5% promo listing where can i apply that to all my listings  to give me a boost in the listing 

anyone could help it be appreciated 

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Re: finding promo listings section?

@dobo5250 wrote:

its been about a year since i had promo listing available to me since i went over 1.99% defect rate but finally i am now back in ebay 's good graces -- so i want to use promo istings again -- but its been so long i can't find where its located- i beening a an old guy forget easily these days -- i looked and looked and i just find where i can put  lets say with  5% promo listing where can i apply that to all my listings  to give me a boost in the listing 

anyone could help it be appreciated 



This is the link I have bookmarked. I find it's the easiest route. You just have to remember to modify (currently) the end date format for your promotion. For some reason recently it is in a different format than the start date.


To create a sale/markdown you can use this one. It's located under promotions in Sellers Hub (PC). No idea with app.



Message 2 of 9
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Re: finding promo listings section?

I usually do mine from the sellers hub / active listings.

Message 3 of 9
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Re: finding promo listings section?

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

I usually do mine from the sellers hub / active listings.

On a PC that route only gives you the options for a sale/markdown. Nothing from the dropdown that will let you create a promotion. It's been like that for months.



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Re: finding promo listings section?

I have a column for promoted listings on my active listings. Perhaps you just need to add yours.

Message 5 of 9
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Re: finding promo listings section?

thanks all still nowhere to find using all the methods shown me here -- i will keep trying--i tried  support no help at all -- my heavens is speaking  understandable english going the way of the dodo bird ????? and i pay 23 % selling fees and  80 dollars a month store fees and i still can'y get person who can speak understandable english -- oh well maybe i should study  lingua franca  language indian  -- i might get better results -- bable here i come 


again thanks 

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Re: finding promo listings section?

checking the amercian forums i found some helpful info -- in that  i don't get my promo listings back till the 20 th of the month as even though i am in good graces now it takes only when iam over the 20 th of the that month - so i have weeks to wait yet  get it back so i guess i will wait waited almost year now- couple weeks won't matter --i hope 

again thanks for all info given

Message 7 of 9
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Re: finding promo listings section?

finally got through to someone whom i could understand at ebay and was quite pleasant also she  really delved into my promo issues -- and explained  exactly why i still don't have that option -- was quite grateful for the helpful person on the other end of the line - and also why my just ebay costs where still at 26 % of sales - so even though things are still not well with ebay and me -- things a i guess straight enough that i have to accept the fact they are what they are for now - 

i had to as of monday  i had to raise my shipping rate as canada post raised their's and prepaid boxes are a dollar more now  and with ebay taking 26% of that dollar  that 26 cents tax i will have to roll into any new listing price - not much i know -- but it adds up with ebay doing nothing more to earn  that 26cents extra in taxes 


again-- it is what it is -- life in canada is taxes  taxes and less heathcare -  oh well back to grind of redoing my  2100 listings  one at a time 

Message 8 of 9
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Re: finding promo listings section?

You need to create a shipping policy for each flat rate box size. Then when the prices change, you just have to change the three policies rather than all the listings.

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