I was just informed from an international buyer that a package I had mailed on Dec.14 (international air mail 0-250g) never arrived.
gentle-memories, will you let them know this, or how do I contact this Mr. Peddle myself?
As for the sub-contractor thing (which of course is a different story, but related), yes I have had SO much trouble with the lady who delivers my packages. They are supposed to knock, and if no answer, leave an official notice which says where you can pick up your package (this is secure). But ours can't be bothered...I have watched her on several occasions jump out of her van and toss the package on the porch or in front of the side door. No knock, no wait and certainly no leaving my package in a secure place. I have talked to the manager of my local post office, as well as people at canadapost (both by phone and email) and they say they'll investigate and let me know, but nothing ever comes of it.
And I have had 1 package that was delivered from one Canadian (me) to another, that did get delivered incorrectly and the package was stolen. It was delivered to one of those large communial mailboxes that the new sub-berbs have now, but put in the wrong box number. It is marked as having been delivered, but since the person never got it, I was able to file a claim, and canadpost did re-imburse me with a cheque for the cost of the item and the cost of the shipping. And let me tell you, I was surprised (yet pleased) that I got it.