07-26-2013 02:17 AM
I just had my first experience with ebay's deceitful new Global Shipping Program. The only fee I could see in the listing was a $15 shipping fee, which was reasonable for the item. When an invoice was sent, the previously invisible - and mandatory - GSP kicked in and the fee spiked to $58.
This is obviously outrageous. I've reported eBay and this program to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC). Perhaps if enough people complained, eBay would have to come clean with both buyers and U.S. sellers, who seem completely unaware that their ratings are being screwed by eBay's sneaky cash-grab.
07-26-2013 02:37 AM
That's odd. I'm looking at the listing page right now and not only do I see the import charges, but they're only US$18.38, which is less than the GST and PST in my province (BC).
07-26-2013 03:30 AM
I agree somebody should be taking a much closer look at the Program.
07-26-2013 10:12 AM
I agree that it is a rip-off. I have passed up on quite a few items for sale because the shipping charges would have been extreme. It seems to be a cash-grab for Pitney-Bowes.
07-26-2013 12:10 PM
Has anybody else looked at the OP's purchase?
I'm in BC and I see:
Shipping Price: US$15.01
Import Charges: US$18.38
Item Price: US$296.55
That's either a frickin' amazing deal or else there's another glitch running around.
07-26-2013 12:39 PM
"GSP kicked in and the fee spiked to $58"
$58 would be reasonable (taxes + brokerage fee) in most provinces (but AB) and approximates what would be charged at the Post Office on a Cdn$ 305 transaction.
07-26-2013 01:58 PM
@marnotom! wrote:Has anybody else looked at the OP's purchase?
I'm in BC and I see:
Shipping Price: US$15.01
Import Charges: US$18.38
Item Price: US$296.55
That's either a frickin' amazing deal or else there's another glitch running around.
I see the exact same figures as you do on both .ca and .com and I'm in Alberta.
07-26-2013 02:22 PM
In Ontario, the eBay.com listing reads:
07-26-2013 02:48 PM
Yup, it's a glitch on my end. Thanks for checking that out, Pierre. The import charges aren't changing for me when I change the destination postal code.
Having said that, knock the taxes owing off the import charges for Ontario and you're still left with a customs clearance charge that beats Canada Post's.
07-26-2013 03:42 PM
Possibly, there may be duty - in addition to taxes - on this Made in Japan item coming into Canada.
07-26-2013 04:38 PM
It is a cash grab for eBay also (not just Ptiney Bowes) because eBay gets to charge the sellers for the final value fees on those high shipping costs.
07-26-2013 05:06 PM
"because eBay gets to charge the sellers for the final value fees on those high shipping costs."
Sorry but you may have been misinformed.
eBay does not charge sellers any FVF on the extra shipping charge or the import charge and fee levied by Pitney Bowes
07-26-2013 10:57 PM
@pierrelebel wrote:Possibly, there may be duty - in addition to taxes - on this Made in Japan item coming into Canada.
And if that's the case, then Pitney Bowes' take on what's left of the import charges is even smaller and an even better deal than what Canada Post charges!
07-28-2013 12:43 PM
I will no longer purchase anything which requires the Global Shipping Program. All this fee covers is brokerage charged by the shipper. Canada Post charges $8 tp $10 for the same service that costs $25 through the Global Shipping Program. To state that there is no additional import charges on delivery is just BS. You still pay duty and taxes. i have a feeling that Ebay is getting a cut of this fee, which is why they're pushing it.
07-28-2013 01:20 PM
@barny101 wrote:I will no longer purchase anything which requires the Global Shipping Program. All this fee covers is brokerage charged by the shipper. Canada Post charges $8 tp $10 for the same service that costs $25 through the Global Shipping Program. To state that there is no additional import charges on delivery is just BS. You still pay duty and taxes. i have a feeling that Ebay is getting a cut of this fee, which is why they're pushing it.
Am I reading your post incorrectly? You state that the GSP's claim that there are no import charges on delivery is, um, nonsense. Does that mean that when your item was delivered to you, you had to pay taxes on it again?
07-30-2013 05:53 PM
@pjcdn2005 wrote:
@marnotom! wrote:Has anybody else looked at the OP's purchase?
I'm in BC and I see:
Shipping Price: US$15.01
Import Charges: US$18.38
Item Price: US$296.55
That's either a frickin' amazing deal or else there's another glitch running around.
I see the exact same figures as you do on both .ca and .com and I'm in Alberta.
I see the same prices as you two and I live in Quebec.... which brings my question: how can you see $42.57 Pierre?
07-30-2013 06:49 PM
"which brings my question: how can you see $42.57 Pierre?"
Better eyesight, maybe!
Or is it remotely possible that there is a provincial tax portion which is not seen in AB of course, and exempted in BC and QC but taxable in ON ?
07-30-2013 06:52 PM
I use Firefox (not that it should make a difference) and both eBay.ca and eBay.com show:
US $15.01 | $42.57 | Canada | International Priority Shipping |
07-30-2013 07:50 PM
I get the same information (US$ 42.57) using MS-Internet Explorer on both eBay.com and eBay.ca - both on the front page and under the "Shipping and Payment" tab.
07-30-2013 11:02 PM
@pierrelebel wrote:"which brings my question: how can you see $42.57 Pierre?"
Better eyesight, maybe!
Or is it remotely possible that there is a provincial tax portion which is not seen in AB of course, and exempted in BC and QC but taxable in ON ?
Maybe 😉
I'm not familiar with sales taxes in Ontario.... I just know that in Quebec, we have to pay about 15% (5% + 9.975%) except for books.