I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big time

I am very disgusted with some of these ebay sellers ,misleading buyers and not shipping items bought because they say they forgot ?

its awful I have been buying thousands of dollars on Ebay ,I think ebay should be strick on who should sell .otherwise it will give them bad name . lately i purchased 6 items and had issues with 5 items not good .

Message 1 of 16
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Re: I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big

Community Member

eBay gets tough with sellers with low detailed seller ratings and poor feedback records.  Are you leaving appropriate feedback for these sales to help get the ball rolling?

Message 2 of 16
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Re: I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big

On a normal sale, nothing special, the seller should be left Five Stars. Anything less is very destructive to his ability to list and sell.


The lowest DSR rating is ONE Star. Leaving no stars is a free pass.


Sellers whose DSRs drop below 4.3 are restricted by eBay or even removed from the site.

Message 3 of 16
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Re: I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big

OH Yes with sellers who give the great service fast shipping they do get a positive and excellent feedback from me

and the ones who the opposite they get the neg and I also give my issue with seller and warn ebayers buyers of the way this seller runs his store . and please people note in big don't be shy because this is how we get played //////

Message 4 of 16
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Re: I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big

The problem is that the delay allow to open disputes and give feedbacks is to short for international shipments so it is very easy for sellers to talk buyers into waiting until it is to late.  I could not believe yesterday that after giving the benefit or the doubt to a seller within the time frame allowed by paypal for opening dispute and escalating, I am still to late to give feedback anyways now that I had to escalate the dispute.  So this is a real free pass for bad dishonestest sellers.  It is actually really bad for good ones too because they have to compete with bad ones that looks good in their reviews and of course bad for buyers.  This needs to be changed big time!

The same way that we can save the names of sellers that we like, we need to be able to bloc offers from a list of sellers from showing up on our searches.  When we need to escalate a dispute, we should even have an automatic pup up asking us if we want to add that seller to that blocked list

Message 5 of 16
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Re: I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big

protect............... .  I see that you've left a lot of NFB.


It might well all have been deserved.


However, leaving that much NFB will hurt you more than it hurts the seller if you're a serious buyer.


You can always start a new id, but no one will want to sell to you now with your current id if you make an offer or if you ask for shipping costs etc. prior to a purchase.


I am in no way saying you did anything wrong.

I'm just telling it like it is.

Message 6 of 16
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Re: I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big

@crikets777 wrote:


The problem is that the delay allow to open disputes and give feedbacks is to short for international shipments so it is very easy for sellers to talk buyers into waiting until it is to late.  I could not believe yesterday that after giving the benefit or the doubt to a seller within the time frame allowed by paypal for opening dispute and escalating, I am still to late to give feedback anyways now that I had to escalate the dispute.  So this is a real free pass for bad dishonestest sellers.  It is actually really bad for good ones too because they have to compete with bad ones that looks good in their reviews and of course bad for buyers.  This needs to be changed big time!


45 days after payment to file a dispute plus 20 days to escalate that dispute to a claim gives over nine weeks for an international shipment to reach its destination.  Do you honestly think it takes that long for a plane to fly over from Shanghai to Vancouver?


If your item should reach you after you've had your money returned to you by PayPal, you simply repay the seller.

Message 7 of 16
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Re: I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big

annnnnnd.......you're blocked. (not that I have anything of interest to you, but still)


obviously you don't understand the feedback system AT ALL. 


First, unfortunately, anything less than 5 stars is considered a negative buying experience. For normal transactions, 5 stars is expected. You can argue the point if you like. How ebay phrases it, and how it plays out are 2 different things. 


For the actual feedback you left, you complain about shipping costs (which you agreed to before you bought), and complain about brokerage fees which are outside of the sellers control and complain about shipping times, once again outside of the sellers control. Both of these are specifically mentioned by EBay to NOT be included in the assessment of the seller, but many buyers, such as yourself, choose to not listen to or read the guidelines and make judgements based on your own preconceived ideas of what and how things should be. 


You leave unwarranted negative feedback. The big sellers love buyers like you. The small ones? not so much. 


Did that come off harsh? 

Message 8 of 16
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Re: I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big

If you feel your blocking him is justified why did you find it necessary to announce it?you even admitted yourself that he is not likely to buy anything from you .keeping it quiet would have achieved the same thing .

Message 9 of 16
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Re: I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big

@patken123 wrote:

If you feel your blocking him is justified why did you find it necessary to announce it?you even admitted yourself that he is not likely to buy anything from you .keeping it quiet would have achieved the same thing .

to make a point that a buyer with that attitude gets blocked, isn't a buyer that many sellers want who punishes sellers for things out of their control.


The statement was a cheap take from southpark, which really does have a lot of great stuff........annnnddd it's gone. 

Message 10 of 16
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Re: I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big


<<I am very disgusted with some of these ebay sellers ,misleading buyers and not shipping items bought because they say they forgot ?  its awful I have been buying thousands of dollars on Ebay ,I think ebay should be strick on who should sell .otherwise it will give them bad name . lately i purchased 6 items and had issues with 5 items not good .>>


Hello 'protechradiocommunication2010',

If you have sincerely "had issues" with the last 5 of 6 items you purchased, maybe you are not choosing

your sellers carefully enough.  Do you read the members' feedback to provide clues about their reliability?


Location makes a difference too, of course.  If you order an item from China, it can take a surprisingly long

time to arrive.  I once waited 51 days for dog poop bags to arrive from China.  It was a very low-priced

item (haha, obviously!), so I didn't bother the seller nor consider a chargeback.  The package would either

show up or not. 

So when it did, based on the postmark it was mailed the day after I paid.  That means it was somewhere in

the postal system for a full 50 days!

But I was glad to see it, and the seller got his 'positive', including 5 stars for shipping time.  After all, he

mailed it the day after I paid.  That's a really fast "Shipping Time".


Only twice on ebay has the seller waited too long to mail my item, - in both instances, the postmark indicated

the seller did not mail the item for 3 weeks.  I suspect they were waiting out that 21-day hold which paypal

sometimes places on low-volume sellers.

And one time has a seller admitted he forgot.  On another site, - after nearly 3 weeks I contacted

the seller (he lives one province over) and he confessed that he forgot and the thing was still in the

trunk of his car!  Smiley LOL


I would agree with you that there's no shortage of truly horrible sellers on ebay.  But you've been on ebay

long enough that you should be more adept at discerning who they are.

So I'm thinking, for future reference, it might help to lower your blood pressure if you were to familiarize

yourself with postal rates, -- they're waaaay higher than you might think:

From the US postal service:



Those UPS rates seem low in the listing, but there's always a brokerage fee the buyer is not told about.

Every country has different customs fees, and each seller cannot possibly know what it costs for brokerage

and duties/taxes for every country.  People buying and selling internationally can be expected to know the

charges for only one country, - their own.

Truth is, it is best to avoid listings using UPS, for Canadian buyers at least, because of the high fees.

This will show you a bit about UPS items to Canada:



If you buy from the UK, Royal Mail is one of the best and speediest on the planet, but wow, expensive!



Why not have a look at what it costs Canadians to mail packages abroad, or for that matter, within Canada:



And of course, if you buy from an American seller using that Global Shipping Program, you will invariably

pay far more in postage than necessary.  Not the seller's doing, and the seller may not even know s/he is

signed up for it. 

You'll know these listings because they shout out "No additional import charges at delivery!", as if they were

really offering you a treat.


Before you bid or buy, make sure to confirm how the item is being shipped.   That super-cheap UPS Standard

fee will subsequently have huge brokerage/ customs fees. 

Even an expensive item travelling by post may or may not be assessed for charges.

Items over 4 pounds have to come Priority.  From the UK they have to come by courrier (again, expensive).

Items arriving via Fedex will have brokerage & customs fees (if over $20 Cdn in value), but not as bad as


Items shipped "Surface Mail" will take about 2 months to arrive, so hardly any sellers use it.

And anything sent 'Expre$$' will be costly.


This next link will tell you about importing by mail (duties, taxes, etc.), which can be useful to know:



Mail order items will necessarily include charges and require time to arrive.  Any problems that arise related

to the item itself can usually be remedied with a kindly worded note to the seller.

Odd as it will sound, reading as much as you can about buying, particularly if you shop internationally,

will help you to become a more effective buyer and avoid many infuriating difficulties.


Just my 2.3 cents  Smiley Happy





Message 11 of 16
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Re: I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big

I mean I wouldn't block you because Idon't really care about feedback too much anymore because the simple fact is some people are just nuts and I can't block them all ( not saying your nuts)


You really need to look at some of the things you are leaving negs for ....


Did you know that Ebay ask's you to rate a buyer on how fast they get it in the mail NOT HOW LONG A CARRIER TAKES TO DELIVER IT ..


I see alot of negs left for what you consider overcharging on shipping .. They are shipping and handling charges so packaging,labelling time and travel envolved is the seller sees fit ... So basically If you paid the shipping that you agreed to when you bought it what is to complain about .. Did the seller jack the price after you bought it and if not how do you know they overcharged...Are they driving 2 hrs to the post office everyday so adding in cost of travel ... DO they have no good place to get packaging so they over pay and it brings up there handling cost..


YOU Hand out negs like Halloween and your giving kids Candy


If you don't like sushi would you go to a sushi restauraunt and blame the chef for for the food tasting bad ?


I would honestly say you have and will continue to be added to many blocked lists if you keep going.. I read some that were justified but I read many that we just you being a bad buyer

Message 12 of 16
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Re: I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big

Well I see you atleast got some negs of your own for selling ... MAybe some retaliation ...


One of the most Negs I have seen any buyer hand out  ... Holy moly 


Can you say half glass empty or rr maybe just my way or the highway person

Message 13 of 16
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Re: I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big

Community Member

There is a seller in Alpharetta Georgia USA  and I am quite angry with her because her ad for her items which is Live Lucky Bamboo Stalks

Her ad reads: 




I think this seller should be stopped from advertising how she does, I don't think it is fair to the people that want the item go to pay for it only to find out that you can not purchase it that she will not ship to your country.  Thank you. 

Message 14 of 16
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Re: I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big

Hi....I have been Shipping products from within Canada for a lot of years. We have Shipped XMas Cards to Racing Car parts and the best service I have ever used through Canada Post (with the best price) for Shipping 'PACKAGES' is the Expedited Service. You will get the fastest Delivery time and the lowest rate and it's Trackable !


Yes mail from China can be very strange as I live there half the time.

We once sent a batch of postcards to Canada from Shenzhen, Guangdong Prov. I dropped 5 or 6 postcards directly into the same Post Box. All cards where going to Ontario Canada and 4 of them to the same town ! 2 cards arrived within 7 days. All the others, took over 7 weeks !!!! Hmmm....

Message 15 of 16
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Re: I am disgusted lately with some of these ebay sellers who have 99% feedback and its rip you big

OH Yes with sellers who give the great service fast shipping they do get a positive and excellent feedback from me


Fotrunately for his sellers, this buyer (the OP) does not seem to understand how the DSR system works. If they are really lucky he is giving the sellers Zero Stars because he is so upset with their performance.

Message 16 of 16
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