Shipping via USPS from the USA

Community Member
Hello everyone:
As requested I have started a new thread on this topic.

Before the questions start pouring in I want to make it clear that I am not an utmost authority on this topic. We have been mailing our parcels from the States for over a year now and have had no major problems. We usually make the trip twice a week, sometimes 3 times during a busy season.
I will do my best to field your questions and concerns. If I can't come up with an answer it is very likely that I will be able to direct you to a site (or another seller) that might be able to help you.

First of all DO NOT BE AFRAID. I realize that many of you considering making the shipping trip feel that it will not be worth the hassle, even if the savings are significant. In the entire time that we have been mailing from the USA we have never had any major hassle. Occasionally we get pulled over and have to go into the inspection office but nothing has ever resulted in that. The most you have to loose is a few minutes of time and perhaps a $5 fee (that will be explained later)

Your main source of info on this topic should be Though, of course this does not deal with getting over the border in the first place

This is just a "first post" to get the topic started. I will respond as the questions come in.


Message 1 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

I am considering using m-bags to ship books overseas. Do you have any experience with them?

Message 2 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

Community Member
Me too Joy. Been doing it since fall of '04.

Here are some links re: requirements for crossing the border for commercial purposes. If you're making trips once a week, get the $100 sticker. Go to the CBP home page and click on FORMS. Look for User Fee Decal. Lots of info to fill out and give them but it makes it easier. At least that's what I've found.

I would also like to say, NEVER EVER EVER argue with the guy at the booth. Don't be stupid! Some of them think they're god and it is bothersome but they have the power. Don't be an idiot and challenge them. You're being honest and not hiding anything right? So it's not a big deal to have to go inside. Even if you do have the decal. It's part of the job of the guy in the booth to present a tough front.

Some of them don't know everything, they are human afterall, but some do know what's what. The form in the link I posted above, 7523, is only intended for goods made in North America. It is not intended for goods from China. Stuff from China, where practically everything is made, is subject to duty and quotas.

I encountered "god" one day and even with the sticker and only around $300 - $500 worth of stuff, not a huge amount by any stretch, he made me go inside. Ok sir. Yes sir. Thank you sir. I go inside and the guys inside are talking to each other wondering what the hell the guy outside sent me inside for. They thought I had a huge dollar amount of stuff. It's a piddly little amount and I had the sticker. They looked at my form, saw a lot of the stuff was from China, played tough guy for 2 minutes and made me pay $6 in duty because the stuff was made in China. Whoop di do da!

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
Message 3 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

Community Member
Hi Michael:

I personally don't have experience with M-bags. I do know what they are and what they are used for. I checked the USPS website and couldn't find anything on there about the bags.
I often see post office customers entering or exiting with the bags or an USPS issued mail crate. My guess would be that the actual post office provides them to their customers. I would recommend calling whichever "local" postal outlet you are using (or intend to use) I find that, in general, USPS workers are knowledgable and are eager to help.
Good Luck and if you find out anything, be sure to share.

Message 4 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

Community Member
What Border Crossings do you guy's use ?

I live 15 min. from Niagara Falls

Message 5 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

Community Member
If you have the decal, I find Fort Erie to be the easiest. The decal has to be on the car. If they start asking questions like how often do you cross, is this for transporting commercial goods, point to the decal. Oh ok. NEXT! Stops em dead in their tracks. Sometimes we don't even get asked for ID. 😮 That's rare, to be sure, but it's happened about 5 times.

Shocking considering how strict they are supposed to be for security but I guess since in order to get the sticker you have to tell them all kinds of stuff. They know who you are and they have you on camera. If you lie, you're butt is toast!

Rainbow isn't too bad and Lewiston is up on their business info. Sometimes they bug you about the made in China stuff. Fort Erie is a piece of cake. We haven't figured out why. Maybe it's because we're white, maybe because of the sticker with all the info required to get it, maybe because we go so often and are upfront with all info and papers. Honestly don't have a clue.

Come See What Else We've Got Up For Auction!
Message 6 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

Community Member
Apparently Jakeeangel has a sticker and that works well for them.

Personally, in all the time that we have been shipping from the States we have never purchased one. Reason being that the cost of a sticker is $100/yr and for the 5 times a year that we may be required to pay the $5 commercial fee it doesn't add up.

We use the Rainbow bridge mostly and the Lewiston bridge occasionally. Rainbow usually has less traffic. Jakeeangel is correct in stating that Lewiston knows their stuff. They are a truck bridge and deal in commercial shipments all the time. The decision is yours to make. If you are shipping huge amounts (quantity or dollar wise) you may want to cross at a bridge that understands your paperwork and business requirements. If you are just bringing over a few parcels to mail you might not feel all the interogation is worth it. Your choice.

We cross with a 7523 form found at: This form is an itemized list of what you are exporting and the value of those goods. It is a pretty straight forward, fill in the blanks form that is basically copied from your invoices.
We also bring along a paper, just done in word or notepad and printed out, of each customers name and address and what they have purchased.

Most of the time we are never asked for either of these but its a good idea to have them just in case you get pulled over. Filling the forms out in a customs office would be time consuming and considering you wouldn't have access to your E-bay account you would have no choice but to go through each package one by one and copy the addresses.

Alot depends on what you are exporting. Anything that is manufactured in North America is usually fine. Textiles (clothing, bedding, etc) has some strange rules BUT your first couple of trips should be fine and if they have concerns the customs agent will tell you what you need for the "next time"

The customs agents are usually pretty good and they understand if you are new to cross border mailing. Be honest. State the purpose of your visit to the States. Tell them the value of your goods and answer their questions. Basically they have more important things to do than hassle post office junkies.

I would also recommend that you rent a US post office box and use that address as your return address on the parcels. This is not a necessity but if for some reason you have a package returned to you, it gets back quicker (and its FREE) and it doesn't have to go through customs. You may also wish to have any purchases you make from the USA directed to this address as well, saving you in shipping charges and once again a customs delay. Bringing an item back from the post office is always quicker (even on the off chance you might have to pay duty on it) than waiting for it to be mailed to your Canadian doorstep.


Message 7 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

Community Member
So, now you have made it over the border and to the actual post office.

We use the main Niagara Falls post office since it is not far from the Rainbow Bridge. There is also a post office located in the town of Lewiston, if you cross at that bridge. The La Salle location (out past Military Rd.) that is open until 7pm if you are running late and if you simply have to mail at a very strange time the actual sorting center in Buffalo is open 7 days a week until midnight.

It is more conveinant to have all your packages addressed and with the appropriate customs stickers on them prior to presenting them at the counter. Some people prefer to leave their parcels unsealed when coming over the bridge just in case inspection is necessary (damage control) Bring along some tape and do the finish work once you arrive at the post office.

Each package will be weighed and the postal code/zip code will be entered into the agents computer. You will also have a screen facing you which will tell break down the pricing tiers and length of shipping time. The agent will then ask you which class you wish to send that particular item. Look at the pricing carefully and don't get into a rut where you send all packages via First Class or all packages via Priority. Sometimes it is only a difference of 15 cents between the 2 categories, which is well worth the little extra. You may also purchase insurance and/or tracking for a small fee. USPS tracking actually works and is reliabe.

USPS is a little picky about recycled packing boxes. They provide a huge variety of free boxes on their website and prefer that their customers use those boxes. Of course, these boxes are also available at the Post Office but that would mean doing your packing in the lobby. Take a few home for next time. Also stock up on customs stickers for all your parcels going overseas or back to Canada.

Pay for your shipping. Most Canadian debit cards work with their system and you can get cash back at the post office if you intend to fill up on gas or do a little shopping after shipping.


Message 8 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

Buy your postage in advance.

The two most popular programs are probably and My preference has been Both give you 30 day free trials, however you can get a 60 day free trail for endicia using this page. Delivery Confirmation is either free of discounted using these servives. If you have ever used Canada Post's Electronic Shipping Tools, you will find Endicia simply amazing and 20 times quicker.

Get discounted insurance rates.

Endicia (and I think both offer discounted insurance. However you can usually do better by using either or Again my personal preference has been DSI Insurance. I am sure you can find lots of comparisons on the US boards. I know that DSI will also insure Canada Post shipments for less than what Canada Post charges for insurance. With small packet you are not limited to $100 of insurance. You can also insure oversized lettermail!!! More importantly they pay out based on amount insured (up to the value of the final auction amount) not your cost of the goods that Canada Post can limit you to. On some of my shipments I use DSI to insure my packages from the 1st dollar to prevent possible valuation problems with Canada Post.

Message 9 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

And one more thing. You can also get Stealth Postage when buying online, but for anyone who can read the label and knows how to look up postage rates on the web, its not really stealth. However I haven't had a complaint yet.
Message 10 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

Community Member
Great post Phoebe!

These are things I didn't mention because I thought maybe they belonged in "USA SHIPPING- ADVANCED COURSE" LOL.

All graduates of 101 may proceed to the above post. 🙂


Message 11 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

Joy, thanks for the chuckle.

Some of the big benefits for shipping with USPS come from cheap Media Mail (used for books, records, movies) and USPS does not use Minimum Density Weight like Canada Post. As long as your package fits within certain dimensions it is based on the weight and not cube. Great for light bulky items.

There are also numerous flat rate options but I don't know enough about them. Perhaps someone else can give a brief on them.

Message 12 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

Community Member
MEDIA MAIL is probably one of the biggest factors in choosing to ship with USPS. It is very cheap BUT be aware that it is a very very low priority mail. It can take up to a couple of weeks for an item to arrive via this method. Most USA buyers are well aware of this though.

As far as other categories go, the savings are still very significant with a few exceptions. I actually ship back to my Canadian customers from the States. I found that items under appx. 2lbs are cheaper shipped internationally. (eg: 1 blush weighing appx. 1oz costs $8 to ship from Ontario to BC via Canada Post. Same package from NY State to BC is 63 cents via Airmail Letterpost) I would suggest that you compare heavier bulkier items to see which country offers the best rate.


Message 13 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

I'm thinking of trying Sarnia/Port Huron, MI ... can anyone recommend a post office there? With good hours of business and PO boxes?

Thanks Ann

Message 14 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

Community Member
Hi, I do mothly trips across the border to ship via USPS. For those of you who ship items with serial numbers, you may want to fill out a form called an E15 - Certificate of Exportation before you leave Canada. Stop at the Canadian Office on your way out of the country. That way, if your item gets refused or returned to you (I use a USPS Postal Box Address), you have proof that it originated in Canada and Canada Customs won't charge you duties and taxes as it would be classified as Canadian Goods returned. The Canadian Officer may chose to verify the items to ensure they are what they are and the serial numbers match what you wrote down.
Message 15 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

On Tuesday of this week I shipped 2 boxes by Priority Mail to Nevada. Both were going to the same address as the order was too big for one box.

The first box arrived Thursday, the second one on Saturday. Still quicker then mailing from Canada, but a bit puzzling!
Message 16 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

Community Member
thanks for the course.. I am actually thinking of moving to the Niagara Falls area and doing all my shippings from a small warehouse in the other side of the border. Fedex Ground costs from USA are about 35 % cheaper than Fedex Ground charges from Canada.
Message 17 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

When you ship back into Canada, do you declare low values? I would hate to have to pay duty on a parcel from a Canadian seller!!
Message 18 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

Community Member
I don't really sell anything that is of "high value" so its not really an issue for me. I declare what I sold the item for.
If the item is something large or of a higher value and a Canadian buyer wins it, I do offer them the option of shipping from Canada.

Message 19 of 33
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Shipping via USPS from the USA

Community Member
Hi, everyone.
I'm trying to use or to purchase postage in advance.
However both sites seems to require US address and US credit card to register.
Anyone who's using their services has any idea of how to solve that problem?
Thank you.
Message 20 of 33
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