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Forum Posts

eBay Restricting use of outdated Internet Security Protocol

Hi eBay Members, eBay has decided to restrict the use of outdated Internet Security Protocol, SSL 3.0, because we have determined that it does not meet our standards. As such, some Turbo Lister users could see some connectivity issues. For more infor...

Holiday Returns available in Turbo Lister

Hi Turbo Lister Users, The option to apply Holiday Returns in Turbo Lister is now available in the Beta version of the program. When deciding whether or not to be a Beta user, please keep in mind that the beta versions aren't free of bugs, nor are th...


Recent Issues w/Turbo Lister Sign In

Hi Turbo Lister Users, A recent Windows update has caused some programs, including Turbo Lister, to crash. To sign-in to Turbo Lister before the improved Windows update is released, please follow these steps: Open Internet Explorer Open the Tools men...

Wonky Paypal (again)

Back in the country, just in time to get acquainted with the latest Paypal glitch. We have been getting miscalculated PP payment notices all weekend (see below). Bernie Description Unit price Qty Amount Cox 049 Model Airplane Engine " Babe Bee " Item...

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power seller icon

In Ebays new news letter which I received today it stated: Start removing all PowerSeller icons from your listing descriptions, listing templates, About Me pages, and Store pages." How does one go about doing that? Thanks

New Power seller discount program

The new discount program now only applies if you can get a minimum of 10 buyers to leave top star rating on your transactions. This is great as the selling rates are going up and now the discounts are removed.

First negative since 2002 - any help?

I got my first negative. Can I do something with that..? I sold a map of Sicily - buyer wanted a map of Malta. Somebody thinks it's map of Malta here...? Of course, I did apologize. I of...

Lost/delayed items on the rise

Has anyone else noticed the same..? My sales are down since January (about 50% - the worst 3 months since I sell on Ebay (2002). But the delayed/lost items are on the rise. 10 items were seriously delayed (1 month!), 3 were lost - so during 3 months ...

Border Agency Scam

Had a parcel from Hong-Kong with value around $10. CBSA removed original CN22 and placed CBSA Postal Form over it's remains with value $25. I understand that CBSA has authority to increase the customs value if they "know" that item has higher value t...

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Jakeeangle: Have you ever watched this?

Hi Jakeeangle, I've been meaning to ask you for a while now....have you ever watched this YouTube video: Frostie The Cockatoo Dancing To Shake Your Tail Feather! Bird Loves Ray Charles! If any of you want ne...

To leave honest feedback or not to?

Just wondering as sellers, what's everyone's take here on leaving feedback for a transaction where the seller performed badly. Do you leave honest feedback? No feedback? I bought 4 balls of yarn from a seller and they short shipped me one. No problem...

The Canadian Dollar

It's strong vs. the USD. Very strong. Losing a point or two already, when exchanging US paypal payments. Long term predictions show the Canadian dollar should soon pass the USD and may even stay that way for up to 2 years. So what are your plans if y...

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Suggestion/comments on situation

Hello, We don't normally go looking for suggestions from fellow eBay sellers but sometimes unique situations arise on eBay that outside "counsel" can't help with. So we had a US buyer win an item at auction, bought and paid for the item, and we shipp...

Paypal payment notifications coming a week late?

Just wanted to give the heads up on this and see if anyone else experienced the same thing. Today is one of my 3 weekly ship days and as usual, I printed out all my recent paypal notification receipts. I use them in conjunction with the "Awaiting Shi...

Paypal Time Warp

I have had a few buyers in the last couple of weeks mention that on their paypal shipping confirmation, it has the following estimated shipping date: Planned Mailing Date: Dec 31, 1969. Anyone else having this issue? Cheers, AXE

AdCommerce or AdWords?

Just wondering if some of you use one or both of the above, and which one would be more cost effective? Are they primarily doing the same thing or is one for Internet searches and the other for eBay searches? Any insight would be greatly appreciated....

Need quick help, I have a situation with a buyer...

Hi, I have a problem. A buyer (score of 21) is the high bidder on 19 of my items, but in his FEEDBACK LEFT TO OTHERS, he left too many negative/neutral feedback to my competitors, who are great sellers. Now he wants to buy my items, but I don't want ...

Seller Source Book photos gone...

For those of you who use Seller Source Book... I had trouble getting the gallery pictures to load on new listings last night. This afternoon I was still having problems so I logged into SSB and there was an announcement saying that one of their main ...

Email Address/Username Question

Hello all, Got a new one for ya! Has eBay made some rule somewhere that says your email address cannot match your username? If so, can someone please send me a link to this announcement? There's nothing saying anything of the kind in the help files. ...

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Exlclude Shipping Locations - not working

I noticed sale to Russia this morning although it's been some time I have done excluded them and did "Apply to all listings" on "Excluded Shipping Locations", I still see sales to Russia. When opened the listing, it has no exclusions. When editing in...

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Sales during the Olympics

Just curious how everyone made out during the Olympics.Personally I've never been much of a tv watcher but found myself rushing home to watch events I knew nothing about.Seems so did my customers.I just had the worst month since 2003,the year I start...

Good bookeeper referral

Does anyone have a good bookeeper they can recommend. Someone that understands Canadian eBay Powerseller nuances. While I would prefer someone in Toronto/Mississauga - location is not as important as is the skillset. If you prefer not to leave a name...

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Shipping costs

Interesting if you live close to the border: And, they quote Pierre Bernie

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Can anyone Tell me why the TOP RATED Program is for the USA ONLY ? Seems to me it's not fair at all, according to my DASHBOARD I am a Top Rated Seller, However the Reward Ribbon does not Display on my Listing , or Seems to me it's no...

Chaianne sends her Thanks,kisses and a who lot of Love to a Beautiful place called CTS

Oh my Goodness, I have just finished a box of tissues!! What a beautiful surprise that arrived for my beautiful Daughter,Chaianne today! I thought it was her SS gift but the name was wrong!! Thankyou Ms*Claus! You are the epitome of Christmas!!! I wi...


I'm confused! Last Month (October) 0% Powerseller FVF discount (dinged badly on one dsr, I had a 4.5 on snapshot day) 20% TRS discount received This Month (November) 5% Powerseller FVF discount (better numbers but not enough for 15 or 20%) 0% TRS dis...

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Chhhhinaa how wonderful it is

I shipped my 2end shipment from China to Usa (container) cost me 1800 to move the whole thing from warehouse in china to warehouse in Usa took 2.5 weeks . Shipped a container from china to Vancouver took 6 weeks from port to my warehouse (central can...

Woohoo...all 5's!

I nearly fell of my chair today to see that my stars (the ones the buyer sees and not the ones on my dashboard) are all filled up and rounded off as 5's. That's a first for me. I have always given consistent service but tweaked it up a little after t...

What's the Deal with the 10 Cent Listing Fees for BIN Format?

I know that I read something recently concerning the above, but can't remember where. Either it was in someones post or on the eBay announcement board. Unfortunately, I can't find reference to it now... If someone could clarify the whole deal with th...

Selling Manager Pro Set Up for Premium Stores

I upgraded my store to premium last week but still only have the regular selling manager when the selling manager Pro is free. My common sense tells me I have to go through the process of upgrading to get it but it looks like they want to charge me t...

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