Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post

Community Member

Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post

Well sadly its now a reality anyhting sent regular mail to USA as we once did will be returned back to you with the following lables attached to the bubble mailer as now that so called regular mail cheap method of sending sport cards or other small itesm will have to be sent as Small Packets and cost from under $4.00 will now be double to $8-$10

So what buyer is going to purchase a $2.00 hockey card and then see that they have to pay $9.00 for shipping.

Hopefully Ebay Canada reps are in sinc and try to help in some way other wise they will be seeing less low end items being offered or sold on Ebay Canada


I know the rule existeded and now Canada Post is enforcing it and you be very lucky if a package now slips through the system as it once did.


Maybe this is why Ebay come March 30 is increasing selling fees as they know they will be seing less low end items listed sold thus they are going to recover on the higher end items by increasing the final value selling fee.20220221_155736.jpg 

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Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post

It's hard to determine thickness from a photo like that. If OPs bubble envelope was less than 5 mm thick then $1.94 would be the correct price if it was between 30 and 50 g. Simply being in a bubble envelope doesn't automatically push it into Oversized territory if the item inside is very thin; I've had thin bubble mailers with a single trading card inside that still fit through the 5 mm slot. Plus, in OPs photo it was clearly rejected for being 'goods' otherwise it wouldn't have that sticker on the left side. If it was rejected for missing postage it wouldn't have even got to the stage where that sticker would have been applied.


In any event, I have continued sending "paper-based" items as International Letter-post and haven't had any returned to me yet. The only things I've had kicked back were small video game cartridges (which, yes, I know shouldn't have gone as Letter-post in the first place, but like everyone else I was taking advantage of the seeming lack of diligence that was in place in the before times - I have started charging for Small Packet shipping for these sorts of things).

Message 121 of 134
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Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post



Nope, not too thick. I have one of the Canada Post plastic templates and always measure everything before mailing. Not sure if you can buy them now, I bought mine at the post office for about $10 many many years ago.

Message 122 of 134
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Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post

Community Member

I have started to send to USA with Chichats much easier and faster delivery times only thing have to drive half hour each way to location but i only go 2 times a week if i need to mail to USA. just have to adjust to the rules.  and soon an other issue coming July 1  2022  buyers will have to pay tax on every single thing they buy even if its scrap parts  I guess next thing yard sale will have to collect tax from buyers

Message 123 of 134
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Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post


There is a rule called "de minimus".

Often stated as "the law does not concern itself with trifles".


Garage sales are ignored because the small amount of tax that could be collected is much less than the cost of processing the tax forms.

Same thing as was happening with CBSA, which for years ignored most packages valued under~$100 even though duty (and sales taxes ) were due if the value was over $20.

CBSA even publicly said they ignored about 93% of those. (The precision of the number is interesting.)


Now if you were having a garage sale every weekend, and the neighbours complained, the bylaw officer would come by to sell you a permit, and the tax man might learn of your "shop" and audit you for the undeclared income. 

Otherwise "de minimus" applies.


And why do you think there is no tax on used or even scrap goods? Have you never purchased a used car?


Message 124 of 134
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Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post

the July 1 tax is not as far reaching as the taxes being applied by US states or EU countries.  A Canadian buyer  will only pay tax on an item purchased from a Canadian seller, as opposed to an American who will pay state tax on his purchase regardless of where the seller lives, even if the selller is in another country.  Same for EU buyers.


And Canadians will not pay tax on purchases they make from Ebay sellers outside of Canada.  Canadian buyers will only pay tax on purchases they make from Canadian based Ebay sellers. 


I presume this will all apply to Canadian buyers buying from Canadian sellers on other selling platforms as well , not just Ebay.

Message 125 of 134
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Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post

@fergua3 wrote:

the July 1 tax is not as far reaching as the taxes being applied by US states or EU countries.  A Canadian buyer  will only pay tax on an item purchased from a Canadian seller, as opposed to an American who will pay state tax on his purchase regardless of where the seller lives, even if the selller is in another country.  Same for EU buyers.

That's useful information.  I wonder if this means that CBSA will be stepping up its enforcement of the de minimis so that Canadian sellers and retailers aren't put at a competitive disadvantage?

Message 126 of 134
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Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post

It also includes digital items sold from outside of Canada.

Message 127 of 134
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Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post

@reallynicestamps wrote:


There is a rule called "de minimus".

Often stated as "the law does not concern itself with trifles".


Garage sales are ignored because the small amount of tax that could be collected is much less than the cost of processing the tax forms.

Same thing as was happening with CBSA, which for years ignored most packages valued under~$100 even though duty (and sales taxes ) were due if the value was over $20.

CBSA even publicly said they ignored about 93% of those. (The precision of the number is interesting.)


Now if you were having a garage sale every weekend, and the neighbours complained, the bylaw officer would come by to sell you a permit, and the tax man might learn of your "shop" and audit you for the undeclared income. 

Otherwise "de minimus" applies.


And why do you think there is no tax on used or even scrap goods? Have you never purchased a used car?




I just find it interesting that eBay has no problem lumping ALL sellers together when it comes to this big need to collect a tax but they are totally unable to lump us together when apply a better discount that level 1 for postage that anyone walking in off the street can get.



Message 128 of 134
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Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post

I find it interesting that people think eBay is in any way shape or form responsible for this issue or in any way shape or form has any imput into how it works.


If you don't like how eBay handles postage there are alternatives you can use. eBay must comply with Federal regulations related to tax matters or close down their Canadian operations, there are no alternatives.



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 129 of 134
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Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post

@recped wrote:

I find it interesting that people think eBay is in any way shape or form responsible for this issue or in any way shape or form has any imput into how it works.


If you don't like how eBay handles postage there are alternatives you can use. eBay must comply with Federal regulations related to tax matters or close down their Canadian operations, there are no alternatives.



I find it interesting there are people on here...not all..some... who think eBay should never be questioned on anything.



Message 130 of 134
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Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post

For those of us who watched as the USA "internet Taxation" process unfolded, we may have just anticipated that Canada would not be long in pursuing its own version of taxation. Sure it's annoying, sure it's just more ways of money being drained from both buyers & sellers, but we are not the governing bodies here, nor is eBay or Amazon or Etsy or, or... and whether we question eBay on these things or not, laws are laws...and it's to these governing bodies that these questions should be directed ...not that any of that would make one iota of difference...

Message 131 of 134
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Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post



I rationalize it on how well the rollouts have gone for MP  (having issues getting paid etc etc) and VAT collection. There are sellers that never had questions/situations resolved. Those questions were asked 3 years ago when MP was announced.  Plus the  buyers that are getting charged Tax twice...From eBay and when their goods arrive. 


Remember this announcement from eBay on VAT? ‎07-07-2021 02:18 PM




There was zippo for follow up as to a solution and how it would it apply to shipping internationally. 


With this new boondoggle we will have to wait and see if this gets rolled out properly!!! My sense of optimism is wearing thin!!!



Message 132 of 134
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Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post

I sell on another site where this new taxation will indeed be implemented, so for me it's not just whatever happens here on eBay, it's the transition on that other selling site as well...

However,, since this really doesn't belong on this thread, I shall try to avoid any further discussion so that we may keep to the original topic...

Message 133 of 134
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Ebay Canada needs to address with packages being returned by Canada Post

Don't think it's about a cashgrab, I have been hearing of those small bubble envelopes being disallowed as oversize lettermail since last fall.

It seems the problem is US customs & International Mail regulations want a CN22 declaration on the envelope. That's why you need to ship as small packet rather than oversize lettermail.


Message 134 of 134
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