How bad are sales, take a look!

This is bad.  I have never had such poor sales since May 2018.  It's like the light went off in my store.  I know that I am in a dying field, however when I check CD sales overall they are still selling and my prices are in the middle.  How are your sales?


poor sales.jpg

Message 1 of 13
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Re: How bad are sales, take a look!

Mine are fine. Up and down as always, the summer is not generally the season I set the world aflame. You closed your listings to take vacation, didn’t you? I found that had negative impact on my performance later but other sellers report the opposite effect.
Message 2 of 13
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Re: How bad are sales, take a look!

Community Member

Woefully inconsistent of late. There are spurts of activity and signs of life, but when I take a closer look I generally find that most of the good revenue days here are just the repeat customers that buy from me on a regular basis.  I then look at some competitors that have 10k+ listings and see they are only selling a small amount more (not even close to enough to sustain that business if it was their only channel) than me and I don't feel quite as bad. 

Message 3 of 13
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Re: How bad are sales, take a look!

I had a good June/18 (slightly below average) and record breaking July/18 which has always been traditionally slow for me. I started out the year with a record breaking Jan/18 followed by a lack luster Feb-May/18.


"Anything Goes" seems to be the catch phrase for this year.... especially when Feb-May were always consistently strong for me with July being the lowest point for sales. 


Hopefully August is another big surprise (I'll keep my fingers crossed).



Message 4 of 13
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Re: How bad are sales, take a look!

Hi Mo, yes you are right I came back from a month Panama canal cruise in early May and sales just have never recovered.  Last July I did double the sales for this July.  

Message 5 of 13
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Re: How bad are sales, take a look!

Community Member

I get 10 sales on amazon for every 4 sale on eBay at this point on high margin electronics and my prices are usually 30-40 $ more on amazon & I am also paying less in fees on top of that ... It's actually weird how I can post something on eBay for 250$ then post it on amazon for 250 $ have no sales on either but drop the price at the same time by 30$ and sell 1 on amazon in an hour and have it still listed on eBay 4 days later then relist on amazon and drop my eBay listing and it sell within 24 hours. Guess it's the way of the consumer and I Just wish ebay could be like it use to .

Message 6 of 13
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Re: How bad are sales, take a look!

"I get 10 sales on amazon for every 4 sale on eBay at this point on high margin electronics and my prices are usually 30-40 $ more on amazon..."


You have illustrated the very reason that ebay is a better place for buyers when it comes to outside vendors on Amazon. 

Message 7 of 13
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Re: How bad are sales, take a look!

For summer 2018, my sales are really, and I mean REALLY, bad too. Compared to same period last year, they are down 97.9%. And I totally believe that, because I almost didn't print any label during this summer (2018) compared to the amount of labels I printed last summer (2017). I am about to loose my Top Rated status if sales don't improve FAST.

Message 8 of 13
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Re: How bad are sales, take a look!

Earlier this year my sales were trending very downward as were views.


I tried a several experiments until I found a combo that was successful, which I kept running since then. Since then sales have been consistent if not better than the year before, and much of the time I'm higher than last year at this time when the "market" is down (if one can count on those stats).


My July was better than last July and I also did an experimental 1 week shutdown in July, so this July was much better! (by my calculations shutting down for a week costs me about 1.5 weeks worth of sales because of the shut down, start up lag times etc, but sales recovered to normal levels almost immediately - remember I am in the stamp world)


That's the long version of my advice which is to keep experimenting with different ways of offering material, BINS, Auctions, BOs etc till you (hopefully) find something in your area that works!!


Unfortunately when you do find it, eventually some of the observant others in your category will copy it so then you'll have to repeat the experimentation process again....


PS that also means you can be one of the "others" and watch what the successful sellers do and copy them...



Message 9 of 13
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Re: How bad are sales, take a look!

I have decided to shut down for awhile to see what is going to take place. In the last 31 days my sales have been less than 30.00 and that was all with one buyer and my E-Bay bill was -61 cents for the same period so it is not worth my while or my time to do that much work for the sales I am getting. With so many changes coming and all the problems on the site I'm going to shut down to see what is going to happen.

I think that loosing PP is going to be the big killer for the site. 

Message 10 of 13
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Re: How bad are sales, take a look!

The only observation I can make with the recent implementation of Sellers Hub, is that every time I open it, I get an instant reminder how badly my sales actually are from past months. Thanks, Sellers Hub!!! grimacing grimacing grimacing



Message 11 of 13
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Re: How bad are sales, take a look!

Over the past 2 years my sales have been dramatically dwindling and my seller status went from a long standing top rated power seller to an occasional seller:

3 month period of May-June-July 2016= 27 transactions a few of those being multiple item sales

that 3 month period for 2017 =18 transactions...mostly multiple item sales

same 3 month period for 2018 = 7 transactions with 1 of those being a sale of 2 items

Message 12 of 13
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Re: How bad are sales, take a look!

June was very poor, the worst month so far of 2018.
July on the other hand was very good by my standards. Received free listing promos in July, none in June.
Message 13 of 13
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