eBay raising fees again

Hi eBay

You are raising fees again. That raises the idea that I should seriously leave eBay for another platform.

Keep going and I will leave.

Message 1 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

Since you are selling higher end coins you might want to consider opening a store as fees on coins would be 9% rather than 13.25%.   You might save more on fees than what you would pay for the store subscription but you would have to figure out how much you sell in an average month.

Message 2 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

@pjcdn2005 wrote:

Since you are selling higher end coins you might want to consider opening a store as fees on coins would be 9% rather than 13.25%.   You might save more on fees than what you would pay for the store subscription but you would have to figure out how much you sell in an average month.

$600/month of reduced fees entirely covers a Basic Store subscription (month to month).



"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 3 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

My seller fees are already around 20%. I am reducing my advertising cap to compensate. I'll reassess in a month.

Message 4 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

Ebay is complete trash, and getting worse quickly.  It is too bad I missed out on the "good" years with ebay, as I only started an Ebay account last summer to extend my potential market across Canada via a well known website (ebay) for one specific product.  The reason I did this was to expand outside the Toronto/GTA/Southern Ontario market I currently sell to via Kijiji and FB Marketplace.  Though I am the only person with this product in Canada, I still have to compete with American sellers whose shipping will take several weeks and I have to compete with people selling fake illegitimate products whose prices I obviously cannot compete with.  Besides that, let me compare two recent sales.

Ebay: (not promoted) $24.99-$4.42=$20.57-free shipping($2.19)=$18.38    (73.5% total price captured)
             (promoted) $19.99-$3.63(fee)-$2.55(promoted fee)-$2.19(shipping)=$11.62 (58.1% total price captured)
Kijiji/FB marketplace:$30(etransfer)-$2.19 shipping=$27.81 (92.7% total price captured)

**I am sorry these are not all the same price, but you get the idea, I get roughly 3/4th of the sale price of a non-promoted item after expenses, and roughly less than 60% for a promoted item.  Kijiji/etransfer system obviously produces the most for me at over 90% of the total money spent, and one sale on Kijiji is roughly the same per unit as two on ebay. The client also doesn't pay sales tax with Kijiji.
***I have to use promoted listings for some of my listings, in the hope it draws customers to my non-promoted listings.  The reason is because it will prioritize sellers in the US over me.  I don't have this issue on other platforms, and the customer gets a worse experience because shipping is expensive and can take several weeks from the US as opposed to several days from me.  Also Ebay allows people to sell fake harmful products, and refuses to pull their listings.  How can anyone compete with bootleg stuff from China?
****In this environment, the quality of goods goes down and the prices rise.  In short Ebay shareholders should be running for the hills as it's turned into a service to rip off people who rely on shipping to their residences across Canada.  I personally don't want to invest anymore time into Ebay, and I am seriously considering pulling my ads as it does not seem to be worth the effort compared to other platforms.  The more "old" sellers they lose, while making it difficult to attract "new" sellers will just create a situation where there are less listings, higher prices, and frustration for both the seller and buyer.
*****Tech companies like ebay thrive on creating a more efficient system for the masses to use, which creates their value.  I find these companies have stepped away from a model of providing efficiency, to providing monolopy domination over one market or another(used goods marketplace in ebays case).  In ebays case, this has totally backfired as they are now raising fees to make up for revenue lost to Amazon in terms of gross sales.  As they move away from what made them a great company, others will continue to move away from them as sellers realize they are too reliant on one **bleep**ty company.  In short, screw ebay, and I see nothing but their market share continuing to drop over the next several years and both buyers and sellers migrate elsewhere.  Ebay will soon be what streetcorners in NYC used to be, bootleg vendors of varying qualities of junk.  

Message 5 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

Community Member

Keep in mind that when you started on eBay, eBay Final Value Fees were separate from payment processing (i.e. PayPal) fees.  Now the two fees are smurshed together, making eBay's fees seem much higher than what they were a decade or so ago.


If you take 2.9% for payment processing off a FVF percentage of 13.4%, you're left with 10.5% for everything else.  Food for thought.

Message 6 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

Perhaps you would rather pay the fees that Amazon sellers pay and abide by all their rules and policies since you seem to think eBay is so bad...

Message 7 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

Actually I am a dual US citizen, so Amazon.ca won't take my business.  I can sell on the US website but not the Canadian one. No, I am not trying to redirect into another app as many people seem to just want to stay home and work there.  I have no problem building my own business in an environment where I have a lot more control.  The benifit of in person local promotion seems to far outweigh the pros of working with ebay as a viable business model.  It requires more effort, but the sky is the limit if your in the right market.

Message 8 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

Amazon.com has more reach than AZdotCA. I was making about one sale a month at best on AZ and they were awful for book titles that did not have ISBN numbers.

Dot COM may be better.

It is useful for any seller to list on several sites. Before we retired we had our own website, eBay, ZoS, DelCampe Auctions (Italy), and used Stamp Auctions Network for our online auctions. And of course our B&M shop.

AZ didn't work for us, the ISBN number again.

I'm a little suspicious of any venue that competes with its sellers.

Message 9 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

Obviously any marketplace you sell in that deals at all with payments will have lower margins for you. How could it not? The question is whether the increase in sales you get in reaching a larger audience is worth the lower margins. Only you can answer that. Some points though:


1. Why are you promoting the listing at THAT high a rate? That's completely unnecessary, especially if you have a nice little niche carved out. You'd probably be better off promoting three listings at 2 or 3% than one at 10 to 12%.

2. What time are you wasting keeping your listings on eBay? If you're basically selling one type of item, it's pretty much set and forget. Maybe you have the odd question to answer once or twice a month.

3. If you don't like the higher fees, raise you prices on eBay to compensate while keeping them lower on Marketplace. There's no downside. Maybe some people buy from American sellers instead of you, but without being on eBay they wouldn't have bought from you anyway. Also, some people would rather pay more to buy Canadian and avoid dealing with the border, especially if they wait too long to order and need it quick.

4. You can already ship the items to Canadians via lettermail cheaper than American sellers can, who have to send it parcel. You may be more competitive than you think at a higher price.

5. If you think Marketplace and Kijiji are going to stay in their current form, you might want to think again. The government is almost certain to mandate, sooner rather than later, that all online marketplaces have to have built in payment systems and charge tax. When they do that, they'll also be charging processing fees.

6. If you end up doing too well or expand into a bunch of other product lines, you'll have to register to collect tax anyway even for local sales.

Message 10 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

Where else are you going to go? Ebay is probably the best choice you have. 


If there is enough demand for your products in your local area to sell on kijiji or FB marketplace you wouldn't be selling on Ebay. Unless you want to copy paste your ads in every major city FB Kijiji market. 


If you want to reach beyond your local area you have to sell on an e commerce platform.


Would you rather be dealing with Amazon, Esty or Poshmark fees and rules? You might be better off or worse off on those platforms. 


OR are you better off opening your own Shopify store for like 40 bucks month plus 2.5% + $0.30  fee per sale? You will be spending massive amounts of money in marketing expenses just to drive traffic to your store. 


Just increase your prices on Ebay like litterally every other business.

Message 11 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

5. If you think Marketplace and Kijiji are going to stay in their current form, you might want to think again.


I heard that FB Marketplace is going to start charging fees come June.

Does anyone have any firm information about that?


Does Kijiji still belong to eBay?


Message 12 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

I think a lot of people failed to realize what I said in my post, I'm not looking to argue with the scam ebay has become and the people defending it.  When ebay started, there was no etransfers and paypal was a huge deal.  Thats all changed, we live in a new world and other websites started after Ebay have had more success in the present day.


In other news, I was doing some research yesterday and for some odd reason Craigslist is 31% (roughly 1/3rd) the searches in british columbia when compared against kijiji, ebay, amazon and craigslist.  In my frustrations yesterday, I did realize that it is important to have an ad on craigslist (in Van) to reach the audience there, even though no one uses it elsewhere.  I see these platforms as being only as good as the buyers and sellers on them.  It changes place to place.  Kijiji was nationally eclipsed by Amazon in March of 2020 (no suprise there), but ebays market share continues to drop by the hour.

*I think some of the people on this message board are paid shills, 
"Where else are you going to go? Ebay is probably the best choice you have. " LOL!!!!! 

*Check the data dude, your kidding yourself if you think ebay has a respectable market share.  Click 2004 to present for the full story.  Also, they will FORCE companies on other platforms who pay lots in advertising to use their services to now use their payment processors instead of taking checks(e.g. contractors)?  LMFAOOOOOO, I guess they will do the same with the seniors hiring people @$40 a job to cut their grass.
" If you think Marketplace and Kijiji are going to stay in their current form, you might want to think again. The government is almost certain to mandate, sooner rather than later, that all online marketplaces have to have built in payment systems and charge tax. When they do that, they'll also be charging processing fees."
**Thank you for saying this ^, I needed a good laugh this morning.  In person sales cannot be unmandated by the government.  They have better prices, and don't require payment processors.  I have had people contact me on Kijiji expecting shipping like ebay because the prices are better, I had to explain to them that those prices are for in person sales ONLY, and no I'm not shipping you a 60lb item.  The advantage of looking at a car (for ex) before buying it, or a musical instrument and playing it first, is something the online marketplaces will forever lack.  Self transportation of weight saves countless shipping dolalrs.  Next your gonna say the government will mandate payment processors for garage sales LOL!

To the guy who is asking about facebook, honestly google/kijiji/fb marketplace all charge varying prices for advertising.  Google will give you a "$600 credit" for spending $600.  Kijiji charges varying prices for ad features that last 7-14 days, and Facebook charges between $2-$200 per day on advertising (you decide on the price and length of time).  The difference, at least with Google and Facebook, is they own a large percentage of the internet, and their advertising can actually reach a new audience. FB marketplace is a bit weak, at least here but I think it is now necessary to use.  Kijiji will let you stand out more with their features, but keep in mind it's also owned by Ebay.  Their prices also vary depending on category, a friend of mine pays $600 or so for advertising there for his moving company which would cost a different category $25.  Ebay is brutal in that, while they dont charge a flat rate for a service to make your products stand out, they take a huge percentage off the top of each sale, and it's difficult to get away from unless your doing big sales each month.  This has led me to use Ebay for advertising, but as I can be found in other ways no big deal if I don't do sales on ebay (especially if the sales are occuring through another platform).  I think other ebay sellers don't realize this, because they wanted a one stop shop for everything not realizing you need to be on Instagram, Facebook, Kijiji, ebay, amazon and google while employing time tested methods like design of advertisements and in person marketing activities.  Often people want to pay whatever amount of money to get results, when an in person promotion or a giveaway on instagram can actually be a better solution.  In short, you have to get creative and being dependant on one algorithm is an extremely bad idea.
**And for taxes, sure go 30k or more and your paying sales tax.  But your gonna have to send ebay 15-20k before you reach 30k yourself doing it on ebay.  So why be in business to pay for their lives instead of your own?  Also ebay focuses now on expensive items, so certain thresholds will not be easy to meet unless your dealing with the luxury market.

I left an image of one of my stickers below, I often ask myself if a marketing activity I control is a better idea than one going through a company like Ebay, or even Facebook.  You'll notice I don't list ebay on my stickers, and there is a reason for that.  I see ebay as a failing enterprise, one that isn't cost effective but whose noun is a veb (similar to xerox or fedex or blockbuster).

Message 13 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

I wrote a long reply that got deleted, lol, your not allowed to be too honest here.  Kijiji is owned by ebay yes, but their structure for payments is different.  I wrote a long explanation including prices that was deleted.  Send me a message if you want to know more, ebay won't allow that kind of information to get posted here.

Message 14 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

Have not used Kijiji  for a few years now and yes it has definitely changed from back then...

Kijiji has limits to the number of free ads per household or per business in any one category.

 Kijiji has limited free ads for all categories and when you reach that limit you either must pay for additional ads or delete an ad to be able to post another.

I believe many folks have gone to using FB Marketplace and that site too will most likely see upcoming changes...


Message 15 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

@reallynicestamps wrote:


Does Kijiji still belong to eBay?


They do not, it was sold off a couple of years ago along with ALL of their classified businesses. eBay made a ton of money on that sale. I was suprised they sold it until I heard about what the payoff was.





"What else could I do? I had no trade so I became a peddler" - Lazarus Greenberg 1915
- answering Trolls is voluntary, my policy is not to participate.
Message 16 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again


and perhaps that would explain why eBay no longer wishes to have discussions presented here that contain any reference material to the Kijiji website...


Message 17 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

Maybe if Ebay stopped making so many pointless changes, they wouldn't need to keep raising our fees.  The latest is a redesign of the Order Details page.  Basically, everything that was on the left, is now on the right.  Everything that was on the right side is now on the left.  Everything that was at the top is now towards the bottom.  And, you guessed it, everything that was at the bottom before is now up near the top.  Beyond comprehension.  What a waste of time and resources changes like that are.

Message 18 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

oh you mean I have "something to look forward to" whenever I get my next sale on eBay LOL!

(Haven't sold anything on eBay for the past 4 months...)

Any sales I have had during recent months have been from my other selling sites...

Message 19 of 20
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Re: eBay raising fees again

@mrdutch1001 wrote:

oh you mean I have "something to look forward to" whenever I get my next sale on eBay LOL!

(Haven't sold anything on eBay for the past 4 months...)

Any sales I have had during recent months have been from my other selling sites...

Maybe, maybe not. They seem to roll it out to different stores at different times. Each of my stores looks different on the order details page. It's no wonder they can't track down bugs. They have a billion different versions of the code trying to all coexist at the same time.

Message 20 of 20
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