12-07-2016 10:49 AM - edited 12-07-2016 12:18 PM
Hello everyone,
Welcome to my last Canadian weekly chat! It's a bit bitter sweet for me, as I really loved helping you all as much as possible.
Obviously I won't be able to close all the items below before I move to my new role, but know that I have passed the list to a colleague who will keep track of these and hopefully see them all resolved. You may not get a successor on the boards right away, but that time will come for sure, as more Canadian employees will come chat with you very soon.
Open issues:
If anything is missing, please let me know. Thanks!
12-07-2016 04:51 PM
Good bye Raphael,
Thank you for your patience and assistance over the years. Also, thanks for your sense of humour in dealing with us sometimes grumpy, cranky sellers. Our issues and frustrations were never directed at you personally.
The very best to you,
Regards, Judith
12-07-2016 11:15 PM
raphael@ebay.com wrote:
@rose-dee wrote:The second issue is that a number of sellers are reporting that even when placing their stores on “Vacation” mode with “hidden” specified, those hidden listings are ending up selling, causing defects (or potential defects) due to the seller’s inability to deliver within eBay’s time frames.
Here is the thread in which this was brought up: http://community.ebay.ca/t5/Seller-Central/To-close-store-or-not/m-p/358370#U358370
So the question is this: Are “hidden” listings supposed to be able to be sold? If so, what is the point of having this feature, if it can’t protect a seller against sales during a vacation period?
Are buyers able to purchase items on their watch lists even if “hidden” by the seller during a store vacation? Or is this some sort of temporary bug that should/can be fixed?
A related question -- will eBay CS remove defects caused by this issue (whether a glitch or deliberate), since the whole point of the "hidden" feature is, I presume, to protect sellers against unwanted sales during an absence.
As you can imagine, this is a serious concern for sellers, particularly at this time of year.
The Vacation setting is meant to help a seller manage their business if they are away for a while, but it doesn't completely halt sales. For starters, the setting only affects Fixed Price listings (Auctions continue running as normal) and any buyer who either made a purchase on a multi-quantity listing or put an item on their watch list will still be able to purchase from these listings. Here are all the details on how the Stores vacation setting works: http://pages.ebay.ca/help/sell/placing-store-vacation.html
If a seller goes away for long enough that they can't continue running their business even with the vacation setting turned on, they should consider ending all their listings or zeroing out their inventory. That's the only way to ensure that no sales are made while they are away.
Raphael, years ago there was a glitch that allowed buyers to make a purchase even when the seller was on vacation but I was told a long time ago that the glitch was fixed and I know that I've never had an item purchased while my listings are hidden. Are you certain that information on that page is correct? As I mentioned in that threads, I thought that Griff had once said that the page was incorrect although perhaps I'm thinking of something else.
If that information is correct and some buyers can still make a purchase even when the seller has purposely 'closed' their store, they why can't that problem be fixed?
12-07-2016 11:27 PM
pj, I am 100 per cent sure that I have seen 'hidden' listings found from my Watch list where the Buy It Now button simply no longer existed. Meaning that a buyer who has already watched that item may find it again but cannot buy it until it is unhidden as part of the Vacation setting deactivation. As such, I am surprised to read what Raphael has written above.
12-08-2016 12:02 AM
Thank you raphael for helping many of us over the years, all the best in your new position. You will be missed!
If you can take all the struggles and issues you have witnessed first hand, or looked into for all the Canadian sellers, and enlighten the folks down south. We will consider losing you as short term pain for long term gain.
There really is no one else in ebay, more knowledgeable or qualified to be a spokesman for us. Of course that is only if given a chance, but we can always dream, can't we.
Good luck on your next step up the corporate ladder.
12-08-2016 12:02 AM
I to have been having serious issues with ebay running slowly as well as issues with links not working. Just a few examples:-
A few days ago I tried to send a reply to a buyers question. I began typing in the reply box in ebay messages and had to wait for the letters to appear as it was running slow. About half way through my reply it just froze completely for about a minute! Eventually I was able to complete my answer and send it, but it took much longer than it should have.
I tried searching for a dvd about an hour ago. The search page ran slower as I was on it. Eventually after a few minutes it was completely unusable as none of the links to view individual items would function..The little click on hand sign would show on the link, but you could push it all day and it would not work. All the while I could still scroll up and down on the page, just could not link to anything. Needless to say, I soon gave up in disgust.
I can only wonder how many potential buyers give up in frustration and shop elsewhere. Not good to have this happening two and a half weeks before Christmas!
Here is a link to another thread if you wish to see more members posts about this issue.
12-08-2016 09:04 AM
I have to lob a serious gripe about Promos into your final foray, sorry.
I moved to GTC about six months ago and, as you know, listed in only CAD on ebay.ca for four years. I have also been a strong supporter of CAD and ebay.ca.
Since the moment my 1110 to 1120 listings in CAD shifted from 30-day to exclusively GTC in CAD, I have been overlooked, passed over, not invited to every single listing Promo offered (by invitation only) on ebay.ca. That is nothing at all in the past six months.
Nothing at all. Since I switched to GTC. A dozen promos went out but zero were for me.
This means I am paying out-of-pocket extra cash for 120 listings each 30 days above my 1,000 'free' listings per month which are included in my subscription to a Premium Store. I am paying more and getting less than others because I did as was expected: move to CAD and list in GTC. I see now that I am being punished for doing as was asked or recommended.
Please tell your Promo people that due to this, I will be cancelling 150 of my GTC at the end of their 30-day marks and returning to 30-day listings for them to be renewed only when free. I was invited to all the Promos I needed when I was running 30-day listings. And my sales performance was better. Ormaybe (gasp) I'll dump ebay.ca for those 120 listings and move them straight to ebay.com where I can be assured they will always be free as part of my Stores subscription.
I resent now being ignored for doing as was recommended: listing in CAD with GTC.
I get that these promos are doled out as an incentive as opposed to a reward. Tell the ebay Canada Promo team that I say, "Thanks for nothing." And that I'll wave to them from ebay.com in USD. I've had enough of this waiting around for my turn to get a freebie bone thrown my way.
12-08-2016 11:35 AM
@block36 wrote:
Congratulations on your promotion, Raphael, and most sincere best wishes for you on new job!
My deepest appreciation for your patience and help.
Hope your new position will allow you to fix the GSP program for Canadian buyers (to be NOT APPLICABLE to low cost items) or you will be able to pass this issue to someone who will fix it.
Once again: BEST WISHES!
Thank you block36! GSP isn't part of the things I'll touch in my new role, but I know there is more and more work being done in terms of educating sellers on which items work better in GSP and when it's a good idea to also offer direct shipping (offering direct shipping to a country on a GSP listing will show buyers in that country the direct shipping option instead of GSP). With time, you should see more and more listings from US sellers with shipping to Canada that isn't always GSP. As well, I know the GSP team is constantly working to make their program better for all buyers, so there will be improvements there as well I'm sure.
12-08-2016 11:39 AM
@theodoreides wrote:
Why do buyers located in Canada looking at my Canadian Dollar listings (created on Ebay.ca) on Ebay.com (but not for the US dollar items) get a Yellow Warning flag regarding delivery being greater than 2 business days. See picture attached.
This can be quite off putting to potential buyers.
Same warning flag occurs for US buyers looking at my US dollar listing (but not for the Canadian dollar items) on Ebay.com.
Hi theodoreides,
Managing buyer expectations is very important, especially in a world where free expedited shipping is more and more becoming the norm. If there is a way we can avoid a buyer omitting to read the estimated delivery date and expecting the item sooner than it can arrive, we should definitely do it. This is what you're seeing there.
12-08-2016 11:44 AM
@pjcdn2005 wrote:
Raphael, thank you for everything, you will definitely be missed.
Just a note on the generic economy and standard delivery times listed on .com. They might want to revisit some counties as some of them just don't sound realistic, even for American sellers. For example, with a one day handling time Portugal has an estimate of 4-9 bus days for standard shipping. Denmark has a 3-8 bus day estimate. I find it difficult to believe that either country would have more than a minuscule chance of receiving a package in that short of time. Hong Kong gives a maximum of 9 Days delivery with one day handling which also seems a hit short. If I change my listings to show that I am using USPS Priority International, most countries show up at 7-11 bus days so it seems odd that ant standard times given are less than that.
Also, the delivery times for standard and economy are often the same or just a couple of days difference. Perhaps there should be more leeway there? I have to run but to show what I am referring to I've posted a list that poco did in February based on one day handling. Please pass it along if you can..now need to reply. Thanks again!
Hi PJ! I will miss you guys as well! 🙂
I'll include your data to the info I'm sending to the shipping team. Very thorough as usual, thank you.
12-08-2016 11:45 AM
raphael@ebay.com wrote:
@theodoreides wrote:Why do buyers located in Canada looking at my Canadian Dollar listings (created on Ebay.ca) on Ebay.com (but not for the US dollar items) get a Yellow Warning flag regarding delivery being greater than 2 business days. See picture attached.
This can be quite off putting to potential buyers.
Same warning flag occurs for US buyers looking at my US dollar listing (but not for the Canadian dollar items) on Ebay.com.
Hi theodoreides,
Managing buyer expectations is very important, especially in a world where free expedited shipping is more and more becoming the norm. If there is a way we can avoid a buyer omitting to read the estimated delivery date and expecting the item sooner than it can arrive, we should definitely do it. This is what you're seeing there.
Ahem. Yet ebay is promising buyers in the UK something that Canada Post says it cannot deliver? As in delivery by Christmas. Deadline Dec. 2 2016 according to CPC yet ebay promised it five calendar days later than that.
12-08-2016 11:45 AM
@silverpinups wrote:
Hi Raphael,
Congratulations on your new endeavours in sunny California!! Winnipeg is experiencing 30-40cm of snow as I write this.... I'm so sick of shovelling and it's only started!
eBay needs to "stop" the excessive advertising which I'm sure is causing site issues because if sellers are experiencing problems browsing the site then so are buyers.
Here's one of the threads about eBay's site freezing up...
Best Regards,
Hi Derrick,
Thanks for the kind words. I'm working with a few people to figure out why the site loads this slow for some users (I personally don't get those delays, at work or at home). Stay tuned.
12-08-2016 12:38 PM
Re the problem with no TRS discount received last month: I do seem to be receiving my discount but my dashboard is still showing "no discount". When is this going to be corrected. Also, I did receive a message last month that my TRS is in jeopardy, but that isn't the case. Is everything messed up? It's very confusing.
I do appreciate all the help you have given us here on the boards and wish you the very best in your new position.
12-08-2016 02:48 PM
raphael@ebay.com wrote:I'll include your data to the info I'm sending to the shipping team. Very thorough as usual, thank you.
Just a note on this, Raphael, if you do send it along, please be aware that the shipping time chart in Post #29 is several months old, I believe it was prepared by 'pococomputing' in early 2017, so it may not reflect current reality.
For example, a couple of sessions ago, you'll recall that the issue of short 'Economy' timelines to the U.S. for Canadians listing on .com was brought up, and that was fixed thanks to your intervention. My listings with 'Economy shipping outside the U.S." going to the United States now show 13-25 business days. I have a 2-day handling time on most of my listings, so the actual delivery estimate is probably 11-25 days, which is far better than it was, certainly much "safer" than 5-11 days.
I understand your explanation vis-a-vis U.S.-centred delivery times, but I don't quite grasp why the same significantly longer adjustment couldn't be made to international 'Economy outside the U.S.' on .com if it was possible for delivery times going to the U.S. -- if I'm being at all clear? Actually, many of the overseas delivery estimates are too short for Canadians to be expected to consistently meet, even the European ones. Australia is way off, dangerously so for Canadian sellers.
I see you've added the issue to your task list, thank you. Maybe an "Urgent" sticker on that one please?
12-08-2016 02:55 PM
@rose-dee wrote:
raphael@ebay.com wrote:I'll include your data to the info I'm sending to the shipping team. Very thorough as usual, thank you.Just a note on this, Raphael, if you do send it along, please be aware that the shipping time chart in Post #29 is several months old, I believe it was prepared by 'pococomputing' in early 2017, so it may not reflect current reality.
For example, a couple of sessions ago, you'll recall that the issue of short 'Economy' timelines to the U.S. for Canadians listing on .com was brought up, and that was fixed thanks to your intervention. My listings with 'Economy shipping outside the U.S." going to the United States now show 13-25 business days. I have a 2-day handling time on most of my listings, so the actual delivery estimate is probably 11-25 days, which is far better than it was, certainly much "safer" than 5-11 days.
I understand your explanation vis-a-vis U.S.-centred delivery times, but I don't quite grasp why the same significantly longer adjustment couldn't be made to international 'Economy outside the U.S.' on .com if it was possible for delivery times going to the U.S. -- if I'm being at all clear? Actually, many of the overseas delivery estimates are too short for Canadians to be expected to consistently meet, even the European ones. Australia is way off, dangerously so for Canadian sellers.
I see you've added the issue to your task list, thank you. Maybe an "Urgent" sticker on that one please?
2016, not 2017
12-08-2016 04:51 PM
@snoopwiz wrote:
Hello Raphael
I was going to write one final "Any word on a Canadian supplier for the coupon/shipping supplies promo?" but, I re-considered and have chosen not to.
Knock their socks off south of the 49th.
Hi snoopwiz,
Thanks for the kind words, I'll do my best to de-sock everyone there!
Who knows, maybe without me in the way, the path to the launch of a Canadian shipping supplies solution will clear! 🙂
12-08-2016 04:55 PM
Hey everyone, my colleagues have been keeping me busy with cake and other goodies today so I kind of ran out of time. As a result, you get an extra day with me! I'll leave the thread open again tonight and will come to conclude the session tomorrow, my real last day on the Canada team. See you tomorrow!
12-08-2016 05:16 PM
I would like to wish you every success in your new job and new city etc. Do come back to the Canadian boards every so often to say hi and check in.
Do not forget about us and Canada when you are consulted with changes to .com that will affect us in a different way on .ca. I figure that you will be our champion, if and when you can be.
12-08-2016 05:25 PM
Re the problem with no TRS discount received last month: I do seem to be receiving my discount but my dashboard is still showing "no discount". When is this going to be corrected. Also, I did receive a message last month that my TRS is in jeopardy, but that isn't the case. Is everything messed up? It's very confusing.
I do appreciate all the help you have given us here on the boards and wish you the very best in your new position.
Raphael, an addendum to my above message, (sorry, my iPad doesn't like me doing quotes), I just checked again and I don't seem to have rec'd any adjustment yet to the TRS discount on my latest bill from PayPal. I rec'd no TRS discount at all on my November bill. I did receive an email as others did saying that there was a problem and it would be fixed. Thanks.
12-09-2016 07:04 AM
I'm afraid I must harp on this Australia issue again.
I awoke this morning to another Tracked Pocked order to a buyer in Australia.
eBay's erroneously optimistic six to 10 business days tells that buyer their order will arrive in the nick of time on the last business day before Christmas (which is on a weekend this year) while Canada Post with their 11-day delivery standard means it will really get there on December 27, assuming Boxing Day is also a stat holiday.
Even if Dec. 26 isn't a stat holiday, the eleventh day is past Christmas.
With same-day dispatch, I literally cannot get this into the mail stream fast enough to have it arrive in time to save the day. It will be dispatched within eight hours of payment (2 am local time) and moving with the outbound mail before 5 pm instead of between 5 pm and 8 pm when I can still technically meet my same-day promise to ebay. Meaning it is being sent as fast as is humanly possible for me to do so.
And, due to the failure of Xpresspost to display any meaningful EDD data on the listing page, the buyer has no way of actually knowing that Xpresspost would have been the service to choose since the Deadline for Tracked Packet ship sailed a week ago.
I want to know: When (not if) this buyer leaves me negative feedback because their toy arrived after Christmas, will ebay remove it when I call them to have that done?
12-09-2016 11:09 AM
@pocomocomputing wrote:
There is apparently a new promo but there is confusion as to the dates. See this topic.
Is this a valid promo? If so fix the dates in the body of the message. Also, if one clicks on the link in the body of the message in the topic, one gets a message that the promo has expired and not a message that you are not invited.
As a side note, I never understood why the eBay.ca promos are so poorly edited before posting by eBay.ca with so many typos and activating bugs over the years.
Hi Pocomo,
Nobody on the CA promo team has heard of a Canadian promo for these dates, and if anyone should know about Canadian promos, it's them. 🙂 There is no such promo running right now, except on eBay.com where there is one that fits the same description.
I looked at the promo box on skylarstuff's account and was unable to see that promo there at all, and the terms and conditions that were copy-pasted in the other thread are from a promo that ran in November. At this point I'm really unsure of where the confusion comes from, but I can confirm that there is no such promo on eBay.ca at this time.