eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Please join us on Thursday, August 25, from 1-2 PM ET for a workshop with Canada Post. Kim from Canada Post will be here to answer all of your questions about Canada Post letterpost service and what the regulations are for using this type of service.

If you are not able to attend, you can leave your questions here in advance of the workshop and they will be answered during the workshop, and you can come back in and check the answers.

Hope you can join us!

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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Yes thank you SLYCAT for posting the letter. I will do the same and make sure I contact my MLA and mp. Also I was on another thread and read 2 sellers has already been contacted by CTV. I hope it gets national coverage. Please everyone contact your local media outlet, we worked too hard in building our businesses to be detroyed by a Crown Corporation that does not seem to understand how business is done or may be they are just plain greedy. In the end after they squeeze the little guys out of business, their own bottom line will surely be impacted. As more and more people use email instead of mailing letter, the main revenue for CP will come from sellers like us, so driving us out of business makes no sense.
Message 121 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Keep in mind the postal rates don't just hurt ebayers they hurt everyone who sells and ships items whether a smal, homebased or large corporation. Most of my items go to the US and those are the customers who complain of the shipping. I can't help but think of all the government surpluses
Message 122 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Slycat: thanks for the letter. I will send a revised version as well. Please, everyone, do the same. We need to put pressure on CP to change their policy concerning oversized lettermail.
Message 123 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Good morning. Eaternero - what board were you perusing when you came across the reference to CTV?

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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Thank you Slycat - very good letter. It was very simple to look up my MP and e-mail the letter. I had it done in less than 5 minutes. Get to work everyone - we need to band together! Even if CP can't be stopped at least you'll know that you tried instead of sitting back and doing nothing! Slycat - perhaps you could post your letter on some of the other Canadian Discussion Boards to get more of the word out.
Message 125 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi Dean,

Here is the link to the thread regarding the Media's interest in the increase rate of CP.

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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Thanks Easternero.

Message 127 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
I posted the letter as it's own thread on the town square board
Message 128 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi, Pompono again,

I will make a translation in FRENCH and send it to my governement in Quebec, and also to the Federal Government where GILLES DUCEPPE, I know, I hear you ..... but this guy work with people! Even in Ontario, they were many who would have voted for him - He's clean and know the people! One more voice is important in this matter. IT DOES CONCERN EVERYONE, ON EBAY OR NOT - EVERYONE PAYS FOR CP. e
Message 129 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Someone earlier made a valid claim regarding the prospect of potential legal infrigments on part of the CP when charing someone more for a package of the same size/weight on the sole basis of contents.

As I understand it- the TRUE contents of a bubble mailer with a CD inside are as follows:

Plastic (jewel case)
Paper (CD booklet / tray card - etc)

The true contents of a bubble mailer with mere paper inside (documents/letters etc) are as follows:

Plastic (inner lining of bubble mailer)
Paper (contents of the package itself)

Hence if this were a court case- Canada Post has zero grounds for discriminating contents of a package. If the weight/size of two packages is identical- and one package contains documents- while the other a music CD- in the plainest of legal terms the contents are STILL IDENTICAL hence refuting Kim's suggestion that mailing CDs is a breach of policies that have been in place for years. While this may not help those who send other articles via lettermail- anyone who ships a single CD via letterpost is still compliant with CP's policies if the protocol outlined above is followed (contents of BOTH packages are idential: plastic & paper)


PS- Thank you to everyone for taking a stand here. A plethora of valid points have been addressed here thus far but most noteworthy is the fact some of you are already taking action. Don't fool yourselves folks- we CAN make a change here- and wouldn't it be great to say to yourself 6 or 12 months down the road that you were part of the coalition that led to the reform/change of the CP? I've taken into account all suggested advice on maintaining momentum (via contacting news outlets etc) and encourage all of you to do so as well.
Message 130 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Why is it so hard for Canada Post and the USPS to have some sort of integrated tracking system. Heck we are only 2 of the largest powers in a world of 200+ countries. You'd think after 9/11 and with all our technological advancement, we cant agree on some basic systems and use the same barcodes so that any postal gun in North America can read the same codes and use the same Database for tracking all services. Sure it would be a hefty investment but it will be worth it in the long term. Eh? Heck if CP doesnt want to pay for it, why dont you make an agreement with USPS, im sure they will allocate some money to help us integrate our systems with them, they would love a streamlined north american postal network as much as we would. It would simplify customs and help customers at the same time. GOSH!!!!!!! ITS SO SIMPLE!!!!
Message 131 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

I liked sly*cat's letter, so I took it and changed it around a bit because some of the sentences were fragmented, and i added a few of my own ideas. Like sly*cat's original letter, this can be freely reproduced and edited to your needs.

Remember sending letters to members of parliament at parliament hill are free of charge and do not require a stamp. I usually send a new letter every week to 5 different MP's related to the topic. (My local MP, MP in charge of Canada Post, Minister of Trade, and the Prime Minister himself (although it will probably get forwarded to someone else))

Dear anyone who cares about Small Business and it’s affect on our nation,

I wish to bring to your attention a major concern of businesses, large, small and home based. Many Canadian businesses ship product through Canada Post both domestically and internationally. I run a small company based in Toronto that sells items on-line thru my website as well as on EBay. I export more to the U.S than I sell domestically because of the larger market. This is beneficial to both our economy and I because our dollar is not being leaked into the states, like so much of our money is due to large U.S based companies. I am taking American money and investing it back into our economy by selling to U.S customers.

Recently Canada Post announced that they will no longer allow items previously sent as oversize letters to be sent that way effective Sept 19/05. What this means to small businesses in Canada is that small items like cd's, records, magnets, lapel pins, and other widgets that are light weight and small will no longer be able to be mailed as oversize letter post. What that means in terms of cost to a small business is that an item that used to send to the U.S for a cost of $1.70 will now cost $5.60 for a comparable service. Furthermore as a small packet sent by airmail to an international destination will increase from $3.40 to $6.95.

The cost of sending with Canada Post when compared to the United States Postal System is becoming so high it is effectively shutting the US market as well as the international markets to anyone selling small items abroad. What it is costing Canadians to mail $5.60 from Canada to the U.S, the U.S can ship to Canada for as little as $.80 cents – Correct, 80 cents (letter mail rate to Canada). The constant price increases in shipping small items is becoming unpalatable to consumers outside Canada and is causing the loss of sales from the export of goods for countless Canadians.

Small business is the life-blood of the economy yet it is being squeezed out by policies made by Canada Post. Their government sanctioned monopoly means that we have no other options to ship as courier companies are banned from charging rates in competition to Canada Post. Canada Post claims to have competitors yet they fail to acknowledge that priority carriers are only economical when there is high volume shipping occurring (10,000+ pieces). Moreover they do not acknowledge that there are only 2 other high priced alternatives; UPS and FEDEX, because Canada Post owns Purolator and has a special contract with DHL.

Many businesses sell items that retail for only under $10.00. I personally sell records, CD’s, DVD’s, and similar small media formats. For me to ship a record that sells for $3.49 to the U.S for instance I have to charge $5.60 to have it arrive in reasonable time, and it is far from being competitive with the U.S rates. My customers could justify the $1.70 but at the new price of $5.60 it makes it impossible to sell abroad with profit margins over 10% and thus making it worthless to endeavor in such operations. Last year was the government not encouraging small business as an essential part of our economy. With another Canada Post price increase for most services coming in January of 2006, this further makes the above statement false.
If I ship an item weighing less than 250 grams to the U.S it costs me $3.40 for surface mail and $5.60 for airmail. Rates are again increasing in January. Those same items are mailed from within the U.S for under $2.00 CDN. If I ship that same item within Canada via Regular or Expedited parcel it costs anywhere from $5-11 depending on the distance from Toronto. Someone from the U.S can ship that same item across the border and into Canada again for under $2.00 CDN because it will still qualify for USPS economy letter post and the delivery is relatively fast for such a cheap service. What this means is that a U.S Retailer can sometimes ship the same item across the border and into Canada for less than I can ship it 20 minutes away from my house within Canada. I can easily compete on product pricing but shipping costs are out of my control. Why would a Canadian customer buy from a Canadian company when they can have the item shipped from the U.S and save money? In fact many consumers have already been purchasing large quantities of goods outside of Canada and Canada Post is making this easier and easier for U.S businesses to take advantage of this and at the same time, we Canadians are going out of business.

The reason some Canadians are still in business is the fact that they live on or near the border allowing them to cross the border and ship with the United States Postal System for a fraction of the cost to ship it with Canada Post. These rates are putting Canadian businesses at a huge disadvantage that affects every citizen in some way. We need help! We need to be competitive! Most of all we need a voice.

Thank you for reading the concerns of many businesses, Sincerely,
Message 132 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
can someone tell me if i am legally allowed to cross the border to ship my items? i ship approx 30 envelopes daily and i wonder if U.S. Customs would prevent me from crossing the border to do my shipping. any info on this would really be appreciated because i can't see CP changing their rules for us and if i can't do this i will be out of business soon.
Message 133 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

not illegal. the americans will be happy to take ur money. I do it all the time because im fed up with CP. You have to pay a 5 dollar fee if your crossing in your car, but if u walk over its free, and you save so much on shipping.
Message 134 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Carly, I hope someone will condense these questions before the workshop begins, or poor Kim might just take one look and throw in the towel..:)

In the hope that she is still reading by the time she reaches this post, here is my question:

Kim, when the new regulations come into effect, how much postage will I have to put on a "tickelope" (a Canada Post greeting card product sold in your outlets) in order to mail it to a relative in the United States? Please bear in mind that a tickelope is made entirely of flat foam, and therefore does not have the characteristics of paper.

Thank you.

Message 135 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Hi there. WOW! There are A LOT of ISSUES with CANADA POST!
My question and BIGGEST CONCERN is that Paypal DOES NOT consider CANADA POST tracking numbers to be within their Protection Policy. CANADA POST tracking DOES NOT provide online tracking - ONLY DELIVERY CONFIRMATION and never the address of the receiver. I have had to REFUND so many customers as I could not show PROOF OF DELIVERY. I even phoned Paypal and they confirmed all of this!

Simple answer - UPS as I am tired of Canada Post and they the way they handle their customers. Call in help says one thing, you get transferred and that person says another and my local depot here in Peterborough does not know excatly how the EST works when you are a MACINTOSH user. Online vs. Desktop versions! So many delayed shipments and refunds to my customers because of this!!!!!!!

CANADA POST almost put me out of business and I get no help from them still. Thank you.

Again - UPS - it may cost more but Canada Post will cost you way more in the end. UPS = FREE SUPPLIES and verified online tracking for Paypal payments - WORLDWIDE!

Good luck and I really hope I get some type of reply, but I'm not counting on it.

Message 136 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member

If you need to track a package for PayPal, and it's going to the US, tell PayPal to track it on USPS.COM not Canada Post - the PayPal Pink has confirmed that the tracking information provided for say, an Expedited USA parcel from Canada, shown on usps.com, is acceptable for the Seller Protection Policy.

What shows on Canada Post, for US packages at least, does not qualify, you're correct.
Message 137 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
One other thing I forgot to mention: Canada Post insurance does not cover breakage only loss of parcel, correct?
This is the only information that I have received from many CP reps.

This is troublesome as Paypal gives the buyer the option of a refund if the item is broken or not as described ( buyers have used this when a parcel has been poorly re-packed by US Customs ) !!

Anybody else have this happen?

Message 138 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

CANADIAN LAW :SECTION C34 The purpose of this Act is to maintain and encourage competition in Canada in order to promote the efficiency and adaptability of the Canadian economy, in order to expand opportunities for Canadian participation in world markets while at the same time recognizing the role of foreign competition in Canada, in order to ensure that small and medium-sized enterprises have an equitable opportunity to participate in the Canadian economy and in order to provide consumers with competitive prices and product choices?

Canada Post fees must be parallel to foreign competion.

On a separate note: I personally believe that these enforcement's and changes to letter post have been introduced and enforced due to the shipment of marijuana seeds that are flooding the homeland USA. They want descriptions, correct return addresses plus the money to support the enforcement. The enforcement may be coming from security demands made by the USA. If so, we are all wasting our time talking to Canadian officials. What moron in Canada Post would enforce unparalleled fees and rules in comparison to the competition.
Message 139 of 614
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eBay Workshop with Canada Post: Thursday, August 25, 1:00-2:00 PM ET

Community Member
Thanks Derek. It still is troublesome though when the EST gives you the option of sending an email to your customer stating that the item has been shipped and they can't track it properly from there.

I can't seem to properly track any returned parcels either!

Message 140 of 614
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