No sells, what now, need help


Seems to me ebays dead, I have 650 items and no sells for 2 weeks. I do have the lowest price, added shipping in us, international to tracking countries, check every text for cell phone compatibility, 30 Days Returns Accepted buyer pay, I day shipping, redid the store, even did a promotion 10% and 15% off.  I am also redoing the text (more helpfull and attractive). What now?

Best regards pat Marquis

Message 1 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

I work on the principle that the lower priced items in my store...  are sold....  and they pay the bills. .......The higher priced items make the profit.


Your store is full of higher priced items....  No problem... but a series of items priced at about $25.00 will contribute  to your bank account at a time like today... No sales for two weeks


Those that own motorcycles....  are out on the road and enjoying the summer weather....and.... something new is most likely not needed.


Also... check to see if your competition on eBay is having sales....  and if their inventory is selling... and then.....What is selling?




Message 2 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

So I looked up your listing for the Yamaha propeller on my phone.

Came up promptly using just Yamaha propeller and the serial number.

After that.....

I'm not used to shopping on my phone. Boy, is it annoying. How do kids today do it?


Both on my desktop and on the phone your actual Description is larger than the screen and wanders off on the right side.

So I guess the listing is not as mobile friendly as you hope.


The eBay tool in the tab on the right side of the description box seems to work very well to automatically correct for mobile reading.

I also found that looking at the HTML coding at that point allowed me to remove a bunch of old legacy code that was messing up my listings.


Something that annoys me:

You have a lot of information that is unnecessary  or even incorrect.

  1. EBay customers have to use eBay Messages not email to contact you. Just a silly correction, but it could confuse someone, since customers won't have your email.
  2. Don't mention your out of stock "because sold in our B&M store" situation. Does it happen daily? Once a year? Only once but the customer was really grumpy?
  3. Talking about Canadian sales taxes and US duty-- I'm of two minds. The sales tax will be added automatically before payment. If the customer objects he can stop right there.
  4. Duty is the customer's responsibility, but perhaps that should only be mentioned on items that you know are dutiable? Or make it more positive like "Most parts made in North America are duty-free under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)."  And on dutiable items "US duty-free allowance is $800USD." I assume you know where your new items are made.
  5. No need to talk about when Canada Post picks up. You get the purchase shipped within 24 hours on weekdays.


This is my own pedantic bugaboo.  "Sell" is a verb. "Sale" is a noun. Be nice to an old lady?

Message 3 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

My business account is down 80% in the last couple of weeks. Very odd. The amount of views has dropped from like 100/ item to less than 10 over a 5 day auction. Something is up and has a dramatic impact on my sales.

Message 4 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

Thank for that. i appreciated greatly.

I do agree on how do they do this on there phone some even do their selling on their cell phone, that's crazy talk.

I change all the Yamaha propeller text to make sure we see the same, Hopefully this fix the  larger than the screen problem. For html coding, Maybe in 3 years, dont know anything about coding, or maybe I just ask some help. hummm

1. email fix to ebay message, now I need to do it 650 more time ^_^

2. out of stock??? you mean that I should change my selling preference to no? Don't show selling out of stock right?

3. I remove sale tax only duty and boarder

4. I used the positive mind set you suggested.

5.deleted time i ship

i appreciate the help, Tell me what you think, before i decide to do this on 650 others.noooo

Message 5 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

I too agree that sales and even views have been down over the last month.  I don't know what is going on.  

Message 6 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

Same scenario here... either ebay has changed how they calculate the number of views or listing visibility has crashed. Something has definitely changed over the last month or so.
Message 7 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

It's a combination of things... looming trade wars, US protectionism and eBay's constant changes to the site that corporate thinks are improvements when actual users say the opposite. 


The deletion of "see sellers other items" link is a big one for buyers navigating the site.  


eBay just doesn't know how to manage their site anymore.... their constant changes just keep making things worse. There a stagnant ecommerce company that has just run out of ways to increase profits. 

Message 8 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

Lately I've been having a pattern of sales at the beginning of the month, then nothing at the end of the month. Same goes for offers and inquiries? It feels like there is an on/off switch for listing visibility.



Message 9 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

Sales are only going to get worse... We are now hitting the slowing down period of ecommerce sales with the beginning of summer just around the corner.  


People will be in holiday mode soon and the kids will be out of school in the next few weeks.  


July and August have always  been traditionally slow for me. 

Message 10 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

@musicyouneed wrote:

I too agree that sales and even views have been down over the last month.  I don't know what is going on.  

Seems common for everyone I've talked to in my niche despite some solid new product coming to market.  Sales outside of ebay are trending well, sales on ebay are meh. All of the feature testing and bugs related to that probably aren't helping, especially when clicking on store listings generates error messages.


One sure sign that things are slow overall is ebay has been spending heavily on customer acquisition via promos, influencers, and referrals of late. One observation I've noticed is promotions are doing nothing for buyers who frequently use ebay in my niche. The deals are getting plenty of notice on deal forums where many are taking the usual route and leveraging multiple accounts to leverage the discounts for categories of products that are rarely discounted. In other words they aren't attracting an opportunistic buyer prone to abusing promotions that is necessarily a repeat buyer. 





Message 11 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

I put up a lot of items for 30 days during the recent 1000 free listings promotion.

Those are closing over the past week or so and I have bee getting some sales from the "about to close " Search people.

I've been carefully stretching those unsolds so that I will have something 'new' opening every day, rather than the gobs of stuff I had last month during the promotion.


a pattern of sales at the beginning of the month, then nothing at the end of the month.


Do you have items relisting every day? Or are they opening all at once?



Message 12 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

An assortment of listings ending each day for the most part. My goal has always been to have a variety of different kinds of items listed at all times.  My best sellers are have always been my industrial parts. The other sales are completely random so difficult to predict a pattern.



Message 13 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

An assortment of listings ending each day for the most part. My goal has always been to have a variety of different kinds of items listed at all times.  My best sellers are have always been my industrial parts. The other sales are completely random so difficult to predict a pattern.



Message 14 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

"i appreciate the help, Tell me what you think, before i decide to do this on 650 others.noooo" You could easily do this in seconds by using Ebays Turbo Lister even though it is not supported it still works. I doubt that sellers hub could even be close to fixing that kind of problem.
Message 15 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

Great comment people. That's a lot more than expected, it good to know i am not crasy. I fell like they're making a lot of change where its not a priority (hub), and no change where it should be, (adds other shipping compagnies you peace of s...t) Sadly, amazon is starting to be very appealing. or maybe they're having the same problems.^_^
Message 16 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help


Look like there was a problem with eBay, seems to be fix. I have regular customer now. Maybe its fix its self or because i called tech support to tell them its been 3 weeks. Maybe it was someone blocking me old enemy paranoia. ^_^

Message 17 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

I'm with you. My listing impressions are down over 50% from last month. That's very strange. In 18 years of selling, I've never seen such a drastic drop. Has Ebay changed their "best match" algorithm? Are Canadian listing being blocked on the .com site? Something has changed for sure.
Message 18 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

I've been wondering if other Canadian sellers have noticed a sharp drop in their US sales. Normally US sales make up 80% + of my monthly sales. Since May 10 they have virtually stopped, down to almost nothing. I've been through selling droughts before but nothing this dramatic and prolonged. My Canadian/International sales are about the same as always and haven't gotten any worse.

I've been wondering about Canadian sellers being blocked on the .com site so I've gone in a few times with a masked IP which is US based and have been able to look at the site as a US based person would see it. Everything seems the same; the default setting for location is not 'US only' as I had at first feared. But my US business is still virtually gone. I can't believe it's a deliberate boycott by US based buyers, as usually people who buy from me don't even realize i'm based in Canada and there's nothing new on the .com site that is alerting people to the fact I am shipping from Canada.

I don't get it..
Message 19 of 25
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Re: No sells, what now, need help

On the .com site, the listings DO say "From Canada, so perhaps a boycott? OR, on June 1st, the US site removed "Top Rated" from many vendors. This might have affected the "best match" criteria. Just don't know, but certainly something's not right.
Message 20 of 25
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