eBay for Business Podcast
Your weekly download of everything you need to know to grow your business.
Hi eBay Members, eBay has decided to restrict the use of outdated Internet Security Protocol, SSL 3.0, because we have determined that it does not meet our standards. As such, some Turbo Lister users could see some connectivity issues. For more infor...
Hi Turbo Lister Users, The option to apply Holiday Returns in Turbo Lister is now available in the Beta version of the program. When deciding whether or not to be a Beta user, please keep in mind that the beta versions aren't free of bugs, nor are th...
Hi Turbo Lister Users, A recent Windows update has caused some programs, including Turbo Lister, to crash. To sign-in to Turbo Lister before the improved Windows update is released, please follow these steps: Open Internet Explorer Open the Tools men...
ebay shopping cart
Hello, I am trying to complete a purchase on that i commited to buy, but i do not see the checkout with paypal link on my invoice and now i have an unpain item case opened against me. what exactly should i do to resolve this problem? also i sent a sc...
registered, signed in,viewed items, changed to a new seller's items, wanted to "view my other items" of that seller and wanted to add items to "wish list" but instead was directed to sign in again??
I want to do a search for all items in my home province (Saskatchewan), I did it before, but now it is saying I need to put in a search word. Is it possible to search everything?
I bought a item a week ago. The seller did not ship my item yet .I try to contact the seller but no answer what should i do with that.
Will eBay ever sanction bigots? Sellers who state they will not sell to "your kind" and "your kind is not welcome" & "your kind always plays the victim" seem beyond help. When will eBay ever sanction such bigots? Bigoted sellers are so bad they often...
Tried to list sterling locket yesterday and today. Exact measurements important. Photos important. Item specifics important. I get all this in to my listing and hit LIST ITEM. I am knocked off eBay and into cyberspace. This problem can occur with any...
My auction is not showing, http://www.ebay.com/itm/121024274986?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649kind of weird some1 copyed my auction and since then I can't see my auction when I do a search of similar items.
if i subscribe a store in ebay.ca, do i still enjoy the free listing quotas in USA (50 items/ month) and UK market (100 items/month) ?
First time purchaser, which is safer and easier. Paypal or Credit card card.
I bought an item and it never came. After weeks of asking for a refund and the seller asking for more time the seller emailed me saying that he has refunded me but I did not get a refund in my email. Now the seller won't reply how can I file a disput...
On a few items that i have bid on i have noticed user names with ** in them , just wondering if these are actual bidders , they seem to bid on everything on the sellers list ? what should i do ?
My son bid on a guitar and with 2 days left on the auction, him still at highest bidder he got an email that the bid had been cancelled. Why is the buyer legally bound by contract to go through with the purchase, but the seller doesn't have to be bou...
How can I cancel buying that I have never bought it? I just pressed Committed to buy by mistake and now I get e-mail from e-Bay that please pay the item that you bought!
How long does it take for an item from Hong Kong China to be received in Canada??
Someone has made an offer on an item just prior to its expiry. How do I counter-offer of accept?
I want to order a few items from china, their prices are affordable & some offer free shipping. I then saw that customs isn't included in the price which is understandable. however, i want to know if anyone knows how much i will have to pay in taxes ...
Previously when I selected a Dvd to look at I would get a choice of sellers. How can I get that again
I can't find the add to cart button when I select buy it now and I don't know if this can only be done once you go further and commit to buy?
Hi, i was just wondering if the seller for the personalized superman cape would be reposting. The item just ended. i am very interested in this item for my son for christmas if you could get back to me or find the seller that would be awesomethank yo...
Hello all, I have a buyer that has not paid for an item. It is past 96 hrs. I messaged buyer twice and still no reply or payment. I don't want to get a negative feedback if I file a complaint. Any suggestion? Thank you.
Hi I just won a bid for Dakine Sequence photo bagpack and I paid the amount including shipping as mentioned in the Bid. Now the seller has sent an mail to pay another $13.95 for shipment.Should i pay?
hi i want to buy a few different items from same seller but i dont want to have to do it one transaction at a time on my card how do i do this
HI, when I search to buy, I always use advanced search to show items available to canada, and sort by price+shipping lowest first so I only see items I can actually buy. I tend to only buy off those that are fair with shipping...so if an item will be...
I think i have sold an item. The payment is listed as pending. Does that mean that all i have to do now is ship it? Also when will the item be moved to the heading "awaiting shipment"?
I've tried cancelling a transaction which was denied by the buyer but it seems he has no way of paying me. Case type: Cancel transactionCase status: Closed. Buyer declined your request to cancel the transaction. You will not receive a Final Value Fee...
How do I get archived purchases back? Thanx
1 bought a item i received it it was broken i send it back to the seller on the 02/11 and he received tracking n0 cx445313680ca and i got no answer if i cant get help you will loose a good custmer thanks eric
I made a list and wanted to sell item on ebay and paid 0.5 insert fee two days eariler. But now I still do not see my item on ebay, so what is the problem/