Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

Community Member

This afternoon I have noticed several active listings disappear in my Seller Hub. I should have 2683 active listings, but all of a sudden the number of listings dropped to 2676 listings about an hour ago and just now down to 2673. The items have not ended (not showing up in unsold listings) and should not have been removed for any sort of policy violation (no message from eBay suggesting this). They are not showing up as deleted, nor is this the result of items selling. The listings have simply disappeared. The only place where it still shows as 2683 listings is in the left column of my Seller Overview page in Seller Hub. My active listings page, eBay store page and items for sale pages all currently show 2673 listings.


Is anyone else experiencing this today? I hope it is a glitch and that the listings will reappear. Otherwise, this will become an incredibly frustrating problem, as I have no way to know which ten listings have all of a sudden disappeared. I am also worried that additional listings will continue to disappear as the day goes on. Please let me know if you are experiencing this too. Is this isolated to my account or happening to numerous other sellers?



Message 1 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

My recollection is that as the GTC items roll over, there is a period of time that they do not show up.


It is possible that the amount of lag time is longer today than is normal.


Keep an eye on how many items are ending and watch to see if the number you're seeing goes down as they end.


There is a very very good chance that you'll see them reappear when the reporting catches up to the completed roll-overs....

Message 2 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

Interesting hypothesis. Have you experienced this personally or is this just a guess? This is certainly a possibility, so I will monitor this as the day goes on. Thanks for the suggestion.
Message 3 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

I'm down 2 in the last 20 minutes. If you check the See Other Items you will get a completely different number if you have items with variations.



Message 4 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

Yes I have observed this in the past, there may even be an old ZOMBIE thread about this from a few years ago..... but I don't pay attention to the actual count anymore for this reason, it "always" rights itself eventually... my expectation would be that if it is lasting more than a while the lag is just worse than usual....

Message 5 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

I just watched an item roll over (on .COM and .CA) and my count did NOT change 4101 in seller hub or active listings count within it.

So there does not look to be a time lag now.

This doesn't mean there wasn't one earlier, we all know the variety of glitches that happen....


(As a note, if I run a query for all my running items it shows 4099, down a couple, this is normal as part of the roll over stuff too - extra note, just ran the query again and it is back up to 4010 in the query too).

Message 6 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

It's been recently reported by eBay dot ca and dot com sellers to eBay CS so it's a known issue they are working on. I'm down 3 now. As a side note if you check Ending today numbers do not match. My number shows 35 listings. Click on the link and number drops to 15. It's a build in bonus feature of Sellers Hub where information is on major tape delay. Features that may have been designed with the anticipation George Carlin would be creating listings.



Message 7 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

Lotz you are dating yourself, not too many people know what a "tape delay" is anymore!!!!
Message 8 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

Why is there a delay on TV interviews?
In radio and television, broadcast delay refers to the practice of intentionally delaying broadcast of live material. A short delay is often used to prevent profanity, bloopers, violence, or other undesirable material from making it to air, including more mundane problems such as technical malfunctions or coughing.
Could you imagine interviews/speeches with a certain someone in the USA right now if tape delay was still used?
Message 9 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

Thanks for all of this discussion ricarmic and Lotz. Just checked and my ending today is incorrect too. Mine says 16 items, but shows up as 0. Looks like I sold two of those items this morning and 4 have rolled over properly. The missing 10 are likely GTC items that haven't rolled over. Looks like ricarmic's suggestion is probably correct, but a bit more wonky than initially thought. Glad to know that this has been reported and is being looked at.


Rest assured that I got the "tape delay" reference 🙂

Message 10 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

Well actually it is only me that is dating myself, I was thinking of the "tape delays" as we used to refer to them in the old mainframe computing environment (when the monstrous" hard drives were new to the scene and the old tape drives were still much in use), not the scenario Lotz was talking about!
Message 11 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub



I was able to confirm (1) missing, AWOL, unable to locate, invisible listing that disappeared off the island.  Formerly known as Item # 152569304105 M.J. Hummel "Squeaky Clean" Little Companions 8" Plate No. TU9278 - 1992 Danbury.  Listing had 42 views and was added to GTC fold in July 2019. Whatever is going on appears to be entirely random. Currently down 8.  If anyone can view from their end, please shoot me a note. Hopefully, whatever is going on will fix itself on its own. Fingers crossed.




PS. Items that are repopulating are out of order and do not appear in Ended listings.

Message 12 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

Just checked your item number and it is not showing up in eBay's search engine for me. My missing items also appear to have first become GTC in July 2019 (based on the two items the were ending today that sold just before this happened). Still down 10 on my end and nothing has reappeared.
Message 13 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub



Thanks for checking. In following up with eBay customer service they are able to find that number I quoted and advised me ended/relisted items show up on a sellers ended page. Not that I can find.  Possibly only a view CS can see. Here is a discussion started on dot com earlier today.



Message 14 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

Thanks for the link to the .com discussion. I will check it out. I looked at your ended listings just now and the most recent item I can see is # 402023920580
Message 15 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

Still no change on my missing 10 listings. We have another 16 scheduled to roll over tomorrow. Rather than waiting for eBay to acknowledge and fix (or not) this problem, we have decided to be proactive and cancel the listings and relist them tonight. The way I see it, if this problem persists, in a few days we could have dozens of items missing. This could quickly turn into a panic situation and sellers on .com are also complaining about other problems (like missing sold items and auctions with bids on them showing as unsold).

Message 16 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

No change this morning. Our 10 listings are still missing, but no additional listings have disappeared. I was able to find out what listings have disappeared by sifting through last month's fees in the "my account activity" section and it is a huge relief knowing what items have disappeared instead of having to spend hours (if not days) going through our physical inventory. If you are like us and have thousands of listings and this happens to you, this is probably the easiest way to find out what listings have disappeared.

Message 18 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

Hmmm well I'm going to have to hope the ebay gods smile upon me, I have no way of knowing if any of mine dropped during the problem time, I've only loosely watched my total item count.


I have had auctions close successfully, at least that's how it looks.

Message 19 of 40
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Re: Active Listings Disappearing in Seller Hub

The problem goes back a long way.

When we prepared to move from Ottawa to Victoria, I found that nearly a third of my titles were no longer listed. At that point I had been selling books here for about 15 years.

Then when we were switching from being able to use US dollars on dotCA, I started keeping all my pictures on my desktop as a backup. I always had kept my descriptions. And again, many titles were missing.

It may be related to the 16 month warning.  These days when one of those turns up on my Active List, I take it down for a few days or weeks before relisting.


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