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Posts by gifts of elegance in the "Nothing Seems to Sell Anymore" thread prompted me to ask her, or anyone else, how best to ensure that very expensive items reach their destination safely, and minimize the risk of any fraudulent purchasing activity....
I sold an item to a U.S. buyer using USPS. I usually check the tracking for more expensive items. I notice that the item has been going back and forth between sorting an post offices from June 3 to June 9 so I checked the address again. The buyer lis...
I recently sold a pair of custom made earrings. First offer from buyer on June 4, and the earrings were sold at a best offer price on June 6 after a few back-and-forth counteroffers. I mailed them as regular letter post (with stamps!) on June 8, and ...
I shipped out a record. It arrived damaged. I refunded the full value of the record including the shipping thru paypal.The buyer was very satisfied and posted postive feedback on my professionalism and would buy from me again.Ebay in their wisdom con...
"As someone who has some experience selling vintage designer jewelry, however I would not put myself in the same class as gifts_of_elegance, the difference in the 2 brooches was immediately obvious to me. 73rhc, no offence to you but you missed this ...
His message: My response: Hello, I would like to thank you for your purchase. I will have your CD wrapped up well and be mailing it to you tomorrow. It is being sent airmail from Canada so there is no tracking number and it can take 7 to 10 working d...
I was wondering if there was a way to find out what your selling limit is without calling? How does EBAY set up a limit? What is it based on? Thanks
I recently posted a questions regarding how to do a refund and get my FVF back. The situation is this- the buyer contacted me regarding a bracelet she recently purchased. She said that it is beautiful but that it was too small for her friend that she...
Is it just me or has anyone noticed that EBay is not what it used to be. Nothing seems to sell anymore, except the poor quality cheap merchandise from China! Too bad those large quantity sellers are allowed. Facebook auctions are the new trend. Selli...
I just received my second defect as a result of low DSR's for Item as Described and Shipping Time (1's). In both cases, I not only received a lovely e-mail from each buyer thanking me for the quick shipment and the great packaging, etc., but also pos...
Hey guys! I have a file ready to be uploaded in eBay containing about 1,200 items. I am only using fixed price auctions. Am I wrong thinking there's no way around paying over 100$ to list those? Should I wait for a free 1,000 listing promotion? Do th...
According to the notice posted in the customs office I crossed at yesterday, starting November, sellers from BC taking their mail to the USPS will be required to ACE manifest their parcels. For many of you this will be an issue.What Ace does is. It s...
How do I set currency to USD as mine is set at cad and I can't change it? Thanks!!
Caught someone that purchased an item from me that had a new user name, forgot to change the email. I had remembered the last name and the country so when the purchase came up - red flag. Almost wasn't. I ended up giving 100% refund, reported buyer t...
I'm selling some items for the first time on ebay (clothing) and I'm having this issue where the shipping comes up as "shipping not specified" in the search. I have it set to 9 dollars shipping in Canada only (no US shipping) but this does no...
Hey Mods....this post has NOTHING to do with the Global Shipping Program! So I needed to send a package of stuff to a friend of mine in Thunder Bay, I went over to PayPal/shipnow to print an Expedited label. Pasted in the address, entered the info an...
Much has been written on the subject. How much visibility do Canadian sellers get on (when not paying extra for so-called 'visibility") Does it matter where you list? Yesterday I listed an item on (USA) and the same item on ...
I am getting a number of buyers asking if item is for sale when purchasing single parts and/or parts are unavailable when trying to combine items. Anyone else??? Doesn`t surprise me one bit, yet another ebay issue... MAJOR ISSUE. How many potential b...
Hey guys, I was wondering if door to door tracking is available from Canada (northern Ontario) to the United states for a couple of items I want to sell. Thanks!
few weeks ago I got a promotion for up to $100 reward if I sell something. I claimed the promotion and sold something, how do I get the $100?
A seller opened a dispute on day 60 - I thought the limit was 45 days? Anyone can explain? The item is not even in my history it is so old -just my email. I didn't add tracking because the item is $10 and $10 for postage. Canada post would only offer...
I checked my balance this morning for a possible transfer of funds to the bank and it was sitting at $301. Now this afternoon as I am set to do the transfer the balance was at $298. I just thought that the money was there and could not be touched.Tha...
So eBay has renamed some craft categories and I see that they have been automatically updated on my items on eBay. My question is how do I get these changes to reflect on Turbo Lister?I know I can go in and make the changes manually but when you chan...
Hi, everyone. As a long-time lurker and first-time poster, I want to thank everyone on this board. The advice that has been shared over the past few years has been invaluable to me and I'm sure many others, even if we aren't regular posters or even s...
First time using InsurePost. Doesn't say on the form if I should show the insured amount in US or Cdn dollars so if you have used this company would appreciate an answer to my question. Also, what kind of form do you get stamped at the post office to...
I purchased items: 381251787425381251787394 at auction and although I bid more got them at very low prices. After about 2 weeks seller sent me an email asking if I got them. I replied that I had been away and had not checked my mail (it comes in a lo...
Hello Everyone. I am looking to start tracking my inventory and sales vs profit more closely. I was wondering if there are any programs out there that any of you would recommend. Thanks in advance
Now that eBay has changed its policies and fee structure for auction listing duration, if and when you list using the "auction" format, what do you do? Still list for one or three days and pay the higher fee? Continue to list for five or seven days? ...
I sell my second-hand staffs in eBay. However, eBay treated seller so unfair. I sold a second-hand shoes to a buyer, the buyer insists to abuse my shoes. (I know, it not suitable to use abuse in here. I like my shoes, but everything she said just aim...