Seller Central
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I have just has a whole week with nary a sale. This has NEVER happened before so I started checking friendly competitors and suppliers and they are seeing the same thing. Wondering if this was an Ebay thing I checked with a seller outside Ebay in my ...
Hi there, I searched this and having a hard time finding results. Its 4am so I dunno. I wanted to ask if Good Till Cancelled is free for listings as long as you list them with your 50 free listings per month. Thanks any help would.. well help.
A buyer only paid after opening a case. I may want to leave a at least a neutral feedback for the buyer.. But a seller can't !!!!If a particular buyer is a chronic i-wont-pay-until-i-get-harrassed-by-ebay, then we sellers have the right to exclude su...
Before you put on the shipping label, at home, which will put you over the 500 limit, what do you weigh it at? My thinking is "Their plastic label holder, their postage, their weight" and I will mark it "pre postage weight".
I really don't care for the new eBay Make an Offer Program. Had a buyer make an offer on a $14.99 - offered $9.99 & I accepted. They never got back to me within the allowed time period. Then the same buyer made another offer today of $9.00?I liked th...
How come when I have my shipping protocol set to calculate it still shows $20 as shipping cost?
I sometimes have buyers purchase several items a few days apart. When they leave feedbacks within a certain time period, only one counts. My question is, do each seller ratings count? They can be different in each feedback dsr ratings.
Hello,A buyer purchased an item from me, she asked me for my phone number or e-mail address so she can Pay me right awaybecause she doesn't want to wait 3-5 days to get verified.Is this OK or what should I do?Evelyn
I have been a seller on Ebay for over 5 years, on 3 different accounts; one of which is Top Rated Powerseller. the last of these 3 accounts I created in May of this year, to liquidate items I had purchased, and did not want potential buyers seeing th...
Okay, I've patiently been waiting... I've shipped and received positive feedback... and I've waited... Several more packages are shipped and positive feedback is received, and I've waited... I've shipped more and received positive feedback... and her...
Not sure whats up with ebay views counting system, but on some of my items I have more watchers than views
Item # 160740149514 Mentions item never arrived in a message two days ago. No choice but to refund him. Check this guys Feedback Left for Others. Seems a lot of items shipped by sellers have never made it to him. Should have checked his feedback prev...
Hello I am a newer seller and I am wondering how I can offer different shipping options at checkout? Basically I have the standard free shipping then there is shipping with a tracking number that cost a tiny bit or there is express shipping. I would ...
This guys has been ripping people off including me pretending to be some big business a.k.a supplier.. if you do now or ever have been supplied by him please drop me a line
For some reason, everytime I try to sell today, I get an error message stating "Page Not Responding"?? Anyone else having this issue or is it just me?
Need to put selector window, for capacity selection per example (8GB, 16GB, 30 GB), in my item for sell ? (see attachment Many thanks !
I magine my shock when I opend my ammolite jewelry shop today and checked one of the listings to find that some competitor called JTV had a big ad advertising competing product right in MY store. So I am paying Ebay for a store that they, Ebay,let a ...
By David A. UtterEcommerceBytes.comOctober 07, 2013 While conventional wisdom and a morally grounded upbringing teaches the concept that there's no such thing as a free lunch, there are many people who are happy to be unencumbered by such a guideline...
How to set up an international shipping fee discount? I tried “Eited rule", but got no useful infos.Please let me know. Thank you Tom
Hi everyone, The eBay Deals program on is doing amazing! Win-win situations all around: Buyers get great discounts & Sellers get to move their inventory! If you're interested in being part of the program, please drop me an email with your Use...
I had somebody that won an auction, and now doesn't want to pay. If I re-list the item, do I still pay a final value fee to eBay, or should I start a non payment claim?
Purge 2.0 is going on down south. The "For No Reason" suspended crowd is showing up on SC dot com. Put yer tin foil hats on.
I sold an item internationally - which I normally don't do but the buyer was most interested - and after the purchase and 3+ weeks, he said no... (quote) "I CAN'T PAY IT." No reason. I just closed the Unpaid Case against him. Sporadic emails from him...
Why am I being charged insertion fees suddenly on my items, especially when I have 500 free Can listings and 500 free Amer listings and I have a store??? Are GTC not covered under the freebies if you have a store? Are the 30 days? Did this change rec... by invitation !!! And I got it First one for a long time
I have a customer asking refund because she broke it.I offer a replacement but she wants money back and claiming too fragile.I have never had the problem before.Do I have to give money back?
Is anyone else having trouble uploading photos?
Are you allowed to post pick up only?
I don't think issues like non-payment are being addressed with enough seriousness. Unpaid cases are time consuming and costly both to Ebay and the Sellers. It takes at least a week or more to relist an item or lose the second potential buyer who was ...